Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 15 of 17)

24/     Awards made in 1966. Chair Prof. Meyer Fortes

1/     Requests for Information


1     W.J.H. Baillie to Hon. Secretary, 3 May 1966 – Dr A. Joan Metge has told him about the Horniman scholarships; he wishes to work as a museum conservator; asks about his suitability for the award (tp.)

2     Miss Caroline Wright to W.J.H. Baillie, 21 May – regrets the grants are only open to those who wish to undertake fieldwork (tpc.)

2/     Maurice Emile Felix Bloch. A social anthropological study of Imerina in Madagascar


1     MEFB, 27 Apr. 1963 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

2     MEFB, [27 Apr.] – project for a social anthropological study of Imerina in Madagascar. 13 leaves (tp.)

3     Dr Paul Stirling to AHC, 26 May – reference (tp.); see also 21/1/1, 15 May 1963 above

4     AHC to MEFB, 31 May – he is not eligible because he is not a British subject; he may reapply if he becomes one (tpc.); see also 21/1/3, 30 May 1963 above

5     MEFB to AHC, nd – has now obtained British nationality; would like to reapply (autogr.)


6     MEFB, 22 Apr. 1964 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

7     Ibid., to AHC, 17 June – wishes to withdraw his application; is receiving funds from other sources; asks him to keep his form for consideration by the Trustees in June 1965 to cover expenses of ‘writing up’; will then be in Madagascar and unable to attend an interview (autogr.)


8     Prof. Meyer Fortes to AHC, 27 Nov. 1965 – has heard from MEFB who says he has heard nothing in reply to his application; does not recall hearing his name brought up; would have spoken for him; asks for explanation (tp.)

9     AHC to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 16 Dec. – says no note of his requirements was received from MEFB; expects money could be found for him if he considers it an emergency (tpc.)

10     Prof. Meyer Fortes to AHC, 22 Dec. – MEFB is doing excellent work; would appreciate a grant to enable him to stay in the field; has applied to the Wenner-Gren Foundation but will not hear until next Spring (tp.)


11     AHC to Trustees, 11 Jan. 1966 – proposes to make a grant of £150 to MEFB unless he receives any objections (tpc.)

12     Ibid., to MEFB, 10 Feb. – is transferring £150 to his bank (tpc.); see also 49/5/6,8; 51/5/5; 57/9/1 below

3/     Malcolm Bruce Corrie. Social organisation of a favel (squatter) community, with particular emphasis on the religious institutions and the elucidation of the belief system and social context of Umbanda, and African-based voodoo cult.

1966-7. Supervisor Francis Huxley. Grant £600

Grant of £600 awarded see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113


1     MBC to AHC, 1 Aug. – asks whether an application would still be acceptable; Dr Audrey Butt and Francis Huxley have suggested he should ask; was ill at the time of the official closing date (tp.)

2     Ibid., to Trustees, 7 Aug. – encloses copy of his letter to AHC; has had no reply; sends his application form (tp.)

3     MBC, [7 Aug.] – application form (tp.)

4     Ibid., [7 Aug.] – appendix with further details (tp.)

5     Bernard Fagg to AHC, 19 Aug. – reference (tp.)

6     Dr Audrey Butt to AHC, 29 Aug. – ibid. (tp.)

7     Francis Huxley [to AHC], 15 Sep. – ibid. (tp.)

8     AHC to MBC, 30 Sep. 1966 – the Trustees have made him an award of £600 (tpc.); see also 24/1/1, 29 Sep. 1966 above


9     MBC to AHC, 19 June 1967 – his project is project is proceeding well; has been awarded a grant by the Lawson Tait Memorial Trust; may also receive one from the Overseas Development Institute; asks for a payment as he plans to leave for Brazil this month; on his application to become a Fellow of the RAI (tp.)


10     Ibid., 12 July 1968- asks for a supplement to his grant; gives details of his progress over the last year; is hoping to join forces with Anthony Leeds of Texas; would like to do another nine months of fieldwork (tp.)

11     AHC to Prof. Maurice Freedman, 19 July – asks if he will make enquiries of Francis Huxley about considering MBC’s application (tpc.)

