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31/ Library Committee memoranda and papers. 1949-76


1 Memo by ERL, Library matters, on disposal of duplicates, books outside the scope of the Library, and Man reviews, 9 June 1949 (mimeo.)


2 Memo by BJK on lists of books considered outside the scope of the Library and their consideration by the Committee, 11 Nov. (mimeo.)


3 Memo by ERL, Library accessions and the review policy of Man, 30 [Oct.] (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 22 Nov. EM/79/2/3v



4 Memo, Cataloguing and classification (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 23 May 1950, EM/79/8/3.3


5 ERL to the President, 5 June – open letter on Corporate membership (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 20 June, EM/79/9/3 and 24 Oct. 1950, EM/80/1/1


6 Draft rules for use of the Photographic Collection (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 24 Oct. and 21 Nov. 1950, EM/80/1/3vi, EM/80/2/3i



7 Library requirements at new science centre – draft (tp.); see Executive Committee minutes, 21 Feb. 1951, EM/80/5/1v; see also A50


8 Memo by ERL on Council’s decision to resume holding meetings in the Reading Room (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 11 Dec., EM/81/3/1; see also /30/63 above



9 Memo by WBF on Associate membership, 24 Oct. 1952 (tp.)



10 Development in the Library in the near and distant future – draft (tp. and autogr. note by ERL)


11 Ibid., 5 Nov. (tpc.)



12 Book acquisitions, 11 Mar. 1954 (mimeo.)


13 Financial and Library Sub-Committee: memorandum by Hon. Secretary, WBF, 14 Feb. 1955 (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 17 Feb. 1955, EM/84/5/2


14 Memo for submission to Council proposing a new sub-committee, Ethnographic Film Committee, 17 Mar. 1955 (mimeo.); see Executive Committee minutes, 17 Mar. and 28 Apr. 1955, EM/84/6/4, EM/84/6/1; see also A78


14.1 Draft memo to Fellows on the disposal of their books by Dr M.W. Smith and discussed with Prof. I. Schapera (tpc.)


14.2 Comments on draft by BJK (tpc.)


14.3 Dr Michael Banton to WBF, 16 Aug. 1960 – on shortcomings of the union list of anthropological journals published in JRAI (tp.); see ‘Survey of anthropological journals and monograph series …’, JRAI, vol. 85, 1955, pp. 193-209


14.4 Notes on the Compilation of the survey (tpc.); see Executive Committee minutes, 22 Jan. 1953-21 Jan. 1954, EM/82/4/3iv-EM/83/4/4b


14.5 BJK to Dr M. Banton, 10 Oct. 1960 – grateful for the time given to going through the Survey; encloses notes on its compilation (/14.2 above) (tpc.)


15 Memo from the Chairman of the Library Committee, ERL, on Library staff and covering letter, July 1962. 4 pp. (mimeo.)


16 Note on Library exchanges by BJK, 10 Mar. 1965 (tpc.)


17 Memo on staff duties (mimeo.); see Library Committee minutes, 18 May 1967, LC/6/3/4


18 Memo from the Chairman of the Library Committee, Prof. I.M. Lewis to the Standing Committee ‘on problems in the working of the Library’. 3 leaves (tpc.)



19 Library Committee memorandum on the position of the Library in the future Institute presented to the Standing Committee, 11 Apr. 1968; see Library Committee minutes, 28 Mar. 1968, LC/7/2/18


.1 Note from the Chairman of the Library Committee, Dr J.P. Garlick to H.E. Wadsworth, Hon. Treasurer, c. 6 Apr. – on draft (tpc., autogr.)


.2 H.E. Wadsworth to Dr J.P. Garlick, 8 Apr. – comments on draft (autogr.)


.3 Draft returned by H.E. Wadsworth with his amendments (tpc., autogr.)


.4 Dr J.P. Garlick to BJK, c. 9 Apr. – on draft (autogr.)


