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18/     Films: L’Aures, M. Haeseler’s Algerian expedition

Shawyia Berbers, Algeria, 4 reels; presented by Mrs M.W. Hilton-Simpson, 28 July 1938 – list of shots. 9 leaves (tp.)


19/     Films: Lindgren expedition to NW Manchuria, 1931-2

The Reindeer Tungus, 4 reels; The Numinchens, 2 ½ reels; Festivals of Nomad Barga, 4 reels; The Ganjur fair and temple, 1 ¼ reels; deposited by Dr E.J. Lindgren with the British Film Institute, Nov. 1934 – descriptive list (tpc.)


20/     Films: Ministry of Education

1     Mrs Jaquette(a) Hawkes , Ministry of Education, to FS, 11 Dec. 1946 – hopes RAI will allow films deposited at the British Film Institute to be copied by the Ministry (tp.)


2     Ibid., to BFI, 11 Dec. – asks for list of films deposited by RAI; would like to view them; Ministry wishes to make films deposited by learned societies available for wider educational use; enclosed in /1 above (tpc.)


3     FS to Mrs Hawkes, 17 Dec. – thinks RAI would be prepared to have films copied; need to consult Council (tpc.)


4     Mrs Hawkes to FS, 1 Jan. 1947 – has heard RAI has two films deposited, both positives; inquires about negatives; intends to view them soon (tp., annotated by WBF)


21/     Films: Sir Robert Mond’s expedition to Egypt


1     BJK to WBF, 18 Jan. 1954 – note asking if he knows anything about the three tins of films on Egyptian subjects in the safe (tp., annotated by WBF)


2     BJK to H.A. Powell, Dep. of Anthropology, University College London, 24 Apr. – hopes he can give advice on films soon (tpc.)


3     BJK to WBF, 30 Apr. – note on consulting A.J. Arkell (tp., annotated by WBF); see Library Committee minutes, 21 Jan.-18 Feb. 1954, EM/83/4/3iii, EM/83/5/1


22/     Films: N. Gordon Munro’s Ainu bear festival

1     British Film Institute (BFI) to RAI, 1 July 1938 – willing to accept storage of films, i.e. Ainu bear festival, 5 reels, and Aures (see /18 above); available on request to RAI or donor (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 21 Jan. 1954, EM/83/4/3iii


2     Ibid., 28 July – acknowledges receipt of films on permanent loan (tp.)


3     BJK to Tom Harrisson, 25 Nov. 1953 – names two films on deposit with BFI; decided may not be used unless copies are made; suggests other sources for films (tpc.)


4     Tom Harrisson to BJK, 26 Nov. – Ainu film just what he needs; sure he can arrange for copies to be made (autogr.)


5     BJK to Tom Harrisson, 7 Dec. – BBC Television wish to see film; uncertain whether he is pursuing matter of copying the film (tpc.)


6     Tom Harrisson to BJK, 8 Dec. – undertakes to get a copy made (telegram)


7     BJK to BFI, 23 Dec. – confirms permission given to BBC Television to reproduce part of film (tpc.)


8     BJK to Dr James Woodburn, 16 Jan. 1974 – informs him of the list of captions of the film sent from Hokkaido; reminds him of the Ethnographic Film Committee file he has on loan (tpc.)


9     List of inserted titles or captions of the film ‘The Kamui Iomande’ i.e. Ainu bear festival; probably by Gordon Munro, kept at Hokkaido University. [15] leaves (mimeo.)


23/     Films: (Prof.) Ralph Piddington (RP), Dep. of Social Anthropology, University of Edinburgh


1     RP to FS, 23 Apr. 1948 – uses films in teaching; wishes to know if he could hire RAI films (tp.)


2     Ibid., 30 June – now Council has agreed to loan films in principle, would like a list and to borrow selected ones (tp.); see Library Policy Committee minutes, 19 May 1947, LPC/1/47/10b (A10:5, f.506) and Council minutes, 3 June 1947, CM/76/9/4b


3     FS to RP, 27 July – BFI confirms it has two films; despite Council’s agreement to loans in principle, thinks the Officers should consider the matter more carefully; obtaining report on copying (tp.)


4     RP to FS, 6 Aug. – mentions invitation to address the RAI; would prefer to do so next session; grateful for the trouble taken over the films; provided they are suitable, will pay cost of copying; James Littlejohn will call to view films (tp.)


5     James Littlejohn to FS, 19 Aug. – has viewed the two films; reports on them; gives approximate reproduction costs (autogr.)


