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Correspondence and papers. 1914-76.

This archive covering Library administration until 27 Sep. 1976 when the Library was given in trust to the Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum (approved by the Extraordinary General meeting on 24 June) contains correspondence and papers from 1914 though material before 1947 is sparse. Material has been selectively retained while correspondence etc. in whole categories such as binding, book loans, book purchases, British Union Catalogue of Periodicals, cleaning, microfilming of published articles, overdue books, photocopying, queries, UNESCO have been excluded. Other categories, Anthropological Index, Burton Library, Manuscript and House Archive collections, Museum collection, Picture collection and busts, Photograph collection and slides have been treated as separate archives. The move from 21 Bedford Square to the Dep. of Ethnography (Museum of Mankind) at 6 Burlington Gardens which commenced on 22 July 1971 and the transfer of the Library to the Dep. of Ethnography on 27 Sep. 1976 are included. See Report of the Council and the Library Committee report, 1971 in the Proceedings, 1971, pp. 87-90 for the report of the move and the Report of the Council, 1976 for the transfer; and Library Committee minutes as indicated in 51/35-6 below. See also Council and Standing Committee minutes for the same period.


Contents :

1/     Books: General

1     Co-operative schemes

2     ‘Fee books’

3     Opinions sought on purchases

4     Purchase of books in the British Museum. 1948

5     Receipt of periodical issues. 1926-41

6     Register of books borrowed. Feb. 1939 – May 1945

7     Stock book. 1950-76

2/     Books: Collections donated

3/     Books: Individual donors (selected)

4/     Books: Sales (duplicates)

5/     Books: Sales (withdrawn books)

6/     Centenary Appeal, 1971 [1972]

7/     Times Literary Supplement, 6 July 1973

8/     Classification schemes. 1945-6

9/     Classification scheme. 1947

10/     Classification scheme. 1948-9; 1950-75: correspondence

11/     Library Sub-Committee and Library Policy Committee. Minutes and papers. 1945-9

12/     Early correspondence. 1914-45

13/     Evacuation to Wales. 1941-6

14/     Exhibitions

15/     Films: General. 1943-57

16/     Films: British Broadcasting Corporation

17/     Films: Dr Verrier Elwin

18/     Films: L’Aures, M. Haeseler’s Algerian expedition

19/     Films: Lindgren expedition to NW Manchuria

20/     Films: Ministry of Education

21/     Films: Sir Robert Mond’s expedition

22/     Films: Gordon Munro’s Ainu bear festival

23/     Films: (Prof.) Ralph Piddington

24/     Films: R.L. Spittel

25/     Finance: General

26/     Finance: Grants and special funds

27/     Institutional membership and members

28/     Insurance

29/     Inter-library loans, Union catalogues (selected)

30/     Library Committee correspondence

31/     Library Committee memoranda and papers

32/     Overseas Lending Library

33/     Sound recordings, tapes

34/     Staff

35/     Move from Bedford Square to Museum of Mankind

36/     Transfer of the Library



DMB         David M. Boston, OBE, Council, 1963-6, 1969-72, 1975-7, Vice-President, 1972-5, 1977-80, Chairman, Library Committee, 1972-6


WBF         W.B. Fagg, CMG (1914-92), Hon. Secretary, 1939-56, Hon. Editor of Man, 1947-65


BJK         Miss B.J. Kirkpatrick, MBE, RAI Librarian, 1948-76


ERL         Prof. Sir Edmund R. Leach, FBA (1910-89), President, 1971-5, Council, 1946-67 passim, Vice-President, 1964-6, 1969-70, Chairman, Sub-Committee of the Executive Committee, 1945-9, Chairman, Executive Committee, 1948-55


1/     Books: General


1/     Co-operative schemes:


.1     Library Association, University and Research Section, Survey of Foreign Literature, June 1948 – questionnaire on ‘the present difficulty of obtaining foreign books.’ 4pp. (printed)


.2     RAI Librarian to Dr Marjorie Plant, 1 Sep. 1948 – questionnaire returned; incomplete as records not maintained during the war (tpc.)