.5 Memo presented to Standing Committee, 11 Apr. (mimeo.); see /19 above; no reference in Standing Committee minutes, 11 Apr. 1968


20 Availability of the archives and manuscripts, 50 year closure reduced to 30 years, Council minute, 13 Nov. 1969 (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 6 Nov. 1969, LC/9/1/5



21 Memo on Work of Library staff, 27 Feb. 1970 (mimeo.)


22 Library costs, staff and productivity (mimeo.)


23 BJK to Library Committee members, 8 Feb. 1971 – on Library arrangements in the premises provided by the Museum of Mankind, the removal, and temporary arrangements for the Students’ Reference Library during the Library closure (mimeo.); see Library Committee minutes, 3 June 1971, LC/4/2-3;


24 Access to the Library, 6 Burlington Gardens, Library Committee, 20 May 1971, Appendix A (mimeo.); see Library Committee minutes, 3 June 1971, LC/10/4/3


25 Staffing at Burlington Gardens, ibid., Appendix B (mimeo.)


26 DMB, Chairman, Library Committee to RAI members, 15 Sep. 1971 – on Re-opening of the Library on 1 Oct. 1971 (mimeo.)


27 Report on the move by BJK, Appendix A, 14 Oct. (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 22 Oct. 1971, LC/11/1/3


28 Report, Problems by BJK covering staffing and arrears of current work, Appendix B, 14 Oct. (tp.); see Library Committee minutes as above


29 BJK to Prof. Ioan Lewis, 23 Nov. – on Library exchanges (photocopy)


30 Prof. I. Lewis to BJK, 24 Nov. – replies to document of 23 Nov. (autogr.)



31 Development and Centenary Appeal Committee – covering letter for questionnaire, [7 Apr. 1972](mimeo.)


32 BJK to DMB, 14 Apr. – encloses draft replies to questionnaire (tpc.)


33 Completed questionnaire. 8 leaves (photocopy); see Library Committee minutes, 20 Apr. 1972, LC/11/3/23


34 BJK to C. Roger Moss (CRM), Hon. Treasurer, 25 May – further points raised on questionnaire (tpc.)


35 Approach to trusts for assistance with manuscript collections (tpc.)


36 BJK to CRM, 16 Oct. – expresses concern for the future of the Proceedings and the effect on Library exchanges (tpc.)


37 CRM to BJK, 18 Oct. – states aim of the Committee, realises the importance of exchanges; future of Proceedings the responsibility of the Publications Committee (tp.)


38 Publications Committee, Minutes, 24 Oct. 1972 (PC/72/2) (mimeo.)


39 BJK to (Prof.) Jean La Fontaine, 6 Nov. – on exchange institutions (tpc.)


40 (Prof.) Jean La Fontaine to BJK, 14 Nov. – replies to letter of 6 Nov. (tp.)


41 BJK to Robert G. Sawers, bookdealer, 19 Nov. – asks for advice on the value of the Burton Collection (tpc.)


42 R.G. Sawers to BJK, 21 Nov. – pleased to advise; makes appointment (tp.)


43 BJK to CRM, 4 Dec. – gives valuation of the whole collection (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 30 Nov. 1972, LC/12/2/15



44 Memorandum from the Library Committee for presentation to Council and its Committees, 5 Jan. 1973. 6 pp. (mimeo.); see Library Committee minutes, 30 Nov. 1972, LC/12/2/13


45 G.M. Darling (GMD), Director to BJK, Feb. 1973 (received 2 Mar.) – encloses copy of his Outline Development Plan (tp.)


46 Outline Development Plan, 1973. [2], 10 leaves and (not retained) blank Appendices A-O (mimeo.)


47 Ibid., revised, 14 Mar. [2], 10 leaves (mimeo.)


48 Ibid., Appendix B, Accommodation evaluation. 4 leaves (mimeo.)


49 Notes from the Director to Development and Centenary Appeal Committee on square footage required for a new building. 2 leaves (mimeo.)


