Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents British Ethnography Committee A59 BRITISH ETHNOGRAPHY COMMITTEE (A59 – 02 of 07)

Minutes, correspondence, papers, and publications. 1929-34, 1948-62, 1969-70.

60    BMB to TWB, 23 May – on a collection of Victorian children’s books; if TWB were interested, she would buy a selection and keep them for the Museum of English Life and Traditions; asks about reprints of article in Man (autogr.)

 61    TWB to BMB, 24 May – would be a kindness if she would secure the books for the museum; offprints being printed; has had visit from EE (tpc.)

 62    Ibid. to FS, 24 May – returns proof; notes, corrections and additions (tp.)

 63    FS to TWB, 3 June – copy for offprint sent back for printing; draft letter to Museum curators circulated to Committee members (tp.)

 64    WLH to TWB, 6 June – replies to draft letter to Museum curators; lists amendments (autogr.)

 65    BMB to TWB, 6 June – replies to draft letter; difficulty of existing museums storing material for new museum; suggests alternative arrangement (tp.)

 66    FS to WLH, 7 June – apologises for the omission of his name from list of members; proofs corrected in great haste (tpc.)

 67    D.B Harden to TWB, 7 June – wishes to change time of TWB’s talk at Newcastle (autogr. pc.); TWB reply, 15 June – agrees (tpc.)

 68    TWB to BMB, 8 June – acknowledges letter of 6 June (A59/2/65)

 69    BMB to TWB, 10 June – on lack of storage space (autogr. pc)

 70    T.H. Russell to ibid., 15 June – Fitzwilliam Museum via Dr Bushnell has advised him to get in touch regarding disposal of old carpentry tools; at least 100 years old; in very good condition (tp.)

 71    TWB to T.H. Russell, 16 June – appreciates his letter; is writing thesis on tools dealing with Bedfordshire; mentions BEC and museum; at present no facility to deal with objects offered; suggests the offer might be considered at some future date (tpc.)

 72    Mrs H.A. Lake Barnett, Hon. Secretary, Folk-Lore Society, to WBF, 29 June – on the omission in the Report of the Council, 1948-9 of the names of WLH and BMB, both members of the Folk-Lore Society (tp.); on verso draft reply by WBF (autogr.)

 73    FS to TWB, 29 June – reports arrival of offprints; has file of replies to draft letter to Museum curators (tp.)

 74    ICP to TWB, 29 June – thanks him for booklet; is sorry that a date line found its way into the booklet; on visit from Åke Campbell; on re-erection of woollen mill (autogr.)

 75    BMB to FS, 30 June – approves the appearance of the offprint; requests extra copies (tp.)

 76    TWB to ICP, 1 July – will ask FS to send more copies; on the date line; on Åke Campbell (tpc.)

 77    Ibid. to FS, 1 July – has received no offprints; extra copies required by ICP and RAS (tp.)

 78    FS to TWB and other Committee members except BMB and RAS, 2 July – to avoid duplication requests members to send list of anyone to whom they send the offprint (tp. with autogr. PS); note on new President attached (autogr.)

 79    Ibid. to BMB, 2 July – cost of printing borne by anonymous benefactor, i.e. TWB; asks for names of anyone to whom an offprint is sent (tpc.)

 80    ICP to TWB, 2 July – thanks him for letter; on the woollen mill; if TWB asked to give folk lecture in the National Museum, ICP hopes he will accept (autogr.)

 81    TWB to FS, 3 July – acknowledges offprints; asks about any alteration to circular letter to museum curators; will pay, anonymously, for printing, envelopes, and postage (tp.)

 82    ICP to FS, 5 July – has asked TWB for extra copies of offprints; cannot yet give names of recipients (tp.)

 83    FS to (Prof. Sir) E.E. Evans Pritchard, RAI President 1949-51, 5 July – sends information on the Committee as he assumes the Presidency (tpc.)