24/     Films: R.L. Spittel


1     R.L. Spittel to FS, 28 Nov. 1948 – offers to show his films of the Veddas and to give a talk ‘Ceylon jungles and the Vedda aborigines’; returning to Ceylon at end of Dec. (autogr.)


2     FS to R.L. Spittel, 13 Dec. – regrets programmes for session already arranged; would like to view his films; asks when he will return (tpc.)


25/     Finance: General


Routine correspondence and papers dealing with the Library budget and expenditure have not been retained.


1     Note for the Ways and Means Committee by ERL, 26 Mar. 1952 (mimeo.)


2     Budget of expenditure … for the year ending 30 June 1952; personal views of ERL and BJK for consideration of the Ways and Means Committee (mimeo.)


3     Memorandum presented to the Ways and Means Committee, 4 Mar. 1953 (mimeo.)


4     Library expansion, estimated expenditure, 23 June 1954 (tpc.)


5     BJK to DMB, 19 Sep. 1972 on VAT and the Public Lending Right and other matters (tpc.)


6     BJK to the Library Association, 19 Sep. 1972 – on VAT; urges the LA to press for exemption for learned society libraries (tpc.)


7     BJK to A.V.S. de Reuck, Hon. Treasurer, 27 Oct. 1972 – on VAT (tpc.)


8     Subject coverage in the Library and cost, presented to the Library Committee, 4 Sep. 1975 (tpc.)


9     Possible alternative funding if the BM cannot accept responsibility, presented ibid. (tpc.)


10     Job description, presented ibid. (tpc.)


11     Budget, Oct.-Dec. 1976 and RAI responsibilities covered by WBF, Hon. Librarian, 31 Aug. 1976 – presented to Finance Committee, 13 Sep. 1976. 3 leaves (tp. copy)


26/     Finance: Grants and special funds


1     General: covering funds and bequests, H.G. Beasley, British Academy, British Library Board, Burton Library, Dr G. Caton-Thompson, James H. Chaplin, Esperanza, W.B. Fagg, Library Fund, Prof. Lucy Mair, Dr M.W. Smith, Miss M.L. Tildesley, 1975-6. 3 leaves (autogr., tp.)


2     British Library Board (BLB)



.1     ERL to BLB, 26 July 1973 – on support needed for Library (tp. copy)


.2     BJK to BLB, 23 Nov. – on enclosed documents supporting application (tpc.); see /.3-.4 below


.3     Application, Section A: Securing the future of the RAI Library, 2 leaves (tpc.)


.4     Ibid., B: details on the Library. 4 leaves (tpc.)



.5     BJK to BLB, 7 Mar. 1974 – encloses costing of Anthropological Index (AI) and Photographic Collection (tpc.); see /.6 below


.6     Application: details on the AI and Photographic Collection (tp. copy)


.7     BLB to ERL, 1 May – awards grant of £5000 AI and Photographic Collection (tp. copy)


.8     Serials staff work: a tentative arrangement for two members of staff by Sheila T. Mackay, 12 May. 3 leaves (tp.)


.9     ERL to JB, 13 May – gives message for BJK on Haddon slides at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge (tp.)


.10     BJK to DMB, 13 May – on allocation of BLB grant and Library Committee meeting (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 11 June 1974, LC/13/4/32


.11     JB to DMB and BJK, 14 May – on allocation of grant and report to Finance Committee (tp. copy)


.12     BJK to DMB, 21 May – on allocation of grant (tpc.)


.13     BLB grant – allocation for AI and Photographic Collection, 31 May (tp. copy)


.14     Draft press release by BLB on 4 specialist libraries receiving grants, 31 Oct. (tpc.)


.15     BJK to BLB, 7 Nov. – on proposed press release and RAI approval (tpc.)



.16     BLB grant 1974/5 – expenditure, 15 Jan. 1975 (tpc.)


.17     BLB grant anticipated for 1975/6 (tp.)


.18     Ibid., revised draft, 11 Mar. (tpc.)


.19     ERL to BLB, 20 Mar. – on report on the grant for 1974/5 (tpc.); see /.20 below


.20     Report for 1974/5 (tpc.)


.21     BLB to ERL, 26 Mar. – impressed by photographic project; would like a small presentation from the project to feature in the quarterly BL exhibition (tp. copy)


.22     Dr D.R. Brothwell, Chairman, Library Committee to BLB, 20 June – would appreciate a supplementary grant of 20% to cover inflation; hopes it will be considered (tpc.); see /.23 below for details


.23     Supplementary grant – figures in support of application (tpc.)


.24     BLB to BJK, 15 Aug. – supplement agreed (tp.)


.25     BJK to BLB, 18 Aug. – conveys appreciation for the supplement; annotated, 27 Oct., exhibition deferred (see /.21 above)(tpc.)