.3     Dr Plant to RAI Librarian, 26 Oct. – notes material received on an exchange basis; hopes this information can be provided with addresses (autogr.)


.4     RAI Librarian to Dr Plant, 5 Nov. – list of publications received by exchange enclosed (tpc.)


.5     List of publications received by exchange. 10 leaves (tpc.); letter of acknowledgement, 6 Nov. not retained


.6     Library Association, Co-operative provision of books, periodicals and related materials, July 1954 – on books not available through the National Central Library (mimeo.)


.7     D.V. Arnold to BJK, 7 Oct. 1954 – hopes for co-operation relating to books not available (autogr.)


.8     BJK to WBF, 13 Oct. 1954 – memo on scheme (tp. annotated by WBF)


.9     BJK to D.V. Arnold, 19 Oct. – willing to co-operate; comments made on the four books noted as not available (tpc.)


.10     D.V. Arnold to BJK, 21 Oct. – would be glad to know ‘when omissions are made good’ (tp.)


2/     ‘Fee books


It was decided at the end of 1965 that reviewers should be permitted to retain the books they reviewed; hitherto they had been asked to return the books for the Library. See Library Committee minutes, 4 Nov. 1962, LC/5/1/7. During Oct.-Dec. 1971 policy with regard to expensive books was discussed.



.1     Memo on Officers’ decision to refer to the Publications Committee for comment their decision on books priced at £5 and over, Oct. 1971 (tpc.)


.2     Memo from Mrs Barbara Bentley (BB), Administrative Secretary to BJK giving Publications Committee minute setting a ceiling of £6 on books to be returned for the Library; a fee of £3 would be paid, Oct. (tp.)


.3     ERL to BB, 18 Oct. – on raising the book limit and the general principle involved (photocopy)


.4     Prof. I.M. Lewis, Editor of Man to BB, 22 Oct. – on decision agreed at the Publication Committee and referred to Dr Lionel Caplan, Reviews Editor of Man and BJK (photocopy)


.5     Mrs Valerie Phillips, Editorial Assistant, Man to BJK, 16 Nov. – on alterations to the card sent to reviewers (autogr.)


.6     BJK to VP, 18 Nov. – makes suggestions (tpc.)


.7     Memo by BJK suggesting recommendations, 29 Nov. (tp.)


.8     BJK to Prof. Lewis, 29 Nov. – lists recommendations by Lionel Caplan, VP, and BJK for his approval (tpc.)


.9     Prof. Lewis to BJK, 1 Dec. – recommendations ‘seem excellent’; will report them to the Publications Committee (tp.)


.10     WBF to Jonathan Benthall, RAI Director, 25 Nov. 1975 – on reviewing policy past and present (tpc., annotated by WBF); see Library Committee minutes, 13 Nov. 1975, Item 2diii



.11     BJK to Dr Peter Rivière, Editor, Man, 3 Aug. 1976 – on apparent change of policy on ‘fee’ books (photocopy)


.12     Ibid., 3 Sep. – ibid. (photocopy)


3/     Opinions sought on purchases (selection only retained)


.1     Miss G. Caton Thompson, FBA, 6 May 1955 – on An archaeological journey to Yemen, March-May 1947 by Ahmed Fakhry, 3 vols. (autogr.); the work was purchased


.2     J.B. Donne, Library Committee member, 2 June 1974 – on recent publications on Oceania (tp.)


.3     (Prof. Sir) E.R. Leach, President, 1971-5, 3 Nov. 1950 – on Ethnic groups of northern South East Asia by William L. Thomas, Jr (tp.) and copy of letter to the author (tpc.)


.4     Ibid., 19 Dec. 1950 – on works of Herbert Spencer (autogr.)