 84    TWB to FS, 6 July – encloses cheque on settlement of Clowes’s account; names two to whom he has sent offprint (tp.) (see A59/13/1c)

 85    FS to TWB, 9 July – thanks him for cheque for Clowes; thanks him for names to whom he has sent offprints (tp.)

 86    WLH to FS, 9 July – lists names to whom he will send offprints (autogr.)

 87    FS to Mrs Lake Barnett, 12 July – replies to letter of 29 June (A59/2/72) (tpc.)

 88    FS to BMB, 13 July – apologises for the omission of her name from the Report of the Council, 1948-9 (tpc.)

 89    BMB to FS, 15 July – comments on the omission of her name; will send list of names later; too busy trying to finish her book, i.e. The technology of a modern stone age people in New Guinea, 1950 (tp.)

 90    RAS to FS, 15 July – on names of those to be sent offprints. 2 leaves (tp.)

 91    FS to National Trust, 21 July – sends copy of offprint; on possible temporary storage by the Trust; wishes to discuss the matter (tpc.)

 92    RAS to FS, 25 July – requests additional copies of offprint (tp.)

 93    J.F.W. Rathbone, Secretary, National Trust to HJF, 25 July – interested in plans; would probably need to ask for rent on storage space (tp. with autogr. note)

 94    BMB to [?], 25 July – extract of letter; hopes they can get on with museum soon; on her availability to meet in Sept. (tp.)

 95    Lord Kilmaine, Secretary, Pilgrim Trust to TWB, 27 July – considers a discussion would be useful; suggests mid-Sept. (tp.)

 96    FS to Pilgrim Trust, 30 July – acknowledges letter of 27 July (A59/2/95); will write again in mid Sept. (tpc. with note to HJF); see A59/2/158

 97    List of names to whom A scheme was posted, 16 Aug. – 27 Sept. (tp.)

 98    TWB to FS, 5 Aug. – requests copy of device for English Museum; required for British Association meeting; will query the missing stirrups from the device with the College of Heralds (tp.)

 99    Ibid. to Webster Murray, 6 Aug. – confirms visit on 15 Aug; asks advice on how he might carry the drawing around while lecturing (tpc.)

100    [Ibid.] to BMB, 7 Aug. – thanks her for return of gun-stock; he and HJF have produced typescript of Suggestions; have drafted notes on storage and labelling; will send these to ICP then to her; hopes to start scheme next summer (tpc.)

101    Ibid. to FS, 13 Aug. – will collect design for badge if not already sent (telegram)

102    Ibid., 15 Aug. – requests copy of device to be sent to artist; copies of A scheme to be taken to British Association meeting (tp.)

103    FS to TWB, 16 Aug. – design has gone to Webster Murray; has 200 copies of A scheme; asks what she should do with remaining copies; letters to museum curators have been delivered; asks if they should be despatched (autogr.)

104    TWB to FS, 17 Aug. – suggests 150 copies of A scheme for the British Association; recommends sending covering letter to Museum curators ‘forthwith’ (tp.)

105    TWB to HJF, 21 Aug. – acknowledges draft of letter to Pilgrim Trust; refers to JMM and Miss Buck, Manchester Museum and their views on classification; refers to British Association meeting in Newcastle; asks how to describe objects when asking for help from the Vannes Museum (tp. with sketch of object)

106    Ibid. to Webster Murray, 21 Aug. – lets him know his temporary address at Dunstable; could come to London if necessary (tpc.)

107    FS to TWB, 22 Aug. – hopes A scheme arrived ‘in good order’; museum letters will go next day (tp.)

108    TWB to Studio Sun Ltd., 24 Aug. – orders film negative and prints from drawing by Webster Murray of English Museum (tpc.)

109    Studio Sun Ltd. to TWB, 25 Aug. – encloses negative and prints (tp.)

110    Draft letter from HJF to Pilgrim Trust, nd (autogr.)

111    HJF to Pilgrim Trust, 25 Aug. – would value opportunity to meet him in early Oct.; National Trust requires rent for any storage space; scheme for labelling and registering objects drawn up; mentions possible scheme to minimise cost (tpc.)

