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8/     Classification schemes. 1945-6


1     ERL to RAI, 18 Aug. 1945 – has free time until Oct.; Library unusable due to war and evacuation; asks permission to reorganize it; encloses his suggested arrangement. 6 leaves (tp.)


2     Miss F. Stallman [FS], Assistant Secretary to ERL, 6 Sep. – thanks him for all his reorganization; hopes he will continue to be active in Library reorganization (tpc.)


3     ERL to FS, 8 Sep. – is not free until discharged from the army; future uncertain; has ‘plenty of good intentions’ (tp.)


4     FS to ERL, 10 Sep. – glad he is not being sent to Burma or Germany; hopes he will keep in touch (tpc.)


5     ERL to FS, 15 Sep. – gives views on display of periodicals and present display cases (autogr.)


6     ERL to Miss K.R. Matheson, 21 Oct. – may not be able to attend Library Sub-Committee; encloses points for consideration (autogr.)


7     ‘Points for consideration by Library Sub-Committee.’ 3 leaves (tp.)



8     ERL memo on Library rearrangement, coverage of the Library, layout, and classification, 14 Apr. 1946. 5 leaves (tp., autogr.); see Executive Committee minutes, 8 Jan., 7 May 1946, EM/75/2/2v, EM/75/3/2a.


9     ERL to FS, 3 June 1946 – asks her to encourage Mr … Wallis; his scheme fits in with the sorting already done; thinks he should report to Executive Committee; asks her to speak with WBF (tp.)


10     Ibid., 12 Oct. – may not be able to attend Council; gives his views on classification and cataloguing; permanent full-time librarian required; Miss … Wittlin cannot give time required (tp.)


9/     Classification scheme. 1947-8



1     Covering note by ERL, Chairman, Library Sub-Committee on proposed classifications, 24 Feb. 3 leaves (autogr.)


2     Proposed scheme by ERL. 14 leaves (autogr., annotated by WBF), and plan of the basement, 21 Bedford Square. 1 leaf (autogr.)


3     Leach classification (with adaptations). 2 leaves (tpc., annotated by WBF)


4     Note on the scheme by the Librarian, Miss Mary Kinloch (MK), 12 Dec. (tp.)


5     Covering note on draft based on ERL’s by WBF, [16 Dec.](tpc.)



6     MK to WBF, 16 Jan. – encloses draft; gives date of meeting (tp.)


7     Draft. 3 leaves (mimeo.; annotated by WBF)


8     Revised drafts. [5] leaves (mimeo.; annotated by WBF)


9     MK to WBF, 23 Jan. – encloses copy of proposed alterations (autogr.)


10     Drafts. 4 leaves (tpc.; annotated by WBF)


11     Classification scheme. 6 leaves (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 11 Feb. 1947, EM/76/5/2c


10/     Classification scheme. 1948-9; 1950-75: correspondence


1     BJK to H.E. Bliss (HEB), 13 Nov. 1948 – on the classification of the Library (tpc.)


2     HEB, Winter Park, Florida to BJK, 24 Nov. – on his classification scheme; similar interest shown by the Australian National University Library (tp.); BJK’s acknowledgement, 28 Dec., not retained



3     ERL to BJK, 3 Jan. 1949 – gives his views on the Bliss scheme; ‘examples given … open to severe criticism’ (tp., autogr. paragraph by ERL)


4     Ibid., 15 Jan. – ibid. (tp.)


5     ERL to WBF, 20 Jan. – encloses draft of ‘offending’ section; makes further suggestions (tp.)


6     ERL’s draft and additional subsection. 4 leaves (tp., annotated by WBF)


7     Council, 8 Feb., CM/78/6, f. 555: Prof. V.G. Childe’s resignation from the Executive Committee; considers proposed scheme ‘as unnecessarily detailed and actually unworkable’ – Note on the present position of the Library by WBF. 3 leaves (mimeo.)


8     Dr J.C. Trevor to ERL, 12 Feb. – gives his views on physical anthropology (tp.)


9     ERL to BJK, 14 Feb. – on physical anthropology and other sections (autogr. pc.); BJK’s acknowledgement, 15 Feb., not retained


10     BJK to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, President, 21 Feb. – encloses ERL’s draft for his comments (tpc.)