.5     Jeremy Montagu, 8 Aug. 1976 – on Folk musical instruments of Turkey by Laurence Picken and African music by Francis Bebey (tp.); both were obtained


4/     Purchases of books in the British Museum, 1948


.1     Lists A-F, 10 Feb. 1948. 13 leaves (tp.)


.2     List, ‘Separate list’. 2 leaves (tp.); attached note records ‘on floor in BM attic’ (not retained)


.3     List ‘for R.A.I.’, 10 Feb. 1948, 7 leaves (tp.)


.4     Additional list … for RAI, 1 leaf (tp.)


.5     Short list of German periodical titles, 1 leaf (tp.)


.6     ‘Accessions to the Library’, 3 leaves (tp.)


.7     ‘3rd list: Uganda; Anglo-Egyptian Sudan; Abyssinia; Tanganyika; Portuguese East Africa; Madagascar & Zanzibar; Kenya; East Africa General’, 3 leaves (tp.)


.8     ‘4th list: Liberia; Sierra Leone; Gold Coast; Dahomey; Portuguese East Africa; French West Africa; Nigeria; French Equatorial Africa; Angola; North Africa; Africa General; South Africa; Congo; Sudan; Abyssinia; Kenya; Uganda; Tanganyika; East Africa General; Congo’, 8 leaves (tp.)


.9     ‘5th list: General; Sir Richard F. Burton; Africa’, 2 leaves (tp.)


.10     ‘6th list: [General], 12 leaves (tp.)


.11     ‘7th list: [General], 2 leaves (tp.)


.12     List marked purchased, 1st list covering: South Africa; Congo; East Africa; Sierra Leone & Liberia; Nigeria; Gold Coast; West Africa; North Africa; Africa General; Oceania; Australia; Indonesia; Asia; Physical Anthropology; General anthropology; America, 12 leaves (tp.)


.13     List marked 2nd list covering: South Africa; leaf 5 marked: To be erased from 2nd list, South Africa, 5 leaves (tp.)


.14     Enemy Wartime Publications (Requirements) Committee, Foreign Office (German Section), 20 Apr. 1948 – outlines the history of the Committee (EP Com)(mimeo.)


See also Executive Committee minutes, 22 Feb., 18 Apr. and 13 June 1944 (A11, EM/73/2/4a, EM/73/3/4c and EM/73/4/4a, ff. 253,256-7) for books deposited at the British Museum as part of the government’s Salvage Paper Drive and the Accessions Book, 29 Feb. and 29 Nov. 1944, and Sep. 1945 (A72:3) for the books selected; and Council minutes, 25 Jan. 1944, CM/73/3/4i.


5/     Receipt of periodical issues. 2 vols. 1926-41


No record was kept after 1941 until 1948 when receipt of periodical issues was recorded on cards; this system was continued after the Library was presented to the Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum on 27 Sep. 1976.


.1     1926-38

Alphabetical list of periodicals received and date of receipt preceded by a printed list of periodical titles held recording overall dates and exchange medium, either JRAI or Man (JRAI galley proofs) pasted into the volume


.2     1936-41

Ibid. The list of periodical titles held is corrected to Dec. 1933


6/     Register of books borrowed. Feb. 1939 – May 1945


Date of borrowing, author and title of book borrowed, name of borrower, date of return, and remarks (generally concerned with postage). This information was subsequently recorded on slips which were retained for a limited period.


/7     Stock book. 1950-76


The number of books, monographs in series, pamphlets, periodicals, manuscripts, house archives, gramophone records, and current periodical titles are recorded annually: including collections received from individuals.


2/     Books: Collections donated


1/     Mrs Barbara Whitchurch Aitken (d. 13 Nov. 1967), Bequest, formerly Barbara Freire-Marreco


.1     Jonas & Parker (J&P), Solicitors, Salisbury to RAI Librarian, 27 Nov. 1967 – notifies her death and wish that the RAI should have all her books, periodicals, and reprints on American subjects and back numbers of the JRAI; she also left other material to the libraries of University College London and the Folklore Society (tp.)