.26     Library Committee, AI budget, 1976, 26 Jan. (tp. copy)


.27     Notes of a meeting with the British Library confirmed by JB and BLB, 11 Mar. (tpc.)


.28     DMB to BLB, 12 Mar. – encloses report for 1975/6; mentions some aspects (tpc.); see /.29 below


.29     Report for 1975/6 (tpc.)


.30     Note from BJK to JB, 25 Aug. – estimates for AI and BLB grant, 1976/7 (tpc.)


3     Gulbenkian Foundation


.1     BJK to MWS, 8 Aug. 1957 – note on a suitable project (tp., with autogr. reply by MWS)


.2     Ibid., 30 Aug. – note on travel and the Middle East section (tpc.)


4     International Congress of Americanists


.1     Dr G.H.S. Bushnell to BJK, 8 Nov. 1952 – on presentation by Organizing Committee of the scrapbook, Comparative archaeology: old and new world by Ruth Verrill (tp.); BJK’s letter of thanks, 12 Nov., and noting its addition to the Photographic Collection, not retained


.2     Council minute, 3 June 1954 on sales of the Proceedings of the XXXth Congress to assist the ‘improvement of the American section’ (mimeo.)


.3     BJK to MWS and WBF, 11 Apr. 1956 – note on sales and the Library benefit (tp., annotated by MWS); see /.2 above


5     Library Fund


.1     Appeal Book Fund and sale of duplicates – sums raised, 18 Dec. 1959 (tpc.)


.2     BJK to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, KCMG, Hon. Treasurer, 7 Apr. 1961 – on the sale of duplicates and the New Library Fund (tpc.)


.3     Ibid., 21 June – on the sale of duplicate books and sets of periodicals (tp.)


.4     Library Committee, 4 Nov. 1965, LC/5/1, on Dr M.W. Smith’s bequest (tp.)


.5     BJK to A.V.S. de Reuck, Hon. Treasurer, 30 June 1971 – memo on the Library Fund and its appearance in the accounts published in Proceedings, 1970 (tpc.)


.6     Note on publications received from Leningrad, 31 Oct. 1972 (tp.)


.7     BJK to A.V.S. de Reuck, 2 May 1973 – on reproduction fees from the Photographic Collection; mentions Dr M.W. Smith Bequest (tpc.)


.8     A.V.S. de Reuck to BJK, 6 May – very sympathetic to suggestion that reproduction fees should be credited to the Library Fund; hopes to persuade the Finance Committee to minute it (autogr.); no Finance Committee minutes are held for 1973


.9     JB to BJK, 3 Nov. 1975 – note on the BLB grant, the Library Fund and the accounts in the Annu. Rep. (autogr.)


6     Royal Society (RS)


.1     MWS to RS, 11 June 1959 – application for grant (tpc.)


.2     Ibid., 4 June 1960 – ibid. (tpc.)


.3     A.H. Christie, Hon. Secretary, 14 June 1961 – ibid. (tpc.)


7     Viking Fund/Wenner-Gren Foundation


.1     President, RAI to Viking Fund, NY, 2 Dec. 1948 – application for grant ‘for assistance in its task of re-organization’. [9] leaves (tpc.); received in 1949 (see letter, /.5 below); there is no reference in Council or Executive Committee minutes


.2     Viking Fund grant, $5000 (£1784 2s. 5p.) – allocation of grant (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 21 Mar.,25 Apr., 23 May and 21 Nov. 1950, ff. 351-2, 354, 363, EM/79/8, EM/80/2


.3     Application for a grant of $166.10 to cover the cost of purchase and shipment of publications published in USA and unobtainable in the UK (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 19 Feb., 18 Mar. 1952, ff. 389, 392, EM/81/5-6; the grants, including /.4 below, were not obtained; see Executive Committee minutes, 13 Oct. 1952, f. 399


.4     Application for a grant of $3000 to cover cost of preparation and publication of an index to the JRAI, 1892-1950 (mimeo.); application submitted with /.3 above


.5     WBF to Wenner-Gren Foundation, 14 Dec. 1955 – application for £150 to microfilm Library catalogue (tpc.); see 28/6-10 below; see also Executive Committee minutes, 16 June, 27 Oct. 1955 and 16 Feb. 1956, EM/84/9/3i, EM/85/1/2, EM/85/5/3


.6     BJK to WBF, 14 Dec. – comments on above letter (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 16 June 1955, EM/84/9/3-1


27/     Institutional membership and Members. Museum of Mankind

1     List of members, 31 Jan. 1974 (tpc.)


2     Note to Hall Superintendent, Museum of Mankind, 4 Feb. 1974 – description of tickets issued to Fellows and others (tpc.)


