Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 01 of 17)

The archive is divided into sections, centring on the awards for each year. The material relating to each candidate is located in the section corresponding to the year the award was first made, even if it subsequently covers other years. Where relevant, each section also covers correspondence to Trustees and, for the earlier years only, material dealing with unsuccessful candidates.

Papers relating to some students are not available. The names of these students are marked with an asterisk.


Names of individual students are abbreviated to initials within their own particular section only

ACB     Mrs Angela C. Bowe, Secretary to the Officers RAI, 1952-5

AHC     Anthony H. Christie, (d. 1994), Council 1959-61, Hon. Secretary, 1961-70

DHFW     Douglas H.F. Wilson b. 1894, RAI Hon. Treasurer 1944-56, Trustee

EEP     Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard 1902-73, President 1949-51

FS         Miss S. Felicia Stallman, Assistant Secretary, 1942-52

HJB     Hermann Justus Braunholtz 1888-1963, RAI Hon. Editor 1925-34, President 1941-3

JB         Jonathan Benthall, Director, 1973-2000

MWS     Dr Marion W. Smith (1907-61), Hon. Secretary, 1956-61

TWH     Thomas Walter Howland, RAI solicitor

WBF     William B. Fagg, Hon. Secretary 1939-56

Contents :

01/ Minutes

02/ Finance

1/ Establishment of the Fund

2/ First year 1944
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for information
3 Unsuccessful Applications

3/ Awards made in 1945
1 Trustees’ Business
2 requests for information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
4 Mary Danielli
5 Irawati Karvé
6 Eva Meyerowitz

4/ Awards made in 1946
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
4 Vernon George Sheddick
5 Miss Barbara Elsie Ward

5/ Awards made in 1947
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
4 Cyril Shirley Belshaw
5 Emrys Lloyd Peters

6/ Awards made in 1948
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
4 Miss Audrey Joan Butt
5 Judith Djamour
6 Douglas Peter Lloyd Dry

7/ Awards made in 1949
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
4 Francis John Heathorn Huxley
5 David Peter Morton Morton-Williams [Peter]
6 Miss Edna B.D.B. Payn
7 Henry Arthur Powell

8/ Awards made in 1950
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Unsuccessful Applications
3 Robert Elwyn Bradbury
4 Elinor Russell MacHatton

9/ Awards made in 1951
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Unsuccessful applications
3 Alexander Timothy Carey

10/ Awards made in 1952
1 Trustees’ Business

11/ Awards made in 1953
1 Trustees’ Business

12/ Awards made in 1954
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Unsuccessful applications

13/ Awards made in 1955
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Terry Barrow
3 Rosemary Lois Harris
4 Miss Annie Margaret McArthur
5 Miss Alice Joan Metge
6 James Spillius
7 Absalom Vilakazi

14/ Awards made in 1956
1 Trustees’ Business
2 John Antony Randoll Blacking
3 William Robin Gray Horton [Robin]
4 Colin MacMillan Turnbull
*5 Robert Leonard Wishlade

15/ Awards made in 1957
1 Trustees’ Business
2 John Anthony Waldo Forge
3 David Henry Peter Maybury-Lewis

16/ Awards made in 1958
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Rusiate Raibosa Nayacakalou
3 Jitendra Pal Singh

17/ Awards made in 1959
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Donald Neil Abbott
3 Raymond Ernst Clausen
4 Mphiwa Buxton Mbatha
5 Paul Spencer
6 Mary Teresa Spens

18/ Awards made in 1960
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for information
3 Ruth Hilary Finnegan
4 Baboojee Saraswathy Panikker
5 James Campbell Woodburn
6 Evelyn Rachel Yeld

19/ Awards made in 1961
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
4 Alison Hope Redmayne
5 S.B.W. Wickremasekera
6 Roy Geoffrey Willis

20/ Awards made in 1962
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Elizabeth Ann Bell
3 John Michael Goodliffe
4 John Douglas Kesby
5 Andrew Jamieson Strathern