11     ERL to BJK, 25 Feb. – outlines his views. 3 leaves (tp.)


12     BJK to ERL, 26 Feb. – thanks him for his views; lists work to be done on the periodicals; mentions binding (tpc.)


13     Ibid., encloses list of periodicals to be considered for sale and draft of letter to HEB (/14 below)(tpc.)


14     BJK to HEB – draft (tp.)


15     ERL to BJK – gives his amendments to draft (tp.)


16     BJK to HEB, 18 May – outlines proposed alterations (tpc.)


17     HEB to BJK, 6 June – detailed reply to revisions (tp.)


18     ERL to BJK, c. 25 June – comments on HEB’s letter (autogr. pc.)


19     BJK to ERL, 27 June – despite HEB’s unsatisfactory reply, thinks it worthwhile continuing correspondence (tpc.)


20     BJK to HEB, 7 July – encloses copy of ERL’s modifications (tpc.)


21     HEB to BJK, 16 July – gives his views on modifications; will write in more detail (autogr.)


22     Ibid., 15 Oct. – gives detailed opinion (tp.)


23     A.L.G. McDonald, Librarian, Australian National University, Canberra to BJK, 20 Oct. – wishes to have good coverage of anthropological journals; asks for list (tp., autogr. note)


24     BJK to A.L.G. McDonald, 4 Nov. – glad to send list of periodicals; refers to HEB’s correspondence (tpc.); BJK’s letter, 15 Dec., enclosing list not retained


25     A.L.G. McDonald to BJK, 29 Nov. – comments on ANU’s use of Bliss (tp.)


See Executive Committee minutes, 18 Nov. 1947 – 22 Feb. 1949, EM/77/2/2b-EM/78/5/3a passim.



26     BJK to HEB, 2 Jan. 1950 – refers to his acceptance of some revisions; assumes he is unable to accept others (tpc.)


27     BJK to A.L.G. McDonald, 18 Jan. – discusses revisions to Bliss and HEB’s acceptance of some (tpc.)


28     BJK to ERL, 19 Aug. – raises further classification issues (tpc.)


29     ERL’s cataloguing notes (autogr.)



30     BJK to ERL, 1 Mar. 1951 – encloses outline of arrangement for Indonesia and Southeast Asia (tp.)


31     Outline with ERL’s autogr. comments (tp., autogr.)



32     BJK to Dr Warwick Bray, 27 Mar. 1975 – encloses archaeology tables, asks for guidance on some points (tpc.)


33     Dr W. Bray to BJK, 12 May – gives his views; makes suggestions (tp.)


34     Archaeology tables annotated by Dr Bray (mimeo., autogr.)


Letters from and to the following libraries either considering or adopting the Bliss scheme have not been retained: Museum of Primitive Art, NY, 18 Feb. – 6 June 1958; Bedford College, University of London, 4 July 1958; Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, 18 Nov. – 21 Dec. 1971; Haddon Library, Cambridge, 5 Jan. – 3 Mar. 1975.


11/     Library Sub-Committee and Library Policy Committee. Minutes and papers. 1945-9


1     Library Sub-Committee. 1st meeting, 30 Oct. 1945; see Executive Committee minutes, EM/75/1, 23 Oct. 1945, f. 270


.1     Agenda, Miss K.R. Matheson, Librarian (tpc.)


.2     List of recommendations on which an opinion is sought (tpc.)


.3     Points for consideration by the Sub-Committee. 4 leaves (tpc.)


.4     Resolutions for consideration. 2 leaves (tp.)


.5     Views on memo. by Dr E.J. Lindgren (tp.)


.6     Report on objects other than the Price Collection and list by Prof. H.J. Fleure. 2 leaves (autogr.)


.7     Notes on ERL’s suggestions for the Library by JLM (autogr.)


.8     Minutes of the 1st meeting, LC/70/1


2     Library Sub-Committee. 4 Dec. 1945


.1     Agenda, Miss K.R. Matheson (tpc.)


.2     Minutes of the meeting, [LC/70/2]


.3     Supplementary business on (a) proposed notice for insertion in Man on return of evacuated books, return of borrowed books, and improvement of facilities; (b) policy of the Committee (tp.)



3     Library Sub-Committee. 29 Jan. 1946


.1     Note by the Chairman, ERL on Library coverage and disposal of certain categories, [2 Jan.](tp.)


.2     Response to ERL’s note by Dr E.J. Lindgren, 8 Jan.(tpc.)