.2     BJK to J&P, 4 Dec. – expresses regret at Mrs Aitken’s death and pleasure at her bequest; Folklore Society Librarian to inspect collection on behalf of the three libraries (tpc.); correspondence between BJK and the University College Librarian on the transfer of the collection to UCL and its inspection, 5 Dec. 1967 – 10 Oct. 1968 not retained


.3     Ibid., 10 Oct. 1968 – collection of American material now inspected; asks if duplicates may be sold and the proceeds spent on further books on the Americas; asks if the same policy may be adopted by the two other libraries (tpc.)


.4     J&P to BJK, 23 Oct. – permission given to sell duplicates and to the two other libraries (tp.); letters to the two other libraries, 25 Oct., not retained


.5     BJK to J&P, 25 Oct. – pleased duplicates may be sold; two other librarians informed; glad to hear if they do find any JRAI volumes (tpc.); letter from UCL Librarian, 28 Oct., not retained


.6     List 2, duplicates for sale by the RAI, 6 leaves (mimeo.); correspondence relating to the sale of the duplicates to Pampiere Wereld Antiquariaat, Amsterdam; Klaus Renner, Munich; University Library, Durham; and other booksellers not retained; List 1 duplicates for sale by UCL, and List 3 by the Folklore Society and correspondence relating to their sale, undertaken by the RAI, not retained


See Library Committee minutes, 28 Mar., 19 Nov. 1968, 20 Mar. 1969, LC/7/2/13, LC/8/1/5c, LC/8/2/12


2/     Harry G. Beasley (1882-1939) Bequest


.1     Recent accessions to the Library … from the British Museum – gift of Mrs H.G. Beasley, 24 Apr. 1948. 7 leaves (tpc.)


.2     BJK to Mrs I.M. Beasley, 4 May 1971 – requests permission to sell the duplicates, including a run of the JRAI, vols. 1-25, 28-67 (incomplete), 1871-1937, in the Beasley Collection; the proceeds would be spent on books on Oceania (tpc.); the JRAI run was sold to Monash University Library, Clayton, Victoria


.3     Mrs Beasley to BJK, 11 May – agrees to the sale of duplicates (autogr.); acknowledgement, 14 May, not retained


.4     BJK to Mrs Beasley, 19 Nov. – informs her that £370 received to date; books sold to libraries in Australia; thanks of the Library Committee conveyed (tpc.); correspondence relating to sales not retained; a further £55 was obtained


.5     Mrs Beasley to BJK, 28 Nov. – glad to know of the sale results; mentions her collecting interests; inquires about Dep. of Ethnography (autogr.)


.6     BJK to Mrs Beasley, 14 Dec. – gives information on Library premises in Dep. Of Ethnography and on the staff of the latter (tpc.)


.7     Mrs Beasley to BJK, 5 Jan 1972 – gives information on collecting interests of family, on fish hooks and items from the Beasley Collection (autogr.)


.8     BJK to Mrs Beasley, 17 Jan. – interested to know of her own Beasley Collection; will be a pleasure to purchase books in the name of the Beasley Bequest (tpc.)


.9     Catalogue of ‘The collection of Tibetan ritual art, Oceanic, Haida, Eskimo, Benin, Maori, and Asian artefacts, formally at the Cranmore Ethnographical Museum, Chislehurst, Kent, formed by the late Harry G. Beasley …’, to be sold by Graves, Son & Pilcher at Hove, 3 Mar. 1975 (printed); sent at the request of Miss M.A. Beasley


3/     Miss G. Caton Thompson, FBA, (1888-1985), Gift


.1     Miss Caton Thompson (GCT) to BJK, 30 Mar. 1974 – encloses cheque (£100) ‘for use on the library at your discretion’ (autogr.)