112    Draft covering letter to Museum curators for circulation with a copy of A scheme; note by TWB attached (mimeo. with autogr. annotations)

113    Ibid.; with autogr. amendments by HJF

114    Covering letter to Museum curators from HJF for circulation with a copy of A scheme, 26 Aug. (tp.) (2 copies)

115    Replies to the letter of 26 Aug. above from:

  a    Bristol. City Museum, 12 Sept., 28 Sept. (annotations by TWB)

  b    Cheltenham. Art Gallery and Museum, 30 Aug.

  c    Gloucester. Folk Museum, 12 Sept.

  d    Greenwich. National Maritime Museum, 29 Aug.

  e    Hereford. City Library, Museum, Art Gallery and Old House, 30 Aug.

  f    Ipswich. Museum of Natural History, Ethnology and Archaeology, 8 Sept.

  g    Lancaster. Public Library, Museums and Art Gallery, 29 Aug.

  h    London. Guildhall Library, 29 Aug.

  i    Ibid. Science Museum, 13 Sept.

  j    Ibid. Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, 14 Sept.

  k    Manchester. City Art Gallery, 5 Sept.

  l    Ibid. University Museum, from RUS, 29 Aug.

  m    Norwich. Castle Museum, 29 Aug.

  n    [Oxford. Pitt-Rivers Museum] from BMB, 10 Sept. (pc.)

  o    Reading. Museum and Art Gallery, 29 Aug.

  p    Miss Margaret Lambert to RAI, 3 Sept. – has just heard of RAI Committee; is very interested (tp.)

And acknowledgements [not retained] from: Bath, Victoria Art Gallery and Municipal Libraries; Brighton, Art Gallery and Museum; Canterbury, Royal Museum and Public Library; Cardiff, National Museum of Wales; Cardiff, Welsh Folk Museum; Castleford, Public Library and Museum; Hove, Public Library and Museum; Jersey, Société Jersiaise; Leeds, Temple Newsam House; Leicester, City Museum and Art Gallery; London, Horniman Museum and Library; Port Sunlight, Lady Lever Art Gallery; Shrewsbury, Public Library and Museum; Swansea, Royal Institution of South Wales; York, Castle Museum

116    Mrs M.M. Banks to RAI, 26 Aug. – has received a copy of A Scheme; with publication of the JRAI three years in arrears; questions the wisdom of embarking on such an expensive scheme; doubts whether the six Folk-Lore Society members of the Committee represent ‘the real Folklore element’; considers it unwise to copy the Scandinavian out-of-door museums. 2 leaves (autogr.) (see A59/2/143 for reply)

117    Pilgrim Trust to FS, 26 Aug. – acknowledges letter of 25 Aug. (A59/2/111); suggests meeting with Lord Kilmaine in Oct. (tp.)

118    TWB to Studio Sun Ltd., 27 Aug. – thanks them for ‘excellent’ negative and prints; encloses cheque (tpc.) (see A59/13/1d)

119    Ibid. to Webster Murray, 27 Aug. – photographs and drawing have arrived safely; lantern-slide maker making a slide for Newcastle; thanks him for his cooperation (tpc.)

120    Webster Murray to TWB, 27 Aug. – on his contact with Studio Sun; on the prints; asks if he could have a copy of the print; on his fee (30 guineas); sends ‘the enclosed’ [photo]; asks if TWB packed up the Coat of Arms (autogr.)

121    TWB to Webster Murray, 29 Aug. – thanks him for photo; has the Coat of Arms; encloses cheque; asks for receipt; asks if he could wait a little for the print (tpc.)

122    Webster Murray to TWB, 30 Aug. – thanks him for cheque; encloses receipt (autogr.) (see A59/13/1e)

123    FS to Pilgrim Trust, 1 Sept. – acknowledges letter of 26 Aug.; notes date of meeting (tp.)

124    Programme, 112th Annual Meeting of British Association for the Advancement of Science, Aug. 31 – 7 Sept., Newcastle upon Tyne (printed brochure)

125    Message to Mr M.C. Burkitt, Section H from the President, British Association, 3 Sept. – regrets cannot attend TWB’s address ‘A plea for a museum of English life and traditions’; warmly supports ‘the idea of an English museum’, signed E.J. Russell (Sir E. John Russell, FRS (EJR)) (tp.); and copy (tp.)