12     [E.R. Leach?] to AHC, 21 July – on MBC’s application; thought Francis Huxley was going to try to get him an Research Assistantship; wonders why the Horniman Trustees only granted him £600 in the first place; would prefer to conserve Esperanza funds for other projects; may be persuaded if Francis Huxley put up a good case (autogr.)

13     AHC to Francis J.H. Huxley, 25 July – asks for information about MBC (tpc.)

14     Francis Huxley to AHC, 3 Sep. – supports MBC’s application; he is working hard and producing good results (tp.)

15     AHC to MBC, 11 Oct. – the Trustees are willing to make him a special award of £300; hopes it will help even though it will not enable him to stay as long as he had hoped (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 8 Oct. 1968, f. 117 and 26/1/3, 8 Oct. 1968 below

16     MBC to AHC, 12 Nov. – is very grateful; will try to reimburse the Trustees when he can (tp.)

17     AHC to MBC, 25 Nov. – the Trustees will be pleased with his offer; is arranging payments (tpc.)


18     MBC to AHC, 8 Sep. 1969 – none of the promised money has arrived; needs it urgently (tp.)

19     Mrs Barbara Bentley to MBC, 25 Sep. – has paid the sum into his bank today (tpc.)

4/     Roger Charles Gomm. A detailed study of the subsistence techniques of a hunting and gathering people called the Waliangulu, Eastern Kenya.

1966-7. Supervisor Prof. Daryll Forde. Grant £850


1     RCG, [July?] 1966 – application form (tp., autogr. note by Prof. Meyer Fortes ‘I have strong doubts about this…’)

2     Ibid., [July?] – on his field research (tp.)

3     Prof. Daryll Forde to AHC, 16 Aug. – supports his application (tp.)

4     Bernard Fagg to AHC, 19 Aug. – ibid.; he is already receiving an award from the Swann Fund (tp.)

5     Peter J. Ucko to AHC, 26 Aug. – reference (tp.)

6     AHC to RCG, 30 Sep. – the Trustees have made him an award of £850 (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113 and 24/1/1, 29 Sep. 1966 above


7     RCG to AHC, 3 Jan. 1967 – has purchased a second-hand Land Rover; on his payments (tp.)

8     AHC to RCG, 11 Jan. – interested to hear why he had decided against a Mini-Moke; is arranging payments (tpc.)

9     RCG to AHC, 7 Apr. – asks for his next instalment; his work is going well; will send a report (tp.)

5/     Graham George Jackson. Social relations and concepts and practices relating to health and disease among the Kopon people, New Guinea


1     GGJ, [July] 1966 – application form (tp.)

2     Ibid., 6 Aug. – supporting statement; on his project. 2 leaves (tp.)

3     Ralph N.H. Bulmer to AHC, 20 Aug. – notes some changes that GGJ wishes to make to his application; encloses his supporting statement (24/6/2 above) (tp., autogr. note from AHC to Prof. Meyer Fortes asking if he should be shortlisted)

4     Prof. Meyer Fortes to AHC, 30 Aug. – supposes he should be shortlisted; cannot follow the details of his finances (autogr.) [no award made see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113 and 24/1/1, 29 Sep. 1966 above]

5     Ralph N.H. Bulmer to AHC (copies to Prof. Meyer Fortes and E.R. Leach), 30 Oct. 1966 – in response to the news of GGJ’s failure to receive an award notes how much even a modest sum would help him; had spoken to E.R. Leach in July in connection with the Esperanza Trust; asks if the Horniman Trustees could assess GGJ’s proposal (tp.)

6     E.R. Leach to AHC (copies to Ralph N.H. Bulmer and Prof. Meyer Fortes), 2 Nov. – on his policy concerning the Esperanza Trust; Dr Audrey Richards is out of the country; thinks she would support GGJ and would welcome an independent opinion (tp.)


7     Ralph N.H. Bulmer to AHC, 21 Feb. 1967 – delighted to hear that the Trustees of the Horniman and Esperanza Trusts have awarded GGJ £350; suggests it should be paid through the University of Auckland (tp.)

6/     Adam Jonathan Kuper. The social organisation of the Kgalagadi, Western Bechuanaland.