3     Ibid., 1 Mar. 1974 – description of new category, Members; orange card enclosed (tpc., printed)


Correspondence with institutional members not retained.


28/     Insurance



1     Inventory & valuation of Library & stock publications, Mar. 1913. [i], 21, 14 leaves (tp.)



2     Inventory of accessions, 1931-7 with covering note by Francis Edwards Ltd, 31 Dec. 1937. [i], 7 leaves (tp.)



3     L.J.P. Gaskin, Hon. Librarian to Miss K.M. Martindell, Assistant Secretary, 15 May 1940 – on endorsing policy for £500 (autogr.)



4     BJK to Hon. Treasurer, 11 Nov. 1955 – on valuation (tpc.)


5     Ibid., 18 Nov. 1955 – on valuation of the Burton Library (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 17 Nov. 1955, EM/85/2/1. See also Executive Committee minutes, 19 June 1951, EM/80/9/3iv



6     BJK to Mrs E.M. Chilver, 23 Nov. 1957 – advice sought on government plans for storage of microfilms as an insurance in emergencies (tpc.)


7     BJK to MWS, 28 Feb. – Mrs Chilver’s report; WBF suggests University College of Wales Aberystwyth through Prof. E.G. Bowen (tp.); BJK’s letters to Prof. Bowen, 6 Mar. and 5 Apr., not retained


8     Librarian, University College, Aberystwyth, 8 Apr. – glad to house microfilm reels but suggests National Library of Wales might be safer (tp.); BJK’s letters to University College, 5 and 12 Apr., not retained


9     BJK to Librarian, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth, 12 Apr. – on storing 5 microfilms and annual additions (tpc.)


10     Librarian, National Library of Wales, 15 Apr. – looks forward to receiving microfilms (tp.)


11     BJK to Wenner-Gren Foundation, NY, 18 Apr. – positive microfilm of author catalogue being sent; mentions deposit with National Library of Wales (tpc.)


12     Wenner-Gren Foundation to BJK, 15 May – acknowledges receipt of the microfilms (tpc.)


13     Librarian, National Library of Wales to BJK, 29 May – ibid. (tp.); BJK’s letter to National Library, 27 May, not retained


14     Wenner-Gren Foundation to MWS, [May] – on completion of microfilming (tpc.)



15     Librarian, National Library of Wales, 24 Aug. 1962 – acknowledges receipt of 2 microfilms covering accessions, Apr. 1957 to May 1962 for safe deposit (tp.); BJK’s letter to National Library, 21 and 23 Aug., and reply of 22 Aug., not retained


16     BJK to Wenner-Gren Foundation, 27 Aug. – 2 microfilms of accessions being sent for deposit (tpc.)


17     Wenner-Gren Foundation to BJK, 13 Sep. – acknowledges receipt of microfilms (tp.)



18     Insurance 1973/4. 4 leaves (tp. copy)


29/     Inter-library loans, Union catalogues (selected)


1     Conditions of loans to the National Central Library, later British Library, Lending Division (NCL)


2     BJK to NCL, 29 Sep. 1971 – on the re-opening of the Library in the Museum of Mankind; hopes the same loan conditions will apply (tpc.)


3     NCL to BJK, 30 Sep. – pleased to resume previous arrangement (tp.)


4     Ibid., 23 Oct. 1972 – on improving access to foreign language books; asks for submission of entries of all such books received from Jan. 1973 (tp.)


5     BJK to NCL (BL), 4 Dec. – reports Library Committee agrees in principle; inquires about offered financial help (tpc.)


6     Ibid., 21 Dec. – gives costs of participating in scheme (tpc.)


7     Ibid., 8 Jan. 1973 – acknowledges receipt of cheque; hopes to send entries at monthly intervals (tpc.)


8     Ibid., 4 Dec. 1973 – pleased to continue present arrangement for loans; also participating in foreign language scheme (tpc.)


9     BL to BJK, 31 Dec. 1973 – film of RAI catalogues will be sent; wish foreign language scheme to continue in 1974 (tp.)


10     Ibid., 9 Aug. 1974 – wish to continue to receive ‘entries for your unique foreign language acquisitions’; outlines other developments (tp.)


11     BJK to BL, 23 Aug. 1974 – pleased to send entries for pre-1972 English language books; hopes new style entries will be acceptable (tpc.)