126    W.C. Fox, The Times, to TWB, 3 Sept. – encloses his manuscript; glad the paper managed to spare some space (tp.)

127    TWB to W.C. Fox, 5 Sept. – thanks him for returning manuscript and for writing up his talk; asks him also to return typed message from EJR [A59/2/61]

128    Ibid. – thanks for return of manuscript; asks for return of message (telegram)

129    W.C. Fox to Mr M.C. Burkitt, 3 Sept. – grateful for the loan of message from President which he now returns; would have liked to have seen whole page devoted to the Folk Museum (autogr.); ibid. to TWB, 5 Sept. – thought he had to return note to Burkitt; apogogises for inconvenience (autogr.)

130    TWB to C.C. Carter, Assistant Editor, Bedfordshire Times, 6 Sept. – refers to his lecture; encloses original notes of lecture; encloses copy of A scheme; encloses copy of notice in The Times; refers to EJR’s note of support which is still with the correspondent from The Times; asks for return of all documentation except A scheme (tpc.)

131    Ibid. to W.C. Fox, 7 Sept. – thanks him for prompt response to telegram; expects he has had his fill of the British Association (tpc.)

132    Press cuttings on TWB’s paper at the British Association:

  a    2 Sept. Cambridge Daily News (2 copies)

  b    3 Sept. The Times (ibid.)

  c    8 Sept. Luton News

  d    9 Sept. Bedfordshire Times & Independent (2 copies)

133    TWB to HJF, 11 Sept. – encloses batch of letters arising from the press coverage and copies of his replies (tp., tpc.)

  a    Capt. A.B. Dale (tp.), enclosing a copy of his ‘A suggestion for an English War Memorial’, (mimeo.), 3 Sept.; and reply, 11 Sept.

  b    H.F. Hilton, 3 Sept. (autogr.); and reply, 11 Sept.

  c    C. Birdwood Willcocks, 5 Sept. (tp.); and reply, 11 Sept.

  d    Ibid., 16 Sept. (tp.); and reply, 27 Sept.

  e    Victor Talton, 5 Sept. (autogr.); and reply, 11 Sept.

134    F.S. Wallis, The City Museum, Bristol, to TWB, 12 Sept. – congratulates him on his talk; puts the case for regional museums combined with a central museum; hopes he will bring scheme forward at conference of Museums Association; asks for copy of drawing; asks for copy of booklet on the straw hat (tp.)

135    C.C. Carter to ibid., 14 Sept. – returns his ‘National Museum’ documents; refers to the write-up he gave in the paper (autogr.)

136    W.C. Fox to ibid., 15 Sept. – relieved to know that TWB had received note with President’s message; thought he might have ‘collected’ it unwittingly; says that he rarely has his fill of the British Association (autogr.)

137    D.B. Harden to ibid., 18 Sept. – Committee of Section H would like to recommend publication of a version of TWB’s paper; Committee ready to cooperate in any way which might be useful; he will report to Jan. meeting of sectional committee TWB’s reply (tp.) (see A59/14/6)

138    TWB to C.C. Carter, 19 Sept. – thanks him for return of documents and for write-up (tpc.)

139    Eileen Thomson, RAI, to TWB, 19 Sept. – encloses replies to HJF’s letter sent out on 26 Aug. (A59/2/115a-p); HJF has seen them and asked for them to be passed on to TWB (tp.)

140    FS to TWB, 22 Sept. – account for covering letter to Museum curators enclosed for anonymous benefactor, i.e. TWB (tp.)

141    TWB to Dr Redcliffe Salaman, 23 Sept. – wife has passed on details of telephone conversation; TWB thinks that Dr Salaman must have forgotten that he visited with his son [RAS]; due to pressure of work cannot arrange further appointments; as it is in connection with BEC suggests he should contact HJF, or write (tpc.)