21/ Awards made in 1963
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Unsuccessful Applications
*3 Geoffrey Benjamin
4 Revd. John Berrell
5 David Hendrick McCarroll Brooks
*6 James Harvey Chaplin
7 Ann Marilyn Evans
8 John Ellis Lavers
9 Katrin Norris (Fitzherbert)
10 David Charles Pitt

22/ Awards made in 1964
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Andrew Baring
*3 Miss Audrey G. Boorne
*4 Robert Brain
5 Simon Edward Mitchell
6 John Llywelyn Wynne Williams

23/ Awards made in 1965
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Virginia Rose Cecilia Luling
3 Malcolm Donald McLeod
4 Jonathan Hugh Musgrave
5 Jonathan Patrick Parry
6 Ursula Marion Sharma
7 Richard Lionel Tapper
8 Nicolas Edward Wincott

24/ Awards made in 1966
1 Requests for Information
2 Maurice Emile Felix Bloch
3 Malcolm Bruce Corrie
4 Roger Charles Gomm
5 Graham George Jackson
6 Adam Jonathan Kuper
7 Sylvia Grace Moore
8 Andrew Dale Sanders
9 Donald Bertram Tayler
10 Caroline Waddington

25/ Awards made in 1967
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Unsuccessful Applications
3 Marianne Vere Cardale
4 David John Chivers
5 John Digby Hearn Collinson
*6 Miss Louise Helen M. Hogg
7 David Paul Lumsden
8 Paul Francis Wilkinson

26/ Awards made in 1968
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Jacob Misha Black
4 Michael Francis Charles Bourdillon
5 Jeffrey Hewitt Pollitt Evans
6 Antony Francis Gell
7 John Charles Harriss
8 Jeremy Hugh Keenan
9 Michael Keith Wallington

27/ Awards made in 1969
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
4 Victor Alan Clarke
5 Peter Rodney Lattin
6 André Felix Vitus Singer
7 Michael Stanton
8 Andrew and Jo Turton

28/ Awards made in 1970
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
*4 Mrs Christine Dunster
*5 Dr Colin Groves
*6 Mark Hobart
*7 Timothy Ingold
*8 Miss Diana M. Lancaster
*9 George A. Michell
*10 Mrs Marjorie H. Stewart
*11 Michael John Walker
*12 Miss Janet M. Willoughby

29/ Awards made in 1971
1 Trustees’ Business
2 Requests for Information
3 Unsuccessful Applications
*4 Joan Buckley
*5 Margret Carey
*6 Colin Filer
*7 Jeremy Greenland
*8 Katherine Homewood
*9 Kerry James
10 Angela Susan Jameson
11 Harry Alastair Lamb
*12 Jonathan Pollock
*13 Simonette Rattenbury
*14 Pauline Ryan
*15 Andrew Sherratt
*16 Catherine Young

30/ Awards made in 1972
*1 Mrs Monica Jackson
*2 Mrs Amina Farrag Minns
*3 Miss Michele A. Schoenberger
*4 Mrs M. Scott
*5 Philip L.B. Stevens
*6 Jeremy Swift

31/ Awards made in 1973
*1 Mrs Patricia Carter
*2 Miss Diana Colvin
*3 Miss Elena Lieven
*4 Miss Jeune Scott-Kemball
*5 Paul Sillitoe
*6 Mrs Hazel Weyme

32/ Awards made in 1974
*1 Paul Henley
*2 Helen Macbeth
*3 Abd-Rehman Madha
*4 Peter Robertshaw
*5 Peter Ros

33/ Awards made in 1975
*1 Mrs Tandy Clausen
2 Michael C. Donmall
*3 Robert Foley
*4 Rosaleen Howard
*5 David Mearns
*6 Michael Stephen
*7 Philip Townshend
*8 Susan Wright

34/ Awards made in 1976
*1 Gregory J. Hurworth
*2 Steven J. Phelps
*3 Alan E. Smith
*4 Michael R. Smith

35/ Awards made in 1977
*1 H. Beattie
*2 Roger Blench
*3 Robert Dodd
*4 Miss P. Logan
*5 Miss R. Shaw
6 Piers Vitebsky

36/ Awards made in 1978
*1 T[erence] T. Booth
*2 Mrs A.I. Buckley
*3 R[ichard] S. Hogg
*4 Mrs Shobhita Jain
*5 P[aul] B. Roscoe

01/     Minutes of the Horniman Fund

The original minutes have been copied on acid-free paper.