.3     Ibid., by WBF, 19 Jan. 4 pp. (autogr.)


.4     Ibid. (autogr. draft)


.5     Ibid., by Dr O.W. Samson, 21 Jan. (tp.)


.6     Ibid., by Mrs K. Rishbeth, 22 Jan. (tp.)


.7     Ibid., by Prof. H.J. Fleure, 23 Jan. (tp.)


.8     Draft resolution and notes by WBF. 3 leaves (autogr.)


.9     Resolution for consideration by ERL, 24 Jan. (tp.)


.10     Ibid. (tpc.; annotated by WBF)


.11     Agenda, Miss K.R. Matheson (tpc.)



No minutes of this Committee, 29 Jan. 1946, survive. See Executive Committee minutes, 23 Oct. 1945, 8 Jan. and 1 Oct. 1946, EM/75/1/3, EM/73/3/2, EM/76/1/3b; see also attendance book for both committees, A13/4/4-5.



4     Joint meeting of the Executive Committee and Ways and Means Committee and the Library Sub-Committee. 25 Mar. 1947


.1     Agenda


.2     Ibid. – draft by WBF (autogr.)


.3     Agenda covering the three committees


.4     ERL to Miss F. Stallman, Assistant Secretary, [Mar. 1947] – covering letter to draft resolutions (autogr.)


.5     Draft report to the Council by ERL. 4 leaves (tp., autogr. addition)


.6     Ibid. 4 leaves (tpc., annotated by WBF)


.7     Report to the Council, i.e. Minutes of the meeting, WM/76/2, LSC/76/1


The Executive Committee at the meeting recorded its ‘full concurrence in [the] findings’ of the report (EM/76/6, 25 Mar. 1947, f. 286) and Council at its meeting on 15 Apr. 1947 accepted the report and authorized the officers to carry out the recommendations (CM/76/7, f. 499).


5     Library Policy Committee. 1st meeting, 19 May 1947


.1     Notes for discussion by ERL – draft. 8 leaves (autogr.)


.2     Ibid. 4 leaves (mimeo.)


.3     Notes by Prof. H.J. Fleure (autogr.)


.4     Minutes of the 1st meeting, LPC/1/47 (acid-free copy)


See Executive Committee minutes, 11 Feb. and 21 Oct. 1947, EM/76/5/2c, EM/77/1/4a for a classification scheme and the recommendation for the Committee to be disbanded.



6     Committee to consider Library classification. 6 Aug. 1948


.1     Memo on meeting to reconsider classification scheme by Assistant Secretary, Miss F. Stallman, [June 1948] (tpc.)


.2     Librarian’s (BJK) report on the classification of the Library, 26 July (tpc.)


.3     Minutes of the meeting, signed by ERL, and dated 18 Jan. 1949


7     Report on the organisation of the Library by BJK to the Ways and Means Committee, 2 Nov. (tpc.)


8     Library Sub-Committee and classification scheme. 31 Dec. 1948 – 18 Jan. 1949


.1     Memo by BJK on dissatisfaction with some sections of the proposed classification scheme; H.E. Bliss willing to co-operate, 31 Dec. 1948 (mimeo.)


.2     Examples enclosed with above (mimeo.)



.3     Agenda, 18 Jan. 1949 and preliminary draft of a section (mimeo.)


.4     Drafts: sections KE, KG, cultural anthropology, annotated by H.E. Bliss, [Feb. 1949]. 2 leaves (tp.)


.5     Ibid., HB, human biology, comments and draft by Dr J.C. Trevor. 5 leaves (autogr.)


.6     Ibid., K, comments and ‘revised modification’ of draft by ERL, 14 Apr. 9 leaves (autogr.)


.7     Ibid., KFO, religion, further revisions by ERL. 1 leaf (tp., autogr.)


See also /10 above.


12/     Early correspondence. 1914-45


1     Francis Edwards, bookseller to H.G.A. Leveson, 5 June 1914 – report on the Library and the volumes requiring binding


2     Carnegie United Kingdom Trust [CUKT]


.1     RAI to CUKT, 24, i.e. 23 June 1924 – request for information on submitting application for £1000 for the improvement of the Library and certain purchases (tpc.)


.2     CUKT to Miss K.M. Martindell, Assistant Secretary, 24 June – hopes to call on 10 July (tp.); RAI letter of acknowledgement, 25 June, not retained


.3     RAI to CUKT, 3 Nov. – thanks him for award of £1000 on condition that books and periodicals, except in rare cases, shall be available to borrowers through the Central Library for Students (tpc.)