50 BJK to DMB, 12 Mar. – gives views on the plan (tpc.)


51 DMB to GMD, 29 Mar. – gives views on plan and suggestions to sell the Burton Library; includes ‘Initial comments on the draft plan in relation to the Library’. [3] leaves (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 11 Apr. 1973, LC/12/4/24


52 Revised comments on the draft outline development plan in relation to the Library; Appendix A, copy of letter from the Librarian to the Chief Librarian, Kensington Public Libraries, 7 Feb. 1955 on the Burton Library. 3 leaves (mimeo.); see Library Committee minutes, 13 Sep. 1973, LC/13/1/2


53 BB to the Charity Commission, 28 Aug. – replies to questions put concerning the Library (tpc.)


54 Admission to the Library, following the government’s decision to introduce charges for admission to museums and art galleries on 1 Jan. 1974, Dec. 1973 (mimeo.); the decision to introduce charges was not implemented; see Library Committee minutes, 29 Nov. 1973, 2 Apr. 1974, LC/13/2/21, LC/13/3/22



55 British Library Board grant – proposals for its allocation, 31 May 1974 (tp.)


56 Ibid., information in support of the application (tp.)


57 Report to members of the Library Committee on the Photographic Collection by the Working Party, 31 Oct. (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 17 Oct. 1974-4 Sep. 1975, LC/14/1/6-LC/14/4/22



58 BJK to periodical exchange partners, Jan. 1975 – on the final issue of the Proceedings and its successor, RAIN (mimeo.)


59 Papers presented to the Library Committee, 4 Sep. (LC/14/4/23) on salaries, book purchases, subscriptions to journals, Anthropological Index, subject coverage, value of exchange journals, job descriptions. 4 leaves (tp.)


60 DMB to Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, President, 21 Oct. – on the Deputy Director, British Museum’s proposals for the Library (photocopy); see Library Committee minutes, 21 Oct. 1975-15 July 1976, LC/14/5/25-LC/15/4 passim



61 The President to all Fellows, 2 June 1976 – on the transfer of the Library by deed of gift to the Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum (photocopy)


62 BM/RAI Working Party meetings. [Minutes]; see also Library Committee minutes, 15 July, 15 Oct. 1976, LC/15/4/20,LC/16/1/2


.1 10 June. First meeting. Notes. 3 pp. (mimeo.)


.2 21, 28 June. 2 leaves (photocopy)


.3 31 Aug. RAI Library responsibilities. 2 leaves (photocopy)


63 BJK to CRM, 2 Sep. – on the forthcoming Finance Committee, 13 Sep. and the Anthropological Index (tpc.)



64 BJK to WBF, 2 Sep. – on the forthcoming Finance Committee and ‘fee books’, i.e. books for review over £7.50 (tpc.); list of ‘fee books’ received recently not retained

65 BJK to Dr Peter Rivière, Editor, Man, 3 Sep. – on the forthcoming Finance Committee and ‘fee books’ (photocopy)


66 BJK to Jonathan Benthall (JB), RAI Director, 4 Sep. – lists a number of points concerning the Library transfer (tp.)

67 WBF to JB, 7 Sep. – on his appointment as Hon. Librarian and the need for support, ‘fee books’, and normal growth of the Library; refers to post-war expansion, blood groups, ancient mining and metallurgy, movement to found an English museum of British ethnography, need for the Library to be at the centre of RAI policy (tpc.)


68 Finance Committee, 13 Sep. – Budget for the Library, Oct.-Dec. (photocopy); for Hon. Librarian’s responsibilities see /62.3 above


69 Preliminary outline of committees and day to day functioning of the RAI Library as the Museum of Mankind Library. 3 leaves (photocopy; annotated by WBF)


70 Book acquisitions – sources of selection (tp.)


32/ Overseas Lending Library. 1947-51; 1959


1 Proposed Overseas Lending Service: note by the Hon. Secretary (WBF), 4 Nov. 1947 (CM/77/2, Item 9). 3 leaves (mimeo.)



2 List of books lent … by H.N.C. Stevenson; see Executive Committee minutes, 16 Mar. 1948, EM/77/6/2b


3 Announcement: To all Fellows of the Institute residing overseas – on the Overseas Lending Service by WBF and regulations, 17 Aug. 2 pp. (mimeo.)