1/     Minutes Book 9 May 1944-22 June 2000

1     Photocopy of minutes book as above on acid-free paper

2     microfilm of minutes book as above

02/     Finance

1     Horniman Ledger, Jan. 1943-Jan. 1959. Covers advertising, printing and stationery, petty cash, salaries, scholarship awards and legal charges. Ff. 1-81

2     Special Funds Cash Book 1947-58. Ff. 1-23

1/     Establishment of the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund


1     Woodcock Ryland to Charles Otto Blagden, Hon. Secretary, 16 Sep. 1932 – Emslie John Horniman died last July; his will will be proved shortly; two fifths of his residuary estate are left to the RAI, subject to prior interests, for the purpose of creating the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund (tp.) 1212


2     Woodcock Ryland to WBF, Hon. Secretary, 30 Dec. 1942 – Mrs Laura Isabel Horniman died on 16 Dec.; the residuary estate now falls into possession of the RAI; requests a full statement of how the Institute intends to fulfil the conditions (tp.)


3     Ibid., 13 Jan. 1943 – encloses a copy of the will (tp.)

4     [FS] to the Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Co., 14 Jan. – notes that now Mrs Horniman has died the RAI will receive two fifths of the Horniman estate; asks to know the approximate amount involved (tpc.)

5     Woodcock Ryland to WBF, 21 Jan. – encloses a list of Mrs Horniman’s estate; it must be remembered that death duties must still be paid from this (tp.)

6     FS to WBF, 1 Feb. – Council has appointed a sub-committee to consider the terms and conditions of the Horniman bequest; he has been nominated to serve on it (tp.)

7     Ibid., to Members of the Horniman Bequest Sub-Committee, 5 Feb. – gives date of first meeting; encloses extracts from the will of Emslie John Horniman (tpc.)

8     Will of the late Emslie John Horniman. Extracts. 6 pp (tpc.)

9     Minutes of the Horniman Bequest Committee, 9 Feb. 1943. 3 leaves (tpc.)

10     FS to WBF, 11 Feb. – encloses a copy of the minutes; Prof. John L. Myres sent in some suggestions too late for the meeting; will next have to draft a definite plan and meet with the Trustees of the Bank (tp.)

11     Prof. John L. Myres. Draft scheme for Horniman Bequest. 2 leaves (tpc.)

12     FS to TWH, Kimber Bull & Co., 17 Feb. 1943 – HJB has said that he wishes to study the Horniman Will; encloses a copy and asks for its return (tpc.)

13     Kimber Bull & Co. to FS, 18 Feb. – thanks her for copy of the Will (tp.)

14     [FS?] to WBF, 22 Feb. – is sending copies of the minutes to all Trustees; asks for his advice concerning the Trustees, and the payment of the Fund (tpc.)

15     Shaw, Loebl & Co. for Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co., 3 Mar. – list of E.J. Horniman’s stocks. 5 pp. (tp.)

16     FS, 8 Mar. – Horniman Committee minutes. Second meeting – Legal details; adoption of the term ‘Studentship’; frequency of awards to be decided; fund to be held by a Custodian Trustee; on Trustees; on administration costs. 2 leaves (tpc.)

17     FS to Midland Bank, 15 Mar. – asks to know approximate amount of income that is to be available to the Fund; the information would be useful for drawing up the scheme (tpc.)