.4     Ibid., 19 Nov. – grant of £1000 reported to Council; quotes Council’s resolution (tpc.)


.5     Central Library for Students to RAI, 12 Dec. – encloses memo on conditions by which books may be available for borrowers (tp.)


.6     RAI to Central Library for Students, 18 Dec. – regulations acceptable; suggests books borrowed should be signed for; also suggests postponing scheme until Feb. after the move to new premises [52 Upper Bedford Place](tpc.)


.7     RAI to CUKT, 22 Jan. 1925 – asks when the grant is likely to be made; on moving to new premises RAI is spending on equipment in expectation of the grant (tpc.)


3     Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureaux (ASLIB)


.1     Memo on Scientific and technical abstracts arising from conference on 9 July 1931 (mimeo., annotated by JLM)


.2     Report on abstracting by the Librarian, A.M. Hocart (tp., annotated by JLM)


.3     ASLIB to JLM, 4 Dec. – on ‘exchange of views on abstracting problems’ (tp., annotated by JLM); report of conference, enclosed, not retained


4     Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechstwissentschaft (ZVR)


.1     Dr Leonhard Adam, editor to Miss K.M. Martindell, 10 Mar. 1934 – encloses list of ZVR volumes containing articles of interest (tp.)


.2     List of articles of interest in ZVR. 3 leaves (tp.)


.3     J.H. Driberg to H.J. Braunholtz, Hon. Editor, 1926-35, 5 Apr. – does not consider RAI is justified in such a large expenditure (tp.); see Council minutes, 20 Mar. 1934, f. 237; the ZVR was acquired later


5     Universal Decimal Classification


.1     British Standards Institution to RAI, 27 Feb. 1942 – hopes to enlist support for its revision (tp.)


.2     Ibid., 9 Mar. – glad to send draft translation of ethnology section when available (tp.)


6     Books in Siamese


.1     School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) to Miss F. Stallman (FS), Assistant Secretary, 30 Apr. 1943 – accepts offer of Siamese books on long loan (tp.)


.2     Ibid., 18 Aug. – after examination regrets nearly all are duplicates except about six; would be grateful for them; suggests collection should be offered to Cambridge University Library (CUL)(tp.)


.3     Ibid., 27 Aug. – reports CUL accepts gift; hopes any duplicates may be sold (tp.)


.4     FS to SOAS, 31 Aug. – Council felt these books, all gifts, could not be sold or given outright; the decision was to offer them on long loan; she would need to consult Council about any sales (tpc.)


.5     CUL to SOAS, 13 Sep. – regret it would be difficult to accept books on loan; if the RAI ‘saw fit to present the books’ CUL would ‘undertake not to sell, give away, or exchange any of their duplicates’ (tp. copy); SOAS’s covering letter, 15 Sep., not retained; RAI reply on awaiting Council’s decision, 16 Sep., not retained


.6     FS to CUL, 18 Nov. – reports Council’s decision to offer the books as a gift; glad to note they will not sell, give away or exchange any duplicates (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 21 Dec. 1943, EM/73/1/5b; see also Council minutes, 5 Oct. 1943, CM/73/1/9a


7     Dr Thomas Hodgkin’s papers


.1     Miss M.M. Scaife to FS, 30 Oct. 1944 – sends reprint of Dr James Hunt’s 1865 address from her step-grandfather, Dr Thomas Hodgkin’s papers which she is destroying (autogr.)


.2     FS to Miss Scaife, 2 Nov. – very pleased to receive reprint; would welcome any other relevant papers from Dr Hodgkin’s estate (tpc.); no manuscripts by Dr Hodgkin were received


8     RAI Accommodation, 11 Dec. 1944 – report by Dr Otto Samson; Hon. Librarian, on overcrowding to a meeting of the Officers (tp.)


9     Specialist libraries meeting to discuss ‘delimitation in material covered’


.1     Dr E.J. Lindgren to WBF, 26 Oct. 1944 – on trying to obtain an invitation to the RAI (autogr. note)


.2     Miss Margaret Cleeve, Deputy Secretary, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 7 Dec. – on problem of shelf space and avoidance of overlapping among specialist libraries; suggests such libraries should discuss provision for the future (tp.)