1966-7. Research to supplement previous field-trip made in 1963-4. Grant £50


1     E.R. Leach to Prof. Meyer Fortes(President RAI) (copy to Audrey Richards), 9 July 1966 – explains matters relating to the Esperanza Trust; it can supplement people like G. Benjamin who has already been approved by the Horniman Trustees; in AJK’s case he could not count on more than the usual maximum of £250; and the Trustees would not be happy supplementing the Ling Roth Fund grant of £100; suggests he should apply for the minimum £50 grant from the Horniman; on subsidising Cambridge Papers 5; on G. Benjamin’s future. 2 leaves (photocopy)

2     AJK, [11 June] 1966 – application form (tp.)

3     Ibid., 11 June – on his project and future plans. 2 leaves (tp.)

4     E.R. Leach to AHC, 13 July – encloses copy of letter 24/7/1 above; AJK is admirable; does not want Prof. Meyer Fortes to think the Esperanza Trust will subsidise Ling Roth grant recipients; Ralph Bulmer may write about a pupil also looking for Esperanza money (see 24/6/7 above); has explained matters to him (tp.)

5     E.R. Leach to AJK (copy to AHC), 13 July 1966 – explains that Esperanza money is only granted to supplement public awards; does not wish to recognise Ling-Roth scholarships as such; a token award from the Horniman would be acceptable; suggests he sends his application of 11 June to AHC for a Horniman grant with a note about an Esperanza supplement (tpc.)

6     Ibid., to Prof. Meyer Fortes (copies to AHC and Dr A. Richards), 13 July – recaps the situation concerning AJK; there is still time to make a Horniman application; his difficulties are purely a matter of legal principle. 2 leaves (tpc.)

7     AHC to Prof. Meyer Fortes, [14? Aug.] – asks for a reference for AJK (tpc., autogr. note by Prof. Meyer Fortes ‘I will speak … at the meeting of the Trustees’)

8     E.R. Leach to AHC, 16 Aug. – reference (tp.)

9     R.G. Abrahams to AHC, 16 Aug. – ibid. (tp.)

10     AHC to AJK, 30 Sep. – the Trustees have made him an award of £250 (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113 and 24/1/1, 29 Sep. 1966 above

11     Gerty Kuper to AHC, 5 Nov. – her son is in Botswana; will send him his letter as soon as possible (autogr.)

7/     Sylvia Grace Moore. Tribal and neo-folk music in Ghana.

1966-7. Supervisor Prof. Nketia, Francis Huxley. Grant £150


1     SGM, [26 July] 1966 – application form (tp.)

2     Ibid., 26 July – covering letter (tp.)

3     L. Leyton to AHC, 16 Aug. – reference (tp.)

4     D.K. Rycroft to AHC, 19 Aug. – ibid. (tp.)

5     Francis Huxley, 15 Sep. – ibid. (tp.)

6     AHC to SGM, 30 Sep. – the Trustees have made her an award of £150 (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113

7     SGM to AHC, 5 Oct. – thanks him; plans to leave for Africa in mid-Jan. 1967 (autogr.)

8     Ibid., 7 Dec. – on her instalments; on her research; asks if he could ask Prof. Nketia to help her. 2 leaves (tp.)

9     SGM to AHC, 28 Dec. – has not been able to borrow a tape-recorder; asks him to support her request for £60 to purchase one; on her payments. 2 leaves (autogr.)


10     Ibid., 2 May 1967 – is anxious she has had no replies to her letters; her report spoke of her research and difficulties; she has suffered malaria and food-poisoning; has almost completed her work; a United Nations Film crew wishes to film her, and has asked for help in establishing rapport; Malcolm’s wife has just had a baby; will give full report on her return; is stressing importance of fieldwork (autogr.)

11     AHC to SGM, 15 May – has received her report; he did not reply because he was in hospital; glad all is going well; sends congratulations to Malcolm (tpc.)