18     Midland Bank to FS, 17 Mar. – is unable to give precise information; has passed on all possible details to the Institute’s solicitors (tp.)

19     FS to TWH, 19 Mar. – encloses a copy of the particulars of the Residuary Personal Estate of Mr Horniman and letter from Midland Bank (tpc.)

20     Kimber Bull & Co. to FS, 22 Mar. – returns copies; will try to find out the value of the estate from Woodcock Ryland & Co. (tp.)

21     C.H. Barker, Midland Bank to Woodcock Ryland & Co., 24 Mar. – on the amount that the RAI is likely to receive from the Horniman Bequest (tpc.)

22     TWH to HJB, 26 Mar. – encloses copy of the details from the Midland Bank sent to him by Woodcock Ryland & Co.; believes this information will enable the Institute to prepare the scheme (tp.)

23     Ibid., 29 Mar. 1943 – has no further information; suggests a figure which will enable them to allow for death duties and costs as well (tp.)

24     Horniman Bequest Committee. Third meeting, 3 May – minutes; outlines draft scheme; lists names for consideration as Trustees. 3 pp. (tpc.)

25     RAI. Horniman Fund: proposed scheme. 3 leaves (tpc.)

26     Woodcock Ryland & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 1 July – encloses an Appropriation of the Testator’s residuary personal estate for the approval of the RAI (tpc.)

27     TWH to HJB, 2 July – encloses copy of Appropriation Account; gives his opinions; Ivan Horniman has approved (tp.)

28     Woodcock Ryland & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 7 July – further details on the Appropriation Account (tpc.)

29     TWH to HJB, 8 July – sends copy of letter 1/28 above; offers his opinions; asks for instructions (tp.)

30     HJB to TWH, 13 July – thanks him for letters which he is submitting to WBF and other Officers; gives his own opinions; mentions that he is no longer President; Prof. John Henry Hutton is the new President but as he does not reside in London advises communications to be made to WBF in future (autogr.)

31     FS to TWH, 15 July – encloses proposed scheme for the administration of the Fund; asks for his views (tpc.)

32     Kimber Bull & Co. to FS, [16? July] – will let her have their views soon; asks for a copy of the Will (tp.)

33     TWH to HJB, 20 July – thinks it best to press for full details of all accounts; it would not be possible to do so at a later date should the question ever be raised (tp.)

34     Coutts & Co., Trustee Department to TWH, 27 July – are happy to act as Custodian Trustee of the Fund; asks for further details (tpc.)

35     Ibid., to FS, 27 July – encloses copy of letter 1/34 above (tp.)

36     FS to Coutts & Co., 30 July – glad that they are acting as Custodian Trustee and are in touch with TWH (tpc.)

37     Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 13 Aug. – encloses draft Deed; the appointment of a Custodian would be an unnecessary expense; needs to know whether the Committee approves of the draft as soon as possible (tp.)

38     Kimber Bull & Co., 13 Aug. 1943 – Deed between the Midland Bank and the RAI; includes scheme for application of the fund; the character and duties of the Trustees; information on awards and publications. 12 pp. (tpc., annotated by WBF, HJB, FS and Walter Leo Hildburgh, Hon. Treasurer)

39     FS to WBF, 20 Aug. – encloses draft Deed (1/38 above); gives her opinions on division of the allotted sum; does not think it reasonable to expect the administration of the Fund to be done ‘free of charge’ (tp.)

40     WBF, 5 Sep. – Horniman Bequest. Comments on draft deed (autogr., with marginal notes by Prof. J.H. Hutton)

41     Prof. John Henry Hutton to WBF, 7 Sep. – returns the draft Deed and his comments; lists the alterations he would like to make (autogr.)

42     WBF to FS, 14 Sep. – encloses draft deed and all the amendments; asks her to keep a copy for the records and send one to TWH; notes two additional points to be put to the Trustee concerning possible extensions in special circumstances, and the inclusion of candidates from the Mandated Territories; asks her to arrange a meeting as soon as possible; if an agreement can be made in principle an announcement of the setting up of the Fund can be made at the Centenary Celebrations on 30 Oct. (autogr.)