.3     Ibid., 28 Dec. – issues formal invitation; outlines problems (tp.)


.4     WBF to Miss Cleeve, 3 Jan. 1945 – Council has considered invitation; is ‘entirely in sympathy with its suggestions’; expresses great interest and greater co-operation (autogr. draft); see Council minutes, 16 Jan. 1945, CM/74/4/4c


.5     Note of discussion at the meeting and items agreed, 19 Jan., chaired by G. Woledge, London School of Economics (tpc.)


10     General


.1     Prof. J.H. Hutton to Miss K.M. Martindell, 15 Oct. 193? – on the return of a book for review (autogr.)


.2     Alexander Keiller to (Prof. Sir) Raymond W. Firth, 1 Nov. 1937 – on the return of books (tp.)


.3     L.J.P. Gaskin, Hon. Librarian to (Prof. Sir) Raymond W. Firth, 19 May 1938 – on the disposal of periodicals (/.4 below)(autogr., annotated by R.W. Firth)


.4     Periodicals for disposal. 4 leaves (tp.)


.5     C.W. Hobley to (Prof. Sir) Raymond W. Firth, 11 June 1938 – on sending a copy of his Bantu beliefs and magic, 2nd edition; requests a review in Man (autogr.); reviewed in Man, Aug. 1939, Item 117 by F.H. Melland


.6     Augusto Carelli, Rome to RAI, 3 Aug. 1938 – on his ‘Carte des cycles ethnologiques’ (autogr., in French); RAI reply, 7 Sep., to be referred to Council, not retained


.7     WBF to L.J.P. Gaskin, 2 Feb. 1940 – on subscribing to Cultureel Indie and other requirements (draft, autogr.)


.8     L.J.P. Gaskin to WBF, 5 Feb. – feels subscriptions to periodicals should not be increased; mentions other publications (tp.)


.9     Leaflet, ‘An important message to readers of the Journal’ and measures taken for the safety of the Library by WBF, 15 Oct. 1941 (proof, printed)


.10     WBF to valuer of book cases for safe to RAI, 18 June 1945, and schedule of cases (autogr., tpc.)


.11     ‘Anthropological and ethnological libraries’ by L.J.P. Gaskin, Library Association Record, July 1934, pp. 193-9 (photocopy)


13/     Evacuation to Wales. 1941-6


01     Classes of books to remain at the RAI. 2 leaves (WBF autogr.); see Council minutes, 27 May and 28 Oct. 1941, ff. 383-4, 386


1     Receipt for 255 parcels of books delivered to Lord Raglan, President, 1955-7, Cefntilla Court, Usk, 5 June 1941 (tp.)


2     Ibid., for 40 tea-chests and 50 parcels of books delivered to Mrs Aimée Lloyd, Cynghordy, Llandovery, 18 July 1941 (tp.)


3     Ibid., for 30 tea-chests and 177 parcels of books delivered to Cynghordy, 19 Sep. 1941 (tp.)


4     Ibid., for 25 tea-chests of books, 60 small boxes of slides, 2 tin chests and 2 parcels delivered to Lord Raglan, 15 May 1942 (tp.)


5     List of books sent to Lord Raglan. 8 leaves (tp.)


6     Lord Raglan to FS, 23 June 1945 – asks her to arrange removal of the RAI books; mentions Dr Margaret Murray and Prof. J.C. Flugel, and meeting of Folklore Society (tp.)


7     FS to Lord Raglan, 27 June – making arrangements for return of books; mentions Folklore Society lectures (tpc.)


8     Mrs Aimée Lloyd to FS, 12 Oct. – hopes for removal of books (autogr.)


9     FS to Mrs Aimée Lloyd, 29 Oct. – encloses cheque for storage of books; all long distance road transport prohibited; other means of transport being investigated (tpc.)


10     FS to Lord Raglan, 29 Oct. – reports Messrs Pickford is investigating transporting the books by railway container (tpc.)