4 First list of available books. 19 pp. (mimeo.); enclosed with /3 above


5 List of available books – addendum. 3 leaves (tp.)


6 (Prof.) Oliver Davies, Natal University College, Pietermaritzburg to RAI, 18 Sep. – service offered of no value in the Dominions; suggests all RAI books should be available to overseas Fellows (autogr.)


7 Accessions book (autogr.)



8 References to Council and Executive Committee minutes, 10 July 1959. 2 leaves (tp.)


9 Blackwells to RAI Librarian, 5 Aug. – encloses cheque for residue of the books (tp.)


See also Man, Dec. 1947, inside lower wrapper: Important notice to all Fellows overseas: Institution of an Overseas Lending Library; and Executive Committee minutes, 18 Nov. and 16 Dec. 1947, 23 Oct. and 11 Dec. 1951, EM/77/2, EM/77/3/2a, EM/81/1/5, EM/81/3/1.


33/ Sound recordings and tapes


1 BJK to Frances Densmore, 8 Feb. 1954 – thanks her for recordings of songs of the Papago, Menominee, Mandan, Hidatsa, Nootka and Quileute Indians from the Music Division, Library of Congress (tpc.); see R3-5


2 Library of Congress … recordings of American Indian music – press release, 30 Dec. 1953 (mimeo.)


3 Jeremy Montagu to BJK, 27 May 1970 – on dealing with records and tapes (tp.); see Library Committee minutes, 4 June 1970, LC/9/3, Item 22 on regulations for use


4 Ian Kenneth Birksted to BJK, 4 Nov. 1972 – sends Lappish language tapes and books (tp.); i.e. Las’se ja mat’te, 1969-70, T1-2


These sound recordings and tapes, R1-43, and including a number of phonograph cylinders are now in the Dep. of Ethnography’s Audio collection. The phonograph records of Northcote W. Thomas’s Anthropological report on the Edo-speaking peoples of Nigeria, London, 1910 (see Vol. 2) are deposited with the International Music Collection, part of the National Sound Archive, British Library as are the 11 phonographs of songs from Efate, New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) and other phonographs yet to be identified.


5 T.K. Penniman, Pitt Rivers Museum, Oxford to WBF, 9 Jan. 1953 – on details of the Pitt Rivers Museum’s collection of N.W. Thomas’s phonograph records (autogr.)


6 Charles Osborne to JB, 5 Nov. 1979 – on 58 unidentified phonograph cylinders belonging to the RAI and now in the Museum of Mankind Library (autogr.)


7 JB to Charles Osborne, 14 Nov. 1979 – will refer matter to the Library Committee; no facilities for reproducing the cylinders; would welcome advice (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 14 Dec. 1979, Item 9, f. 195 and 14 Feb. 1980, Item 9, f. 206 and f. 210


8 List of phonograph cylinders held by the RAI, 13 Feb. 1980 (tpc.)


34/ Staff


1 Circular on staff rota duty, public holidays, and annual leave, c. 1950 (mimeo.)


2 Circular to staff on signing an attendance book, 17 Mar. 1952 (mimeo.); see Council minutes, 5 Feb. 1952, CM/81/5/6ii


3 Library staff to WBF, 18 Mar. – strong objections recorded (tpc.)


4 WBF to BJK, 18 Mar. – representations will be put before Council; views expressed no reflection on staff intended (autogr.)


5 J.P. Mills, President to BJK, 2 Apr. – reports Council rescinded decision; expresses regret (autogr.)


6 Memorandum on public holidays by WBF, 11 Dec. 1955 (tp.)


35/ Move from Bedford Square to the Museum of Mankind, 6 Burlington Gardens


see Library Committee minutes, 17 Nov. 1970-22 Oct. 1971, LC/10/1/3-LC/11/1 passim.