30/     Library Committee correspondence



1     BJK to ERL, 2 Nov. 1948 – on sending his boiler suit and hopes for his continuing interest in the Library (tpc.)



2     ERL to BJK, 9 Mar. 1949 – on the purchase of German publications (autogr. pc.)


3     ERL to WBF, 31 Mar. – on Man reviews and Library acquisition policy; and duplicates. 4 pp. (tpc.)


4     ERL to BJK, 25 Apr. – on book purchases (autogr.)


5     Ibid., 2 June – on ‘manifesto’ to members of the Executive Committee (autogr.)


6     Manifesto (draft). 2 leaves (tp.)


7     Manifesto, 9 June covering disposal of duplicates, ‘throw outs’, Man reviews. 2 leaves (mimeo.)


8     BJK to Mrs K. Rishbeth, 30 June – thanks her for comments on the circular; general feeling that duplicates should be offered to libraries (tpc.)


9     BJK to ERL, 6 July – on the inclusion of monograph series in the subject catalogue and temporary shelf arrangement during classification of material (tpc.)


10     Ibid., 1 Sep. – on asking Fellows to pay postage both ways on books borrowed; encloses draft proposals on book reviews to be discussed with WBF (tpc.)


11     Draft proposals, for ‘Book reviews in Man’ (tp., annotated by ERL)


12     ERL to BJK, 3 Sep. – comments on draft proposals; difficulty of finding reviewers especially for monographs; backlog of reviews. 4 pp. (autogr.)


13     Further report on ‘Reviews in Man’ by BJK, 6 Sep. (tpc.)


14     ERL to WBF, 16 Sep. – outlines conclusions reached with BJK on reviews; asks for his view (tpc.)


15     WBF to ERL, 11 Oct. – gives his views on ERL’s suggestions for reviewing policy (tpc.)


16     ERL to BJK, 19 Oct. – outlines points outstanding including integration of review policy and Library acquisition policy; duplicates to be retained by the reviewer; Overseas Library; BJK to take responsibility for administering review section of Man; need to improve routine (autogr.)


17     BJK to ERL, 20 Oct. – on inviting Dr J.C. Trevor (JCT) to serve on Executive Committee; comments on the points he wishes to discuss with WBF; now responsible for reviews; correcting proofs of the ‘List of Periodicals’ (tpc.)


18     BJK to JCT, 22 Oct. – books that seem outside the scope of the Library are being weeded out and listed for consideration by the Executive Committee; wishes to ensure no books of value to physical anthropologists are withdrawn; hopes he will serve on the Committee (tpc.)


19     JCT to BJK, 30 Oct. – glad to help with physical anthropology books; does not know if he is on the Executive Committee (autogr.)


20     BJK to JCT, 1 Nov. – pleased he is willing to safeguard physical anthropology books; his appointment will be confirmed by Council (tpc.)


21     BJK to ERL, 3 Nov. – on book purchases; refers to purchase of second editions (tpc.)


22     ERL to BJK, 6 Nov. – comments on purchases and policy (tp., with annotations)


23     BJK to ERL, 10 Nov. – on acquiring second editions; Bliss classification; disposal of books; staff (tpc.)


24     Ibid., 11 Nov. – on book reviews; Dr W.J. Perry’s library (tpc.)


25     BJK to Mrs B.Z. Seligman, 11 Nov. – on disposal of books; lists circulated; any queried will be available at next Executive Committee (tpc.)


26     BJK to ERL, 14 Nov. – encloses draft on books not held for circulation to Council; mentions Somerville manuscripts (tpc.)


27     Draft circular, ‘Deficiencies in the Library’s Book Stock’ (tpc.)


28     ERL to BJK, 14 Nov. – refers to circular; Somerville manuscripts; Bliss classification, reviews, disposal of books (tp.)


29     BJK to ERL, 16 Nov. – on disposal of books, exchanges, Somerville manuscripts, reviews, purchases (tpc.)


30     Ibid., 9 Dec. – refers to earlier publication of reviews and reviewers for books on physical anthropology and pre-history (tpc.)


31     ERL to BJK, 12 Dec. – comments on BJK’s letter of 9 Dec. (tp.)


32     BJK to ERL, 20 Dec. – on purchases, book disposal, and reviews (tpc.)


33     ERL to WBF, 22 Dec. – on coordinating books reviewed with the Library’s acquisition policy; gives views of Executive Committee; no decision to be taken during his absence (tpc.)


34     ERL to BJK, 24 Dec. – refers to Musée de l’Homme invitation, purchases, book disposals, and reviews (tp.)



35     BJK to ERL, 20 Jan. 1950 – on Executive Committee agenda covering selection of books for review, book purchases, books outstanding for review (tpc.)