12     SGM, [Feb.?] 1968 – application form (tp.)

13     SGM, [Feb.?] – supporting statement. 3 leaves (tp.)

14     R.G. Lienhardt to AHC, 20 Aug. – SGM has more than justified the grant she received; she deserves further support (photocopy)

15     J.H.M. Beattie to AHC, 22 Aug. – ibid. (tp.)

16     Francis Huxley to AHC, 9 Sep. – ibid. (tp.)

17     AHC to SGM, 8 Oct. – the Trustees feel unable to make her an award; she has not yet completed her B. Litt. and the terms of the Trust do not allow them to support her studies in Amsterdam; she may reapply later (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 8 Oct. 1968, f. 117 and 26/1/3, 8 Oct. 1968 below

8/     Andrew Dale Sanders. Amerindians of the Corentyne River Valley, Guyana.

1966-7. Supervisor Prof. Daryll Forde. Grant £500


1     ADS, [July] 1966 – application form (tp.)

2     Ibid., [July] – on his project (tp.)

3     Prof. Daryll Forde to AHC, 16 Aug. – reference (tp.)

4     Dr Audrey Butt to AHC, 22 Aug. – ibid. (tp.)

5     John Middleton to AHC, 22 Aug. – ibid. (tp.)

6     AHC to ADS, 30 Sep. – the Trustees have awarded him £500 (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113


7     ADS to AHC, 18 Jan. 1967 – has not yet received his first instalment; brief description of his activities (tp.)

8     AHC to ADS, 23 Jan. – on his payments (tpc.)

9     Judy Sanders to AHC, 26 Jan. – her husband is in the bush; will forward his letter (autogr.)

10     ADS to AHC, 5 June – his second instalment has not arrived and he needs it; after initial difficulties work is progressing well; experiencing a record rainy season; will have to return for a few months in 1968 to complete his studies; on his present research (tp.)

11     Dr Audrey Butt to AHC, 13 June – reminds him to send money to ADS; asks if he would like a report on the Middle and South American Research Committee; is on the Royal Geographical Society Brazilian expedition committee and is helping to find an anthropologist; D.H.P. Maybury-Lewis has offered to help; thinks he should be made a corresponding member

12     AHC to Dr Audrey Butt, 3 July – money has been sent to ADS; welcomes the report; she should go ahead with her suggestion about D.H.P. Maybury Lewis but there may be some opposition (tpc.)

13     ADS to AHC, 14 Oct. – his last two instalments have not been paid; hopes to produce 3 papers; has a lot of data to analyse; has been appointed head of the Sociology Dep. Of the University of Guyana (tp.)

14     AHC to ADS (copy to Mr Harper), 21 Nov. – has arranged for transfer of his money; congratulates him (tpc.)


15     JB to ADS, 5 Apr. 1983 – on a grant towards the publication of his book; suggests the CUP; asks whether he may have any other funding; on the possibility of publishing as an Occasional Paper (tpc., photocopy)

16     ADS to JB, 19 July – on the publication of his book, The powerless people: an analysis of the Amerindians of the Corentyne river; will ask Dr Colson, Prof. R.T. Smith and Prof. Blacking to send references concerning the book; asks when the next Trustees’ meeting will be (tp.)

17     JB to ADS, 20 July – is glad that he has been offered some funding; asks him to consider publication as an Occasional Paper instead of using the publisher he mentions; could arrange an extraordinary meeting of the Trustees (tpc.)

9/     Donald Bertram Tayler. Mythology, shamanism and social organisation among the Catio and Embera of the Northern Choco, Western Colombia.

1966-7. Supervisor Francis Huxley. Grant £750


1     DBT, [30 July] 1965 – application form (tp.)

2     Rodney Needham to AHC, 17 Sep. – reference (tp.)

3     G. Reichel-Dolmatoff to AHC, 11 Oct. – ibid. (tp.)

4     AHC to DBT, 25 Oct. – the Trustees were unable to support his research; advises him to discuss with Francis Huxley and Dr Audrey Butt the possibility of applying to the Committee on Middle and South American Research; it may suggest other sources of finance (tpc.)

5     DBT to AHC, 5 Nov. – will follow his advice and let him know of any results; is sorry the Horniman Fund could not help (autogr.)