43     FS to TWH, 20 Sep. – sends copy of the Deed with all alterations; notes the points raised by WBF. 2 leaves (tpc.)

44     Scheme for application of the fund. Amended draft. 3 pp. (tp.)

45     TWH to FS, 22 Sep. – has had a fair copy made of the draft deed and sent to the Solicitors; has raised the points WBF mentioned; is going on holiday but the matter will be dealt with in his absence (tp.)

46     Midland Bank Executor and Trustee Co., 8 Oct. – copy of suggested sales of securities (tpc.)

47     L.J. O’Callaghan, Midland Bank to Woodcock Ryland & Co., 9 Oct. – encloses a list of investments which it is suggested are sold to cover their costs; asks what their own costs are likely to be (tpc.)

48     Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 11 Oct. – encloses draft approved by the Solicitors; gives answers to the points he raised (tpc.)

49     Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 12 Oct. – asks for any comments on 1/46 above (tp.)

50     FS to Kimber Bull & Co., 19 Oct. 1943 – returns draft deed; notes some alterations which WBF would like made (tpc.)

51     TWH to FS, 21 Oct. – returns draft corrected as requested; a copy has been sent to Woodcock Ryland & Co.; it seems in order that the awards may be called Studentships (tp.)

52     C.H. Barker, Midland Bank to Woodcock Ryland & Co., 5 Nov. – on transfer of investments to RAI (tpc.)

53     TWH to WBF, 9 Nov. – ibid. (tp., note by WBF, 12 Nov. – thinks Dr Hildburgh should consider the matter)

54     Walter Leo Hildburgh to TWH, 3 Dec. – has discussed the matter with his colleagues; gives decision (tpc.)

55     Ibid., 4 Dec. – financial considerations for the future will have to be dealt with carefully (tpc.)

56     TWH to FS, 10 Dec. – has received her letter enclosing one from Marshall & Hicks Beach; if they would like to make an appointment with him he will discuss the points they raise (tp.)

57     Ibid., 14 Dec. – has spoken to Marshall & Hicks Beach; they accept that the Institute cannot divert any of the monies to which it has become entitled; they asked if there were any other funds; he replied that the Institute was not wealthy (tp.)

58     Shaw Loebl & Co. to Midland Bank, 14 Dec. – comments on lists of investments earmarked ‘RAI’ (tpc.)

59     C.H. Barker, Midland Bank to Woodcock Ryland & Co., 15 Dec. – on transfer of investments; will submit accounts to Kimber Bull & Co. on behalf of the RAI (tpc.)

2/     First year of Fund. 1944. Chair Prof. John Henry Hutton

It was originally hoped to make the first award in 1944 but due to delays in settling the exact amount of the Fund it was decided to postpone for a year. Information was sent to Dominion representatives in London, to India, Burma and Colonial Officers, to British Universities and interested Institutions and to members of the Joint Committee for Anthropological Research and Training. A few applications were received but no award was made.

1/     Trustees’ Business


1     Roger Mortimer & Co., to WBF, 19 Jan. 1944 – on investments for the Horniman Fund. 6 pp. (tp.)

2     Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co., to Kimber Bull & Co., 3 Feb. 1944 – ibid. (tpc.)

3     Kimber Bull & Co. to WBF, 8 Feb. 1944 – encloses letter 2/2 above; H.S. Mortimer recommends adopting the suggestions (tp.)

4     DHFW to FS, 11 Feb. – gives his opinions on the securities; WBF asks her to tell Dr Hildburgh to authorise a letter to Kimber Bull & Co. (tp.)

5     List of Trustees appointed 21 Mar. (tpc.)

6     FS? to Prof. John L. Myres, 21 Apr. – on organising the first meeting of the Horniman Trustees; proposes combining the meeting with Prof. Fleure’s lecture on 2 May (tpc.)