36     Ibid., 15 Feb. – on use of the library by non-members, new books selected for review, and purchases (tpc.)


37     Ibid., 1 Mar. – on the RAI’s films and the Scientific Film Association (tpc.)


38     ERL to BJK, 2 Mar. – ibid. (autogr.)


39     BJK to ERL, 22 Apr. on the British Ethnography Committee (see EM/79/6/4v), books for disposal, purchases (tpc.)


40     Ibid., 1 May – suggests report on progress in the Library; encloses draft (tpc.)


41     Draft report on ‘Library policy: cataloguing and classification’ (tpc.)


42     ERL to BJK, 2 May – comments on draft; suggests it should be sent to Executive Committee members (tp.); see EM/79/8/3/3


43     BJK to ERL, 8 May – encloses amended draft; refers to indexing of periodicals and bibliographies (tpc.)


44     WBF to BJK, 10 May – supports policy document; wishes to see books for disposal; mentions reviewers (autogr.)


45     ERL to BJK, [-May] – gives outline of Prof. V.G. Childe’s views; makes suggestions (tp.)


46     BJK to ERL, 22 May – replies to suggestions; asks for Executive Committee members to state what they want; does not wish to be at variance with their views (tpc.)


47     Ibid., 12 June – on agenda for 20 June; protests at lack of information on possible Corporate membership; refers to information service; not prepared to undertake work connected with the former; rest of staff financed by Viking Fund and cannot be diverted to other work (tpc.)


48     ERL to BJK, 13 June – on his and other Council members opposition to corporate scheme; revised circular to be submitted to Executive Committee; Council resolution that corporate rights would be similar to ordinary Fellows; encloses draft submitted to Council and his revised draft (/49-50 below); gives assurances on the Library’s position (tp.)


49     Corporate Membership – draft presented to Council (mimeo.)


50     Ibid., ERL’s revised draft (tpc.)


51     Ibid., BJK’s comments, annotated by ERL, 15 June (tp.)


52     Information work, comments by BJK (tpc.)


53     Dr J.C. Trevor to BJK, 19 June – on books for disposal (autogr. pc.)


54     BJK to ERL, 6 Nov. – suggests minutes of the Executive Committee need amendment (i.e. to the meeting on 24 Oct., EM/80/1); refers to the photographic collection (tpc.)


55     Ibid., 17 Nov. – on Executive Committee, Viking Fund grant, and photographic collection; mentions new reviewers for Man (tpc.)


56     ERL to BJK, 18 Nov. – has discussed Viking Fund grant with President and WBF; President suggests current staff contracts should proceed on the assumption of its continuation; makes a number of suggestions for reviewers (autogr.)


57     BJK to ERL, 6 Dec. – on exchanges, books for disposal, discounts on expensive books, and their presentation (tpc.)



58     Viking Fund grant – draft report by ERL and covering letter, [13 Jan.](tp., annotated by ERL)


59     Books for disposal, List O – books noted for consideration by H.J. Braunholtz (mimeo.)


60     BJK to ERL, 7 June – on accommodation in the proposed Science Centre (tpc.)


61     ERL to BJK, 5 Dec. – on US dollar purchases from the Viking Fund grant and ERL’s gift of £50 (autogr.)


62     BJK to ERL, 6 Dec. – on Viking Fund purchases; ERL’s gift; closure of Reading Room when Council meets (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 11 Dec. 1951, 22 Jan., 19 Feb. 1952, EM/81/3-EM/81/5


63     ERL to BJK, 7 Dec. – encloses copy of a letter to the President protesting at the Reading Room closure and covering letter ((tp., tpc.); see /31/8 below


64     WBF to BJK, 13 Dec. – on report to the Wenner-Gren Foundation (Viking Fund) and Reading Room closure (autogr.)



65     Note for the Ways and Means Committee by ERL at the request of the Executive Committee on the Library budget, 26 Mar. 1952 (mimeo.)


66     ERL to BJK, 7 May – reports on Council’s decision on Library finance; encloses copy of letter to WBF (/67 below)(tp.)


67     ERL to WBF, 7 May – on Council’s decision (photocopy)


68     WBF to ERL, 8 May – replies to ERL’s letter (tpc.)


69     Budget of expenditure … for the year ending 30 June 1952 by ERL on the instruction of the Executive Committee for the Ways and Means Committee (mimeo.)


70     BJK to ERL, 30 July – reports sale of J.P. Mills’s duplicates for £70 (tpc.); see also /2/10 above


71     ERL to BJK, 2 Aug. – refers to J.P. Mills’s duplicates; reports the LSE’s Librarian’s suggested conference of certain libraries on anthropological journals (autogr.)