.2     BJK to GCT, 4 Apr. – expresses pleasure at gift; will be spent on books related to her interests (tpc.); letter informing DMB, Chairman, Library Committee, 4 Apr., not retained


.3     GCT to BJK, 8 Apr. – states her library will go to the RAI on her death (autogr.)


.4     BJK to GCT, 17 Apr. – welcomes news that her library will be received in due course; gratitude expressed for all her generosity (tpc.); at the time of GCT’s death the Library had been given by Deed of Gift to the Dep. Ethnography, BM


Correspondence relating to GCT’s many individual gifts has not been retained.


4/     James Harvey Chaplin (d. 31.3.1967), Bequest


.1     R. Lucas & Sons, solicitors, Harrow, Middlesex to RAI, 17 Sep. 1970 – confirms J.H. Chaplin’s bequest of a legacy of £600 ‘for the improvement or extension of the Institute’s library facilities; solicitor’s letter of 19 Apr. 1967 not present; statement of legacy with interest amounting to £634.18.5 enclosed tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 17 Nov. and 16 Dec. 1970, LC/10/1,4, LC/10/2,1


.2     BB to solicitors, 21 Sep. – returns receipt as requested (tpc., annotated by BB)


5/     Esperanza Trust (see also Burton Library, A103)


.1     Minutes of the Standing Committee, 6 Dec. 1973, SC/73/9/62 – following report by DMB, ERL suggested that the Trustees ‘should be approached if [BJK] felt there was a special case which could not be met from the Library Fund’ (mimeo.); see Library Committee minutes, 2 Apr. 1974, LC/13/3/24


.2     DMB to Trustees of the Esperanza Trust, 24 May 1974 – application for a grant of £250 and covering letter (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 2 Apr. 1974, LC/13/3/24, f. 88


.3     ERL to BJK, 2 Oct. – reports grant of £250 for book purchases at BJK’s discretion; understands ‘Library Committee wishes to allocate the grant … [for] new books on the Americas … concerned with human biology and archaeology’ (tp.)


.4     BJK to ERL, 14 Oct. – expresses thanks of Library Committee (tpc.)


.5     BJK to JB, 11 Aug. 1975 – memo on overspending grant; wonders whether to ask for a supplementary grant or set the sum against main book purchases (tpc.)


.6     BJK to ERL, 15 Aug. – regrets to report overspending of grant; asks on behalf of Library Committee if the Trustees would consider a supplementary grant of £60 (photocopy)


.7     ERL to JB, [Sep.] – suggests Library Committee through Council applies for further grant (autogr., photocopy); attached to /5.6 above


.8     BJK to ERL, 3 Sep. – thanks him for his generous suggestion; will be considered by the Library Committee in Oct. (tpc.)


.9     JB to Trustees, 2 Dec. – on instructions from the Standing Committee, applies for a grant of £70 to supplement the £250 awarded in 1974 (tpc.)


.10     ERL to JB, 15 Dec. – Trustees have decided to make a grant of £70 to cover deficit on books purchased (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 13 Nov. 1975, 11 Feb. 1976, LC/15/1,6, LC/15/2,6


6/     Prof. H.J. Fleure, FRS (1877-1969), Gifts


.1     BJK to Prof. Fleure (HJF), 6 Mar. 1961 – thanks him for the collection of books (tpc.)


.2     HJF to BJK, 11 July 1962 – on another collection of books; also offers his Anthropometric Survey of Wales on c. 4500 cards (autogr.)


.3     BJK to HJF, 13 July – very pleased to accept his Anthropometric Survey of Wales (MS 245) and a further collection of books (tpc.)