142    FS to Sir Robert Witt, 24 Sept. – wishes to discuss project with him (tpc.)

143    Ibid. to Mrs M.M. Banks, 24 Sept. – acknowledges letter of 26 Aug. (see A59/2/116); criticisms noted; RAI intends to obtain financial support and not to spend its own funds (tpc.)

144    TWB to FS, 26 Sept. – encloses cheque (see A59/2/140); has had prepared a watercolour drawing of an English Museum for his British Association talk (see H289); asks if he may deposit it at the RAI (tp.)

145    BMB to FS, 26 Sept. – asks for a copy of A Scheme to be sent to F.W. Robins (autogr.); sent 28 Sept.

146    Sir Robert Witt to FS, 27 Sept. – replies to A59/2/142; regrets he is unable to take an active part in affairs (autogr.)

147    TWB to F.S. Wallis, 27 Sept. – had purposely delayed answering his letter of 12 Sept.; had hoped he might visit Bristol but this not now possible; Dr Wallis’s views interesting; sure that HJF will bring his letter before Committee; Committee well-represented from the museum angle; on his drawing; on his booklet on the ‘Straw Hat’ (tpc.)

148    Ibid. to D.B. Harden, 28 Sept. – sorry for delay in replying to letter about publication of his talk; thought it best to ask consent of HJF which has been readily given; grateful for his support; there has been some opposition from unexpected quarters (tpc.)

149    Ministry of Town and Country Planning Library to TWB, 29 Sept. – requests copy of his address to the British Association, i.e. ‘A plea for a museum of English life and traditions’ (tp.); on verso acknowledgement from the Ministry

150    FS to TWB, 29 Sept. – acknowledges cheque; will accept his drawing of the English Museum (see A59/2/144) (tp.)

151    HJF to TWB, 29 Sept. – thanks him for letter and enclosures; on Dr Wallis’s letter; on regional museums and a central scheme; refers to his upcoming meeting with Lord Kilmaine on 5 Oct. (autogr.)

152    FS to Sir Robert Witt, 30 Sept. – regrets to hear of his ill-health; had hoped he would be able to give advice informally (see A59/2/146) (tpc.)

153    F.W. Robins to RAI, 30 Sept. – mentions his books on the camp, water supply, and bridges and his collections; will be interested to hear of the progress of the scheme (see A59/2/145)

154    FS to TWB, 30 Sept. – informs him of the interest expressed by Margaret Lambert and Enid Marx, authorities on English popular art; wishes him to meet them; they suggested contacting City Companies such as Goldsmiths, Mercers etc.; Enid Marx wishes to join RAI (tpc.)

155    TWB to FS, 1 Oct. – he will be attending Council meeting on 11 Oct.; could meet her friends then; on approaching the Companies; Peter Holm in Aarhus did something similar (tpc.)

156    FS to TWB, 2 Oct. – suggests meeting for lunch on 11 Oct. (autogr.)

157    Ibid., 5 Oct. – encloses letter to him from HJF; has the Classification scheme for him [Suggestions]; on names for Committee (autogr.)

158    Report by HJF on a conversation with Lord Kilmaine, Secretary, Pilgrim Trust, 5 Oct. – Lord Kilmaine sympathetic; he urged that a modest scheme for collection and storage should be established; salaried staff should be avoided for some years; hoped free residence for curator would be offered at the place of storage; suggested the Committee should be widened to include public in touch with country houses (autogr.)

159    TWB to FS, 7 Oct. – draft of Suggestions almost ready for final decision; names for a good museum representative need careful consideration (tp.)

160    Ibid. to HJF, 7 Oct. – will do his best to see the scheme is not encumbered with a high salaried officer; care needs to be taken with the Museum Association and an appointment; thinks Sir Cyril Fox may oppose any centralised scheme; EJR ideal on the agricultural side; Dr Joan Evans a possibility; agrees it is undesirable to ask for a grant for publishing Suggestions (tpc.)