72     BJK to ERL, 9 Aug. – supports suggestion of a conference; ERL’s readiness to lend from his library; Library’s periodical holdings included in the World List of scientific periodicals and the British Union Catalogue of Periodicals (tpc.)



73     WBF to BJK, Ife, Nigeria, 14 Feb. 1953 – on books to be considered for disposal at Executive Committee, 19 Feb. 1953, EM/82/5/3 (autogr.)


74     BJK to ERL, 11 May – on Executive Committee agenda; Library budget and Mrs B.Z. Seligman’s covenant; purchase of American journals (tpc.)


75     ERL to BJK, [12 May] – on budget and Mrs Seligman’s covenant (tp.)


76     BJK to ERL, 13 July – on his move to Cambridge and appreciation of his help (tpc.)


77     ERL to BJK, [10 Oct.] – thinks he will be on the Executive Committee again; refers to the published periodicals list; suggests other schemes; refers to Prof. (Sir) R.W. Firth as new President (autogr.)



78     Statement on book acquisitions, [15 Feb. 1954](tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 18 Feb., 18 Mar. 1954, EM/83/5/4b, EM/83/6/3


79     WBF’s comments on statement, 2 Mar. (tp. and autogr.)


80     Ibid. on draft minutes, non-library matters raised and acquisition discussion, 19 Mar. (tp. and autogr.)


81     BJK to ERL, 9 June – on Executive Committee agenda; Prof. Firth’s hope of money from the Friends of the RAI (tp.)


82     ERL to BJK, c. 20 June – on expansion and financial requirements (tp.)


83     Ibid., Madawachchiya, Ceylon, 29 Sep. – on books published in Ceylon (tp.)


84     Ibid., 19 Oct. – ibid. (tp.)


85     BJK to Miss M.L. Tildesley, 16 Nov. – on the acquisition of Sir Richard Burton’s Library (tpc.); see also A103


86     BJK to ERL, 25 Nov. – reports on the Executive Committee’s recommendation to Council on the Burton Library (tpc.)



87     Ibid., 19 Feb. 1955 – on finance, salaries, and duplicates of much consulted books (tpc.)


88     ERL to BJK, 22 Feb. – on finance and his reservations about duplicates (autogr.)


89     Ibid., 9 Mar. – on duplicates and departmental reading lists (tp.)


90     BJK to ERL, 12 Mar. – on duplicates and salaries; reports Kensington Public Libraries are prepared to transfer the Burton Library (tpc.)


90.1     BJK to WBF, 20 June – note and draft applications for grant to cover the cost of an index to JRAI (tp., mimeo.)


91     BJK to ERL, 12 Oct. – regrets he will be unable to serve on the Executive Committee; notes the Library’s loss (tpc.)


92     ERL to BJK, 13 Oct. – expects to ‘return to the fray’ (autogr.)



93     BJK to Mrs B.Z. Seligman, 20 Feb. 1956 – thanks her for her offer to present books to the value of £50; especially welcome in view of the heavy cuts in the Library budget (tpc.)



94     MWS to R.G. Stansfield, Dep. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 10 May 1957 – discusses a bibliography on anthropology in industry (tpc.)



95     Miss Barbara Ward (BW), Chairman, Library Committee to BJK, 3 Mar. 1970 – on the annual report and minutes; refers to the Burton Library (autogr.)


96     BJK to BW, 6 May – on next Library Committee; concerned about book losses; refers to Burton Library and staff vacancies (tpc.)


97     Ibid., 13 May – on agenda and book losses (tpc.)



98     BJK to DMB, 10 Apr. 1971 – on staffing implications of the move to Burlington Gardens (tpc.)


99     DMB to BJK, 11 May – ibid., and the Committee agenda (tp.)


100     BJK to DMB, 14 May – on plans for the move; ‘fee’ books; rent required by Treasury (tpc.)


101     Dr G. Ainsworth Harrison, President, to BJK, 1 June – unable to attend Library Committee meeting; refers to ERL’s generosity in enabling the acceptance of the British Museum’s terms (tp.)


102     BJK to DMB, 7 Sep. – on staffing problems (tpc.)


103     A.V.S. de Reuck, Hon. Treasurer, to BJK, 11 Oct. – unable to attend Library Committee meeting; comments on ‘fee’ books (autogr.)


104     BJK to A.V.S. de Reuck, 15 Oct. – notes items on agenda (tpc.)


105     BJK to DMB, 11 Nov. – refers to Library budget; Anthrop. Index printing costs; ‘fee’ books; possibility of discontinuing the Proceedings and its effect on Library exchanges (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 30 Nov. 1972, LC/12/2/13


106     DMB to ERL, 1 Dec. – mentions Horniman Museum lectures; refers to the value of the Proceedings for exchange and the value of journals received in exchange (tpc.)