.4     HJF to BJK, 17 July – offers R.H. Hodgkin’s A history of the Anglo-Saxons; if held asks for it to be sent to Alan Downes (autogr.); BJK’s letter, 18 July, to Alan Downes not retained


.5     Alan Downes to BJK, 20 July – does not possess Hodgkin’s books; would be glad to have HJF’s copy (autogr.); acknowledgement, 25 July, by Alan Downes not retained; BJK’s letter to HJF, 24 July, on collection of his books, British Association’s Reports, Alan Downes, and his membership not retained


.6     BJK to HJF, 27 July – Librarian, University of East Anglia glad to accept volumes for new library provided they may dispose of those held (tpc.)


.7     Mrs Fleure to BJK, [28?] July – Librarian, University of East Anglia may dispose of duplicates (autogr.)


.8     BJK to HJF, 30 July – thanks him for the collection of books; will inform him of the sum obtained for the sale of duplicates (tpc.)


.9     HJF to BJK, 13 Aug. – asks for sum needed for his covenants to be settled from sales; has a collection of human hair specimens made by Prof. C.G. Seligman, suggests WBF or A.H. Christie could decide on its disposal; mentions J.C. Robinson’s report for the European Conference on Rural Life, 1939 (autogr.)


.10     BJK to HJF, 15 Aug. – in process of selling the duplicates (tpc.)


.11     BJK to D.R. Brothwell, British Museum, Natural History, 21 Aug. – informed he is interested in the collection of human hair; is sending the boxes (tpc.)


.12     D.R. Brothwell to BJK, 28 Aug. – glad to have the hair; aims to form a large hair collection for future reference (tp.); letter from BJK, 29 Aug., informing HJF not retained


.13     HJF to BJK, 3 Sep. – glad to know of solution to ‘hair problem’ (autogr.)


.14     Mrs Fleure to BJK, 27 Mar. 1967 – on HJF’s publications since 1954 (autogr.)


.15     BJK to HJF, 12 June – sends congratulations on 90th birthday (tpc.)


.16     HJF to BJK, 13 June – sends his thanks for letter (autogr.)


.17     Mrs Fleure to BJK, 29 July 1969 – sends thanks for condolences on HJF’s death (autogr.)


.18     BJK to Mrs Fleure, 6 Aug. – thanks her for collection of Journals; sum for their sale will be added to book fund as in the past (tpc.)


Correspondence relating to HJF’s many individual gifts has not been retained. See Executive Committee minutes, 25 Jan. 1949, EM/78/4/3i.


7/     Dr C. Hooykaas (1902-79), Gift


.1     BJK to Dr C. Hooykaas (CH), 2 Sep. 1964 – on checking an antiquarian catalogue on Indonesia, lists some books not held; Indonesian section very weak; his daughter suggests he may have some duplicates; would be interested in acquiring any not required either by purchase or gift (tpc.)


.2     CH to BJK, 3 Aug., i.e. 3 Sep. – considers it a privilege to help; names two books for the price of two jars of sauerkraut; suggests a visit of inspection for other desiderata (autogr.)


.3     BJK to CH, 7 Sep. – thanks him for the two books; would like to see his library when his plans are more settled (tpc.); BJK’s letter, 11 Sep., on the jars of sauerkraut not retained


.4     Ibid., 21 Sep. – on the editions of Cool’s De Lombok expeditie (tpc.)


.5     CH to BJK, 22 Sep. – on Cool’s book; suggests day for visiting (autogr.)


.6     BJK to CH, 28 Sep. – on day for visiting and Cool’s book (tpc.)


.7     CH to BJK, 29 Sep. – early visit preferable (autogr.); BJK’s letter, 1 Oct., specifying date not retained


.8     BJK to CH, 21 Oct. – on books selected; his gift will be reported to Library Committee; one of the most valuable ever received (tpc.)


.9     Ibid., 23 Oct. – notes arrangements for the collection of the books; lists books by him and Mrs Hooykaas held (tpc.)


.10     Prof. J.S. Weiner, President to CH, 6 Nov. – thanks him for his gift of books on Indonesia on behalf of the Standing Committee and Council (tpc.)