7     Ibid., to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 21 Apr. – ibid. (tpc.)

8     Ibid., to DHFW, 24 Apr. – the Horniman Trustees have been appointed and include the Hon. Treasurer of the RAI; suggests that as he is soon to replace Dr Hildburgh in this position that he should attend the next meeting of Trustees; see Council minutes, 16 May 1944, CM/73/5 item 10 (tpc.)

9     TWH to FS, 25 Apr. – the Deed and Scheme for the Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund has not yet been completed; on appointing of Trustees; on financial details which remain to be settled; will make copies when the Deed is completed for each of the Trustees (tp.)

10     FS to DHFW, 2 May – reports on what TWH has said about the accounts of the Horniman estate; considers it unlikely that any Studentship could be awarded for the academic year of 1944-5; the vacation would have started before any announcement could be made (tpc.)

11     Ibid., to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 2 May – gives rough draft of agenda for the Horniman Trustees meeting; TWH is still working on financial details; mentions other matters to be discussed. 2 leaves (tpc.)

12     Draft agenda of Trustees meeting, 9 May (tpc.)

13     Agenda of Trustees meeting, 9 May (tpc.)

14     Draft minutes of meeting, 9 May. 3 leaves (tpc., annotated by FS)

15     TWH to DHFW, 10 May – encloses copy of a letter received from the Solicitors to the Midland Bank, and of the form of discharge; advises the Trustees to consider very carefully before affixing the seal to this (tp.)

16     Copy of form of discharge stating that the RAI has received all that it is entitled to under the will of Emslie John Horniman (tpc.)

17     FS to Mr Knowlden, 11 May 1944 – orders new headed notepaper for the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund with details as to colour and lay-out (tpc.)

18     Ibid., to TWH, 11 May – returns fair copy of the draft deed; hopes if all goes well it can be signed (tpc.)

19     Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co. to Woodcock Ryland & Co., 31 May – on accounts for the Horniman estate (tpc.)

20     Woodcock Ryland & Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., [31 May] – ibid. (tpc.)

21     Kimber Bull & Co. to RAI, 1 June – ibid. (tp.) [first page of letter only]

22     Ivan Horniman to FS, 1 June – has heard that the Midland Bank has sent accounts to Woodcock Ryland & Co. to be forwarded to Kimber Bull & Co.; hopes that the RAI’s accountants will find everything is in order and that the matter will be settled promptly (autogr.)

23     Jones & Peel to DHFW, 13 June – thinks it is quite safe to accept Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co.’s statement (tp.)

24     FS to TWH , Kimber Bull & Co., 15 June – the accounts have been approved and the deed can be prepared for execution; on a legal point about signatures. 2 leaves (tpc.)

25     TWH to FS, 19 June – the Council must pass a resolution for the sealing (tp.)

26     Ibid., 23 June – has Jones & Peel’s letter (2/23 above); is having the engrossments of the Release prepared (tp.)

27     Kenneth Little to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 26 June – imagines his trip to Sierra Leone will rule him out in respect of the Horniman grant; suggests R. Gardiner, Judith Stephen, [Bertram] Hutchinson, and V.G.J. Sheddick as possibilities; R. Gardiner is the most interesting of these; wishes him well with his presidential address (autogr.)

28     Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co. to Kimber Bull & Co., 7 July – encloses a cheque for £1000 to be forwarded to the RAI (tpc.)

29     WBF. Agenda of Council meeting to be held 7 July 1944 – the meeting is necessary to secure authorisation for sealing the Document of Release to allow completion of arrangements for the RAI to take over the Horniman Fund; see Council minutes 7 July 1944, CM/74/1 item 9; [mentions that Mrs Mary Danielli is to elected be to Ordinary Fellowship] (tpc.)

30     FS to Prof. C.D. Forde, 10 July – asks his opinion on enclosed sample of Horniman notepaper; advises a meeting soon to discuss first award (tpc.)