107     ERL to BJK, 18 Dec. – acknowledges negative of himself and Dr J.S. Weiner with removal van (see Proceedings, 1971, plate 22); gives encouragement (autogr.)


108     A.V.S. de Reuck to BJK, 21 Dec. – stresses the value he puts on the work of the various committees (autogr.)



109     D.R. Brothwell to BJK, 16 Oct. 1972 – on returning to Council hopes to help the Library; on securing permanent accommodation and options available (tp.)


110     BJK to DMB, 24 Oct. – on agenda, policy statement; Burton Library, Anthrop. Index, institutional membership (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 30 Nov. 1972, LC/12/2/13-14


111     BJK to D.R. Brothwell, 27 Oct. – reports his adoption as a member of the Committee; grateful for his suggestions; will be covered by a policy statement (tpc.)


112     BJK to DMB, 31 Oct. – on agenda, Anthrop. Index and British Academy (tpc.)


113     BJK to B.H.D. MacDermot, 14 Nov. – encloses information for (/114 below) his meeting at the House of Commons on 28 Nov. (tpc.)


114     Use of the Library by readers and inquirers other than Fellows (tpc.)


115     BJK to DMB, 1 Dec. – resolution at meeting for Chairman, Standing Committee; (see Standing Committee minutes, 7 Dec. 1972, SC/72/10); note of time spent on Library affairs (/116 below) (tpc.)


116     BJK’s time for main Library affairs (tpc.)



117     Memo by G.M. Darling (GMD), Director, on a meeting on membership with Dr Nicholas David, 12 Feb. 1973 (tpc.)


118     GMD to BJK, 19 Mar. – on Burton’s Pilpay’s Fables and Library Committee minutes (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 8 Feb., 11 Apr. 1973, LC/12/3/19, LC/12/4/23


119     BJK to GMD, 22 Mar. – replies to GMD’s letter (tpc.)


120     BJK to DMB, 29 Mar. – importance of a paper on ethical considerations (tpc.)


121     Ibid., 6 Apr. – notes on Library Committee agenda and Burton Library (tpc.)


122     GMD to BJK, 9 Apr. – replies to letter of 22 Mar. (/119 above) on costing of Anthrop. Index and Burton Library (tp.)


123     BJK to ERL, 1 May – on unsuccessful applications to the Wenner-Gren Foundation (tpc.)


124     BJK to DMB, 30 May – on Anthrop. Index subscription; British Academy award; Dr G. Caton Thompson’s gift (tpc.)


125     BJK to ERL, 1 June – on Mongolian material held; accommodation in Shoreditch and its effect on the Library (tpc.)


126     ERL to BJK, 5 June – on the possibilities of the Shoreditch site (tp.)


127     Dr Warwick Bray to BJK, [17 Aug.] – on serving on the Library Committee; and loan of a periodical (autogr.)


128     BJK to B.H.D. MacDermot, 20 Sep. – on his gift of two exhibition cases and plaques (tpc.)


129     Mrs Barbara Bentley to Miss Barbara Ward (BW), 18 Oct. – on a possible change to the Proceedings and the effect on the Library (tpc.); BW was appointed editor of the Proceedings


130     BJK to BW, 9 Nov. – on the importance of the Proceedings; hopes she can attend a Library Committee (tpc.)


131     BW to BJK, 27 Nov. – on the future of the Proceedings (tp.); BJK’s reply, 30 Nov. not retained



132     Draft memo from JB on the last issue of the Proceedings and its replacement, 30 Jan. 1974 (photocopy)


133     D.R. Brothwell to BJK, 4 Aug. – on serving on the Library Committee (autogr.)


134     BJK to ERL, 30 Sep. – on grave financial position to be discussed at Council; outlines views of the Library Committee and staff (tpc.)



135     BJK to ERL, 16 June 1975 – sends congratulations on his Knighthood (tpc.)


136     BJK to D.R. Brothwell, 19 June – on Library Committee matters; British Library Board application; subject coverage and costing (tpc.)


137     ERL to BJK, 19 Aug. – on receiving his Knighthood and his attachment to the Library (tp.)



138     BJK to DMB, 9 Jan. 1976 – sends congratulations on his OBE (tpc.)


139     Ibid., 28 Jan. – on the departure of Ritchie MacNaughton and the offer to BJK of a post in Canberra (tpc.)


140     DMB to Council members, 11 Mar. – invitation to visit the Library, to see areas not normally open, and to resolve any queries (mimeo.)