.11     List of books presented by CH, Oct. 1964, 3 leaves (tpc. and autogr.)


8/     G.D. Hornblower (1864-1951), Gift, Bequest


.1     G.D. Hornblower (GDH) to WBF, 2 July 1950 – informs him that he is disposing of all his effects, including books which are with Francis Edwards, antiquarian bookseller; suggests RAI might like to make a selection (autogr.)


.2     Ibid., 8 July – inquires whether anyone has agreed to select books for the Library (autogr.)


.3     GDH to BJK, 14 July – informed she has been asked to make the selection; asks her to contact Francis Edwards (autogr.)


.4     BJK to GDH, 17 July – on inspection of books; thanks him for his offer of any books, not duplicates, required (tpc.); BJK’s letter, 22 July, on selecting books, not retained


.5     GDH to BJK, 27 July – on selection; mentions Prof. Jaroslav Cerny (autogr.)


.6     BJK to GDH, 3 Aug. – encloses letter from WBF on list of books selected including some from series he may not wish to be broken (tpc.)


.7     GDH to WBF, 6 Aug. – books selected are a gift; outlines his views on books of Egyptological interest. 6 pp. (autogr.)


.8     BJK to GDH, 9 Aug. – thanks him for allowing all books selected to be kept apart from those required by the Egypt Exploration Society; Francis Edwards will deliver the books next week


.9     BJK to Prof. J. Cerny, 9 Aug. – will send him any books he may require for the Egypt Exploration Society from those selected (tpc.); BJK’s letter, 11 Aug., on GDH’s The foundations of ancient Egyptian religion and C.G. Seligman’s Frazer Lecture, not retained


.10     GDH to BJK, 14 Aug. – on his The foundations …, and Seligman’s lecture; offers a book on the Incas; gives his views of the RAI’s selection and the Egypt Exploration Society (autogr.)


.11     Prof. J. Cerny to BJK, 16 Aug. – Egypt Exploration Society has all the books listed; will suggest one volume, missing from his library, for a distinguished Egyptologist (tp.)


.12     BJK to GDH, 22 Aug. – outlines policy on selection of Egyptian material; reports Egypt Exploration Society has all the books selected; suggests sending list of RAI selections to Prof. Cerny (tpc.)


.13     Ibid., 31 Aug. – reports the arrival of his books and appreciation of the gift (tpc.); see A32, 30 Aug. 1950 for books accessioned, and Executive Committee minutes, 24 Oct. 1950, EM/80/1/3


.14     Ibid., 31 Aug. – thanks him for arranging the delivery of the books and for the time they allowed for inspection; refers to three duplicates to be returned (tpc,.); Francis Edwards’ letter, 1 Sep., on three duplicates not retained; correspondence, after GDH’s death, relating to books borrowed by him, 29 May – 20 July 1951, not retained; all the books were returned


.15     Bristows, Cooke & Carpmael, solicitors, London to RAI, 8 Oct. 1951 – GDH bequeathed two books and any others not in the Library concerned with the objects for which it was founded (tp.); BJK’s letter, 15 Oct., to the solicitors, on a further selection of books, not retained; and letter, 22 Oct., to Francis Edwards not retained


.16     BJK to solicitors, 22 Oct. – reports a further selection made; one book, bequeathed not present; encloses list of books selected (/8.20 below); BJK’s letter, 26 Oct., thanking Francis Edwards for delivering the books, not retained; see Executive Committee minutes, 27 Nov. 1951, EM/81/2/3


.17     Ibid., 7 Mar. 1952 – inquires about any trace of the missing book, New English dictionary (tpc.)


.18     Bristows, Cooke & Carpmael to BJK, 10 Mar. – regrets no trace of book; probably disposed of in GDH’s lifetime (tp.)


.19     List of books selected. 2 leaves (tpc.)


.20     Ibid., second selection (tpc.)