11     Miss N. Lloyd for Mrs Lloyd to FS, 5 Jan. 1946 – on problems of removal (autogr.)


14/     Exhibitions


1     Printing and the Mind of Man, July 1963


.1     Percy H. Muir for Supervisory Committee, 29 May 1963 – acknowledges loan (printed)


.2     Certificate of appreciation for loan signed by Sir Frank Francis and Percy H. Muir (printed)


2     Prof. C.G. Seligman Centenary, 28 June 1973 held at the London School of Economics – list of material exhibited (tp.); later exhibited in the Reading Room; see Report of the Council, 1973, p. 15 and Library Committee minutes, 13 Sep. 1973, LC/13/1/3b


3     Miss M.E. Durham (1863-1944) – list of illustrations (on cards) exhibited at the Conversazione, 4 Oct. 1973; see Report of the Council, above


4     Sir Richard F. Burton Library – list of books, manuscripts, and proofs (on cards) exhibited at (a) The Centenary Dinner, 7 Nov. 1973; (b) some pamphlets collected during his last Consulship in Trieste; and (c) part of a bequest from Robert Hugh Bury, a descendant, in the Reading Room in 1975


5     Royal Institution discourse, 15 Mar. 1974 – list of material lent (on cards) and letter of thanks from the Librarian and Information Officer (tp.)


6     Prof. C.G. Seligman (1873-1940), 1975 – list of material (on cards) on dreams exhibited in the Reading Room


7     Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture, Jan. – Feb. 1977 – letter of thanks to BJK for assisting WBF in selection of books for exhibition, 16 Dec. 1975 (tp.); and BJK’s reply, 19 Dec. (tpc.)


15/     Films: General. 1943-57


1     Dr Ethel J. Lindgren (EJL) to WBF, [Dec. 1943] – note on agreement to be informed on activities of the [Scientific Film Association]; note from WBF to FS on contacting the Association, 2 Jan. 1944 (autogr.)


2     FS to Scientific Film Association, 5 Jan. 1944 – interested to receive papers; unable to join (tpc.)


3     EJL to FS, 11 May 1949 – considers films should be on the agenda; gives her views on maintaining those received; comments on the Lapp Film Fund (autogr.); see Executive Committee minutes, 25 May 1948, EM/77/8/3


4     FS to EJL, 17 May – agrees that copies of films should be easily available; mentions Lapp films (tpc.)


5     Mrs Mary Myers to FS, 29 Oct. – on financing Ian Bremner’s film on Basutoland (tp., annotated by WBF); FS’s reply, 1 Nov., not retained


6     BJK to H.A. Powell, Dep. of Anthropology, University College London, 23 Nov. 1953 – would like to discuss the preservation of films with him (tpc.)


7     BJK to the British Film Institute, 10 Dec. – asks for information on their work (tpc.)


8     BJK to ERL, 2 Jan. 1954 – has discussed the deposit of films with the Curator, British Film Institute; once accepted no film may be screened; a copy must be made (tp., with ERL’s reply)


9     Extract from the Minutes of the Executive Committee, 21 Jan. 1954, Item 3, Films: formulation of policy (tpc.)


10     Memorandum to be submitted to Council on the appointment of an Ethnographic Film Committee, 17 Mar. 1955 (mimeo.)


11     BJK to Dr D.J. Stenning, 21 Sep. – notes titles of films on deposit at the National Film Archive and cost of reproduction; refers to Dr Verrier Elwin’s request for the return of his films (see /17 below)(tpc.)


12     Dr Stenning to BJK, 22 Sep. – will discuss matter at the Film Sub-Committee (autogr. pc.)


13     Curator, National Film Archive to BJK, 8 Feb. 1957 – confirms visit to discuss deposit with Hon. Secretary and BJK (tp.)


14     List of ‘Ethnological films of Australia belonging to Mrs Basedow’ taken by Dr H. Basedow – 3 films listed (tpc.)


16/     Films: British Broadcasting Corporation. Feb. – June 1950


1     BBC to RAI, [16 Feb.] – introducing G-B Instructional Ltd representative investigating availability of films for BBC Television series (tp.)


2     FS to G-B Instructional Ltd, 4 Mar. – RAI has several films; their best use under consideration; will report Committee’s decision (tpc., annotated by WBF)


3     Ibid., 11 May – RAI examining use of films and obtaining information of those available; could not make its films available unless copying costs are met (tpc.)


4     G-B Instructional to FS, 17 May – cost of copying would be met; asks for details of films available (tp.)


5     FS to G-B International, 30 June – RAI collecting information from ‘various sources’; when their project is more advanced would be glad to know cost of copying any film lent (tpc.)