1 Alternative accommodation considered (mimeo.)


2 Circular on the move from Dr John Waechter, Hon. Secretary to Fellows, Jan. 1971 (print-out)


3 Circular on the closure of the Library and the return of books, Jan. 1971 (print-out)


4 Press clippings: .1, ‘When the rent went up by £15,300 …’, Evening Standard, 2 Mar.; .2, ‘Rent rise drives out Institute’, Daily Telegraph, 3 Mar. (photocopies)


5 BJK to Librarian, Institute of Archaeology, 19 Mar. – expresses gratitude for housing the Students’ Reference Library during the closure (tpc.)


6 Access to the Library, 6 Burlington Gardens (mimeo.); see Library Committee minutes, 3 June 1971, LC/10/4/3


7 Staffing at Burlington Gardens (mimeo.); ibid.


8 BB to Director, British Museum, 28 May – expresses concern at the delay (tpc.)


9 Principal, British Museum to BB, 3 June – replies to /8 above; sets out conditions (photocopy)


10 BB to Principal, British Museum, 7 June – agrees to conditions (photocopy)


11 Minutes of meeting re RAI accommodation at Burlington Gardens, 16 June (photocopy)


12 Circular on the RAI from Dr R.M. Bradfield to all Fellows to be considered at the Extraordinary General meeting, Oct. 4 pp. (print-out)


13 BB to Principal, British Museum, 28 June – confirms details of work required and date of move, refers to the protracted negotiations (tpc.); see Council minutes, 30 Sep. 1971, CM/100/7/61


14 BJK to President and Officers for meeting at the London School of Economics, 22 July – gives details for LSE’s offer of accommodation (tpc.)


15 ERL, President to all members of Council, 23 July – on Dr Bradfield’s criticism (/12 above), crisis facing the RAI, and necessity of quick decisions. 3 leaves (mimeo.)


16 BB to Fellows, [early Aug.] – on the move by the Library and administration (mimeo.)


16.1 Contribution from the President – sends congratulations, 24 Aug. (autogr.)


17 DMB, Chairman, Library Committee to Fellows, 15 Sep. – on the reopening of the Library on 1 Oct. (mimeo.)


18 Access to the Library (mimeo.)


19 BJK to Bryan A.L. Cranstone, Deputy Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography, 6 Oct. – on the possibility of Museum entrance charges being introduced (tpc.)


20 ERL to BJK, 7 Oct. – conveys Council’s thanks to staff for the successful move (tp.)


21 BJK to ERL, 12 Oct. – on photograph taken of him and Dr Waechter on the first day of the move; conveys staff’s appreciation of his letter (tpc.); see Proceedings, 1971, plate 22


22 BJK to BM Security Officer, 13 Oct. – confirms free admittance to readers if Museum entrance charges become necessary (tpc.); the government did not proceed with the introduction of museum entrance charges on 1 Jan. 1972


23 Report on the move to the Library Committee by BJK, 22 Oct. (photocopy)


24 Report on problems, staffing and arrears of current work by BJK, 22 Oct. (photocopy)



25 BJK to BM Security Officer, 21 Sep. 1973 – on likely introduction of museum charges; inquires if conditions discussed in 1971 are acceptable (tpc.)


26 Principal, Administrative Services Dep., BM to BJK, 27 Nov. – reports that for free access representations should be made to the Paymaster-General; deals with BM staff admission (tp.)


27 BJK to Principal, Administrative Services Dep., 5 Dec. – replies to letter of 27 Nov. (tpc.)


28 DMB, Vice-President and Chairman, Library Committee to Secretary, BM, 6 Dec. – on admission charges and free access by Fellows (tpc.)


29 Secretary, BM, to DMB, 12 Dec. – reports the Trustees have decided to grant free access to Fellows on production of a reader’s ticket (tp.)