See Executive Committee minutes, 24 Oct. 1950, 27 Nov. 1951, EM/80/1/3ii, EM/81/2/3i.


9/     R.C.E. Long (1872-1951) Bequest


.1     A. & L. Goodbody, Dublin, Solicitors to RAI, 6 Nov. 1951 – acting for R.C.E. Long’s executors; in his will left all his library to the RAI including a small Egyptian papyrus, reproductions of Maya and Mexican codices, and a bronze spearhead; anything not accepted to be sold through an English bookseller; suggests a visit from the RAI (tp.)


.2     Miss Felicia Stallman (FS) to A. & L. Goodbody, 22 Nov. – acknowledges letter and generous bequest; a visit is under consideration (tpc.)


.3     A. & L. Goodbody to FS, 22 Nov. – immediate action required as the house is to be sold (tp.)


.4     FS to A. & L. Goodbody, 26 Nov. – no one available to visit library; suggests whole collection should be despatched to a London bookseller; suggests names (tpc.); solicitors’ letter, 26 Nov. on sale of house and inventory of collection not retained


.5     A. & L. Goodbody to FS, 28 Nov. – thinks suggestion sensible but suggests sending the collection to RAI (tp.); FS’s letter, 30 Nov. and solicitors’, 4 Dec. on size of collection not retained


.6     Ibid., 10 Dec. – have forwarded papyrus roll and spearhead to Francis Edwards Ltd.; collection in process of being sent (tp.); Francis Edwards’s letter, 12 Mar. 1952 on the roll and spearhead not retained


.7     FS to Francis Edwards Ltd., 19 Mar. – RAI have decided to renounce the spearhead; would be glad if they would despatch it to the National Museum of Ireland (tpc.)


.8     List of books received, most of them on the Americas. 4 leaves (tp.); see A32, 18 Mar. 1952 for books accessioned; see Executive Committee minutes, 27 Nov., 11 Dec. 1951, and 22 Apr. 1952, EM/81/2/3, EM/81/3/1, EM/81/7/3


10     J.P. Mills (1890-1960), President,1951-3, Gift


.1     List of books presented, 20 May 1952 (tpc.)


.2     Ibid., 6 and 12 June 1952 (tpc.)


.3     BJK to J.P. Mills (JPM), 10 July 1952 – on disposal of five books of marginal interest; suggests New Testament in Ao Naga should be offered to the School of Oriental and African Studies following previous policy; would like to add the others to the collection of duplicates to be sold (tpc.)


.4     JPM to BJK, 13 July – agrees with suggestions (autogr.)


.5     BJK to JPM, 30 July – informs him of the sum received from sales (tpc.)


.6     JPM to BJK, 31 July – delighted at the sum received; does not wish to lay down conditions for books purchased from sale; intends presenting his books on Assam and SE Asia later (autogr.); BJK’s letter, 12 Aug., informing him of the value of books presented (c. £60), not retained


.7     Ibid., 13 Aug. – ‘most proud of the total’ (autogr.)


.8     BJK to JPM, 21 May 1953 – Executive Committee has asked her to inquire if he would agree to the purchase of dictionaries for the reference collection and some German periodicals from his fund (tpc.)


.9     JPM to BJK, 25 May – agrees to purchase (autogr.); BJK’s acknowledgement, 28 May, not retained


.10     Ibid., 18 Nov. 1955 – offers to present book; inquires best shop to offer review copies (autogr. pc.)


.11     BJK to JPM, 23 Nov. – accepts offer; names bookshops; informs him of the last book purchased from his fund (tpc.)


.12     JPM to BJK, 24 Nov. – book to be posted (autogr.); BJK’s acknowledgement, 25 Nov., not retained


Correspondence relating to JPM’s individual gifts has not been retained. See Executive Committee minutes, 17 June and 13 Oct. 1952, 18 June 1953, EM/81/9/3i, EM/82/1/7, EM/82/9/1; see also /30/70 below.