31     Ibid., to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 10 July – informs him that all is set to make first award; lists Trustees available to come to a meeting; asks if he will be present or whether he would be happy to write his views and allow the meeting to go ahead without him; asks whether she should get in touch with the Colonial Office and Dominions Offices (tpc.)

32     Kimber Bull & Co. to FS, 13 July – encloses documents to be impressed with the Institute’s seal (tp.)

33     Ibid., 19 July – acknowledges receipt of documents all sealed as requested (tp.)

34     Prof. John L. Myres to FS, 30 July – because of difficulties of travelling will not be able to attend meeting; thinks that Studentships should start at the beginning of an academic year; also many people are tied up with war-work at present; should therefore allow fund to accumulate for a year and then announce two Studentships; announcements should be sent out soon; an announcement in Man could not be made until Nov. and that would stand alongside the Colonial Office Studentships (autogr.)

35     Minutes of meeting held on 3 Aug. – on investments; applications for awards to be invited in the autumn; a draft prospectus approved in principle (tpc.)

36     Financial statement, 3 Aug. – (tpc.)

37     Ivan Horniman to Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co., 17 Aug. – on a piece of furniture bequeathed to him which he has sold; points out that estate duty should be paid by him and not the RAI (tpc.)

38     Kimber Bull & Co. to FS, 18 Aug. – thanks her for return of Bank of England form signed by WBF and Dr H.S. Harrison; it has been completed and sent to the Midland Bank (tp.)

39     Midland Bank Executor & Trustee Co. to Ivan Horniman, 21 Aug. – on the estate duty he owes (tpc.)

40     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 30 Aug. 1944 – has met Muriel Eastham but does not regard her in the same class as Mary Danielli, whom he will continue to support (autogr.) [see also 3/4/3]

41     Daryll Forde to FS, 1 Sep. – regrets he cannot attend Trustees meeting; has spoken to Prof. J.H. Hutton about the qualifications of Mary Danielli and Muriel Eastham; does not think the latter a strong candidate but is willing to support Mary Danielli; makes suggestions about the disposition of the two years Studentship; advising study time before leaving for the field; is in touch with the Director of the Institute Française d’Afrique who may be able to give information about working in Madagascar (autogr.)

42     Coutts & Co. to FS, 14 Sep. – on securities for the Horniman Fund (tp.)

43     Ibid., 13 Oct. – ibid. (tp.)

44     FS to HJB, 18 Oct.– on investments made by DHFW of the Trust Fund since no awards are to be made for 1944 (tpc.)

45     Ibid., to Dr Audrey Richards, 25 Oct. – informs her of next Horniman Trustees meeting which will discuss awards for 1945 (tpc.)

46     Dr Audrey Richards to FS, 30 Oct. – will not be able to attend meeting; wonders whether she should continue as a member of the Committee; asks for this point to be raised at the meeting (tp.)

47     FS to Dr H.S. Harrison, 23 Nov. – encloses Horniman Deed and Scheme and the Discharge; it has been found that the sum mentioned in the Discharge is not correct; asks him to sign where indicated by the Hon. Solicitor and pass the documents to HJB (tp.)

48     TWH to DHFW, 4 Dec. – has completed the Deed and Discharge; gives balance of account (tp.)

49     FS to TWH, 6 Dec. – acknowledges receipt of cheque from Midland Bank (tpc.)

50     Kimber Bull & Co., 13 Dec. – Copy of Deed and Scheme, dated 4 Dec. 7 leaves (tpc.)

51     Ibid., 14 Dec. – lists work done; states charges (tpc.)

52     Lady Isabel Emslie Hutton to FS, 15 Dec. – was interested to see the notice about the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund; asks for information on the member of her family who was interested in anthropology (autogr.)

53     FS to Lady Hutton, 22 Dec. 1944 – encloses a prospectus of the Fund; gives some details of the life of the benefactor (tpc.)

54     Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund Rotation of Trustees. Scheme C1 5, nd [1944]. 2 leaves (tp.)