161    Draft letter from HJF to Sir Cyril Fox, 11 Oct. (autogr.)

162    HJF to Sir Cyril Fox, 11 Oct. – outlines work of exploratory committee; hopes to transform it into a committee able to negotiate storage space etc.; hopes to retire from chairmanship; would be grateful for his views (tpc.)

163    FS to Committee, 13 Oct. – on the appointment of members (tpc.)

164    WLH to FS, 14 Oct. – glad to serve on Committee (autogr. pc) acceptances [not retained] also from: ICP, 15 Oct.; BMB, 15 Oct.; TWB, 17 Oct.; RUS, 17 Oct.; RAS, 20 Oct.

165    FS to TWB, 14 Oct. – reports on the enthusiasm of Margaret Lambert and Enid Marx; they suggest a temporary exhibition to stimulate interest during the Festival of Britain; considers proposal should be considered seriously (tp.) (see also A59/2/154 and A59/2/167)

166    J.A. Daniell, Assistant Keeper of Antiquities, Museums and Art Gallery, Leicester to RAI, 15 Oct. – building up a collection of local material; handicapped by lack of storage space for larger objects; is compiling a questionnaire; will retain duplicate material; would be glad to be of assistance (tp. with attached note); letter acknowledged, 22 Oct. [not retained]

167    TWB to FS, 17 Oct. – replies to letter of 14 Oct. (A59/2/165); considered by himself and HJF; WBF has already suggested an exhibition during Festival of Britain; both he and HJF approve of the aim; they both consider the present is not a good time to launch an appeal; policy of gradually creating interest has approval of Pilgrim Trust; taking steps to strengthen the Committee (tp.)

168    Sir Cyril Fox to HJF, 17 Oct. – thanks him for A scheme; gives his views about the drawbacks of the scheme as it stands; suggests it would be better to start in a smaller way but showing the items immediately. 3 pages (autogr.)

169    Mrs H.J. Fleure to FS, 18 Oct. – HJF in Egypt until May 1950 and unable to attend Committee meetings; sends apologies (autogr. pc)

170    FS to TWB, 18 Oct. – understands policy adopted by himself and HJF; has not heard from WBF of his scheme; encloses letters received [not held] (tpc.)

171    BMB to TWB, 24 Oct. – as HJF is away in Cairo she sends to TWB the enclosed cutting from the News Chronicle; wonders if they should contact the editor or the writer of the article; pleased to learn from HJF’s letter [not held] that her suggestions were helpful; on adzes (tp.)

 .1    Geoffrey Murray, ‘This Museum Lives’, News Chronicle, 24 Oct. [enclosed with A59/2/171] (newspaper cutting)

 .2    Ibid., reprinted in ‘Egyptian Mail’, 5 Nov. (newspaper cutting)

172    [HJF] to EJR, 30 Oct. – reports Lord Kilmaine thinks the Pilgrim Trust should give ‘substantial help’; hopes to form a group to which grant would be made; his name, Lord Harlech and Sir Cyril Fox suggested; hopes TWB will take charge if the scheme is implemented; asks him to consider the matter (tp. copy)

173    Ibid. to Sir Cyril Fox – idea of an English museum a delicate one, balancing collection, storage and display; reports Lord Kilmaine’s view [as in A59/2/172]; asks him to consider the matter (tp. copy)

174    Ibid. to Lord Harlech – on Lord Kilmaine [as in A59/2/172 & A59/2/173]; on TWB’s probable involvement; asks him to consider the matter (tp. copy)

175    FS to HJF, 1 Nov. – reports on his Presidential Address and completion of details; Encyclopaedia Britannica dealing with his article (tpc.)

176    Ibid. to TWB, 1 Nov. – reports that Enid Marx phoned; passed on information on the Marylebone Society, individuals approached; inquires about Sir Cyril Fox’s letter (tp.)