17/     Films: Dr Verrier Elwin (VE)


1     BJK to VE, 20 Nov. 1953 – acknowledges gift of: Bison-Horn Maria, 2 reels; Hill Marias of the Abujhmar, 1 reel; the Saoras, 2 reels; pleased to allow him to show them in the UK; would be glad to receive any further documentation (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 17 Dec. 1953, 21 Jan. 1954, EM/83/3/4a, EM/83/4/1, EM/83/4/3iii


2     Ibid., 27 Jan. 1954 – informs him of Council gratitude for gift; now formulating policy on the acceptance of films; will accept only films worthy of preservation; they will be deposited with the British Film Institute (BFI); his films will be deposited on condition he may use them in the UK (tpc.); see Council minutes, 7 Jan. 1954, CM/83/4/5a


3     BJK to WBF, 13 Apr. – note: no reply from VE; asks if it is advisable to deposit the films (tp., annotated by WBF ‘I agree’)


4     BJK to BFI, 22 Apr. – RAI would like to deposit the films; asks if proviso that they may be shown by VE in UK is acceptable (tpc.)


5     BFI to BJK, 28 Apr. – pleased to accept films though ‘not entirely happy with the proviso’ (tp.)


6     Ibid., 3 May – 3 films acknowledged (tp.)


7     RAI Office to WBF, 20 July 1955 – D.V. Sassoon phoned; VE would like films back (tp., annotated by WBF)


8     BJK to D.V. Sassoon, 22 July – VE informed films were deposited with BFI subject to his proviso; only films worthy of preservation are accepted and placed with the BFI; would be extremely sorry to withdraw them; has not heard from BFI, certain agreement would be with great reluctance; hopes copies may be made if VE insists on withdrawal (tpc.)


9     BFI to BJK, 25 July – replies to phone call; has no choice but to agree to return; lists strong objections; hopes VE can be persuaded to change his mind (tp.)


10     BJK to BFI, 26 July – some misunderstanding over phone call; wishes to obtain his views on possible withdrawal; our reluctance was explained to VE’s friend, D.V. Sassoon; promised to try to persuade VE to change his mind; will now pass on his views; in agreement with them (tpc.)


11     BFI to BJK, 28 July – regrets misunderstanding over message; aware of difficulties they may encounter; stresses importance of effective preservation; regards Librarians as allies (tp.)


12     BJK to D.V. Sassoon, 28 July – informs him of BFI’s views; feels he has no option but to agree to withdrawal if VE insists; BJK hopes VE will decide against withdrawal (tpc.)


13     RAI Office to BJK, 26 Aug. – note: D.V. Sassoon confirms VE wants the return of his films (tp.)


14     BJK to VE, 2 Sep. – sorry to learn he wishes the return of his films; would like to apply for grants to copy them; asks if he would accept copies so that the originals could remain at the BFI (tpc.)


15     BJK to BFI, 3 Sep. – regrets VE has confirmed his wish to withdraw the films; asks if estimate of costs for copying can be supplied for all RAI films on deposit (tpc.)


16     BFI to BJK, 13 Sep. – hopes grant may be found for copying; encloses estimate (tp.)


17     BJK to WBF, 14 Sep. – note: provides details for grant application; application urgent (tpc.)


18     Ibid., 23 Sep. – note: asks if application covers all RAI films or only VE’s; thinks Dr D.J. Stenning should be informed in view of departure from film policy (tp., annotated by WBF)


19     VE, Shillong to BJK, 11 Oct. – hopes his position will be understood; now has facilities to show films; their return would be a ‘real help’ to his Museum on behalf of the tribal people; gives permission to copy; offers to send copies made some years ago (tp.)


20     WBF to Wenner-Gren Foundation, NY, 14 Oct. – application for grant to copy VE’s films and the others if possible (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 27 Oct. 1955, EM/85/1/2,4(2)


21     BJK to BFI, 4 Nov. – informs application for a grant to copy films unsuccessful; RAI feels it cannot refuse to return them; have accepted VE’s offer to send his copies; propose to deposit copies if they are in reasonable condition; will arrange for films to be collected when ready (tpc.)


22     BFI to BJK, 11 Nov. – films now available for collection (tp.)


23     BJK to VE, 17 Nov. – informs him application for grant unsuccessful; films delivered to Films Officer, India House as arranged; wish to accept offer to send his copies of the films (tpc.)


24     VE, Shillong to RAI, 12 Apr. 1956 – acknowledges receipt of films; will try to recover them in Bombay; if found will see about transport to London (tp.)