30 Admission to the RAI Library, Dec. 1973 – circular to Fellows (mimeo.)



31 Head, Administrative Services, BM, to BJK, 4 Feb. 1974 – on use of the Library by departments other than the Dep. of Ethnography (tp.)


See Library Committee report on the move Proceedings, 1971, pp. 88-9.


36/ Transfer of the Library by deed of gift to the Dep. of Ethnography, British Museum

See Library Committee minutes, 29 Nov. 1973-11 Feb. 1977, LC/13/2/13-LC/16/3/20 passim and Council minutes, 31 May 1973-17 Feb. 1977, CM/73/4-CM/77/1 passim and Standing Committee minutes for the same period. See also Extraordinary General meeting, A80.



1 JB to ERL, 11 June 1974 – reports view of Library Committee that failing permanent accommodation a ‘package deal’ with the Dep. of Ethnography was preferable to other options (tpc.); see Library Committee minutes, 11 June 1974



2 Dr Paul Spencer, Reviews Editor to Dr Peter Rivière, Editor of Man, 4 Sep. 1975 – on Man’s contribution to the Library including ‘fee’ books (tpc.)


3 Dr Rivière to Dr Spencer, 26 Sep. – replies to points raised (photocopy)


4 DMB to Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, President, 21 Oct. – reports meeting of Library Committee; in favour of proposals with certain provisos. 3 leaves (tpc.)


5 JB to Standing Committee – confidential memorandum, ‘Meeting with the Charity Commission’, 20 Nov. dated 25 Nov. 2 leaves (mimeo.)


6 BJK to C. Roger Moss, Hon. Treasurer, 20 Nov. – outlines the views of the Library Committee for consideration of the Standing Committee (tpc.); see Standing Committee minutes, 27 Nov. SC/75/6


7 WBF to JB, 25 Nov. – on books received for review in Man (photocopy, annotated by WBF)


8 JB to Miss M. Webb, Deputy Director, BM, 3 Dec. – outlines the opinions of the Charity Commission (mimeo.); see also Standing Committee, 27 Nov. 1975, SC/75/6/39


9 JB to the Secretary, British Library Board, 17 Dec. – provides figures for expenditure and income tax for 1975 required by the Dep. of Education and Science (tpc.)



10 Malcolm McLeod, Keeper, Dep. of Ethnography to BJK, 30 Jan. 1976 – on Miss Webb’s visit to the Library (autogr.)


11 Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, President to all Fellows, 2 June – on Council’s decision to transfer the Library to the Dep. of Ethnography and the notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting (mimeo.)


12 Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting on 24 June, 2 June (mimeo.); enclosed in /11 above


13 Resolution (alternative) to be considered (mimeo.)


14 Notes of BM/RAI Working Party meetings, 10 June. 3 leaves (photocopy)


15 BM/RAI Working Party on staffing, meets on 21 and 28 June. 2 leaves (photocopy)


16 Prof. E.L. Peters and others, Dep. of Social Anthropology, University of Manchester, to Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, 14 June – alarmed response to the letter to all Fellows (/11 above); encloses proposals by the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (/17 below)(photocopy)


17 Proposals by the John Rylands University Library with covering letter (photocopy)


18 RAI Library responsibility after transfer, 31 Aug. (tp.)


19 Notes for the Finance Committee presented by the Library Committee, 13 Sep. (tp.)


20 Preliminary outline of committees and day to day functioning of the RAI Library as the Museum of Mankind Library. 3 leaves (photocopy, annotated by WBF and BJK); see Library Committee minutes, 25 May 1976, LC/15/3/17


21 Deed of Gift (draft), 24 May. 6 leaves (photocopy, annotated by WBF)


22 This agreement … between the RAI and the Trustees of the BM (draft), 24 May. 6 leaves (photocopy)


23 Notes by DMB from Library and Standing Committee minutes and from letters, 1975-6. 36 cards (autogr.)


24 ‘Museum accepts anthropology gift’, The Times, 6 Oct. 1976