 .1    Copy of A59/2/176 (tpc. with autogr. note)

177    TWB to FS, 2 Nov. – Sir Cyril Fox’s letter forwarded to HJF; trying to complete draft Suggestions (tp.)

178    Hon. Curator, Curtis Museum, Alton, Hants to RAI, 5 Nov. – reports on the Museum’s agricultural, craftsmen’s and tradesmen’s tools section; wishes to know how they can help (autogr.); letter acknowledged, 11 Nov. [not retained]

179    F.S. Wallis to TWB, 5 Nov. – has had offer of cider mill and press, and a hay sweep; as they are duplicates he offers them for the English Museum; gives name and address of donor (tp.)

180    RUS to HJF, 7 Nov. – encloses off-print of a contribution to a discussion at Leicester in which he mentioned the Museum of English Life; hopes there will be a meeting during the winter (autogr.)

 .1    ‘The Part of the University Museums’, read at Annual Conference, Leicester, 5 July; The Museums Journal, vol. 49 [enclosed with A59/2/180]. 3 pages (printed)

181    Victoria and Albert Museum Library to RAI, 7 Nov. – requests copy of A scheme (tp.); also requests or acceptances [not retained] from: Lincoln Public Libraries, Museum and Art Gallery, 21, 24 Nov.; Sir David Russell, 22 Nov. and reply 25 Nov.; Lancaster Public Library, Museums and Art Gallery, 24 Nov.; Wakefield City Art Gallery and Museum, 30 Nov.

182    TWB to F.S. Wallis, 9 Nov. – thanks him for the offer of the items; just the sort of things that are wanted; not yet able to take them but he will write to the owner to see if he can keep them a while longer (tpc.)

183    Ibid. to G.L.C. Hardinge, 9 Nov. – in the cider mill and press, and hay sweep; very interested in such items but unable to take custody until premises have been secured; asks if he might keep them a little longer (tpc.)

184    Lord Harlech to HJF, 9 Nov. – has received his letter about a Folk Museum; has too many engagements to undertake any more; besides he has reservations about his suitability, and about the scheme in general; describes these (autogr.)

185    FS to TWB, 10 Nov. – encloses letter from Lord Harlech to HJF; asks him to read and then forward it (autogr.)

186    TWB to FS, 10 Nov. – encloses draft Suggestions [not held]; approved by HJF before departure; several Committee members still to see draft; then possible to hold a full Committee meeting (tp.)

187    FS to TWB, 11 Nov. – has heard Festival of Britain is planning an English Victorian and Edwardian art show; person in charge has approached Miss Lambert and Miss Marx; Council decide against an exhibition in 1950; mentions a possible site for the museum in Dulwich (tp.)

188    RAS to FS, 11 Nov. – encloses ticket for Building Exhibition; representation of a saw-pit being erected (tp. with autogr. note); RAI reply, 15 Nov. [not retained]

189    TWB to FS, 12 Nov. – thanks her for her letter and Lord Harlech’s letter; will deposit picture on 23 Nov.; hopes to have a word with her; asks her to find out about the Festival of Britain (tpc.)

190    FS to HSH, 15 Nov. – encloses draft copy of Suggestions; asks him to forward it to RAS (tpc.)

191    HSH, nd – comments on Suggestions; it is admirable; thinks perhaps something shorter might be more effectual (autogr. note)

192    16 Nov. – Press Release for Festival of Britain, 1951. 9 pages (tp.)

 .1    Covering letter sent with A59/2/192 (tp.)

 .2    Note from the Arts Council on its position relating to subsidies for Festival of Britain exhibitions (tp.)

193    John W. Waterer to TWB, 19 Nov. – on thinking about the scheme for establishing a museum, questions the wisdom of limiting objects by date; on the Swedish museum; on reasons for his view (tp.)

194    HJF to Lord Harlech, 21 Nov. – sorry that he cannot cooperate; he had hoped to help regional museums; had considered exhibition of objects matter for the fairly distant future (tp. copy)

195    Ibid. to Lord Kilmaine, 21 Nov. – sends copy of Lord Harlech’s letter and his reply; sorry that he cannot help; is thinking of Dr Joan Evans; wonders about best way to approach her; perhaps JLM can advise (tp. copy)