6     DBT, [July] 1966 – application form (tp.)

7     Ibid., [July] – supporting statement (tp.)

8     Rodney Needham to AHC, 17 Aug. 1966 – supports DBT’s application; he has done very impressive work (tp.)

9     P.G. Rivière to the Trustees, 20 Aug. – ibid. (tp.)

10     Francis Huxley, 15 Sep. – ibid. (tp.)

11     AHC to DBT, 30 Sep. – the Trustees have awarded him £750 (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113


12     DBT to AHC, 27 June 1967 – on his plans; on his payments (tp.)

13     AHC to DBT, 4 July – on his payments (tpc.)


14     DBT to AHC, 6 Aug. 1968 – on his money; reports on his activities and mentions people he has met; has changed his project; the new tribe are not friendly to him (autogr.)

15     Mrs Barbara Bentley to DBT, 17 Sep. – AHC is abroad; has arranged for money to be transferred (tpc.)


16     DBT to AHC, 7 June 1969 – encloses a report; asks for payment of the rest of his award; his typewriter has been stolen (autogr.)

17     Ibid., [7 June] – report on fieldwork. 9 leaves (tp.)

18     Mrs Barbara Bentley to DBT, 18 June – will give his report to the Trustees; has arranged his payment (tpc.)


19     DBT to Dr Patricia J. Lyen, 12 May 1970 – on the difficulties arising from the fact that a student, Miss Goldberg, is working on the same tribe as himself; has helped her as much as possible and has no ill will towards her; the situation has become too delicate to continue; is sending copies of the letter to Dr Sylvia Broadbent, Dr Reichel-Dolmatoff, EEP and the Trustees of the Horniman Fund. 2 leaves (tpc.)

20     DBT to the Trustees, 30 May – will send a report in Aug.; encloses a copy of his letter to Dr Lyen, the tutor of a young anthropologist who has invaded his tribe; wishes to continue his work for several further months; he and his wife plan to return to England around Christmas; will be asking for more financial help (tp.)

21     Mrs Barbara Bentley to DBT, 25 June – will give his letter to the Trustees at their next meeting; advises a reasoned argument for a further application; they do not usually repeat grants; none would be available until Jan. 1971 (tpc.)

10/     Miss Caroline Waddington later Mrs Humphrey. Social organisation of Yakut [changed to Buriat] collective farmers, Siberia.

1966-7. Supervisors Prof. S. Tokarev, Prof. Meyer Fortes. Grant £100


1     CW, [July] 1966 – application form (tp.)

2     Ibid., [July] – on her study (tp.)

3     C.H. Waddington to AHC, 21 Sep. – his daughter has already left for Moscow; will forward letters when he has an address for her (tp.)

4     AHC to CW, 30 Sep. – the Trustees have awarded her £100 (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 29 Sep. 1966, f. 113

5     CW to AHC, 21 Nov. 1966 – hopes Trustees will not object to a slight change in her study; her visa expires in mid July; the Moscow State University is publishing one of her papers; would appreciate money soon. 3 pp. (autogr.)

6     AHC to CW, 28 Nov. – there is no difficulty about her change; is sending the money (tpc.)


7     CW now Caroline Humphrey (CH) to AHC, 11 Nov. 1967 – has been advised by E.R. Leach to apply for funds to continue her research in the Soviet Union; gives details of her work (tp.)

8     AHC to CH, 21 Nov. – the Horniman grants have all been allocated; the Trustees may consider this an exceptional case; encloses application form (tpc.) [grant of £250 awarded see Horniman Minutes, 13 Oct. 1967, f. 116 and 25/1/2, 13 Oct. 1967 below]

9     CH, [22 Nov.] – application form (tp.)

10     E.R. Leach to AHC, 27 Nov. – gives a note on Mrs Sommerfelt, an Esperanza student; thinks CH is an ‘exceptional case’; it would be a great shame if all her previous work went to waste because of the Trustees’ timetable; the Esperanza Trustees may supplement a Horniman grant. 2 leaves (tp.)

11     Audrey I. Richards to AHC, 30 Nov. – agrees that CH is worthy of support; suggests circulating a proposal to help her (autogr.)

12     AHC to Prof. Maurice Freedman, 13 Dec. – encloses details on CH; asks if he wishes her to be treated as a special case (tpc.)


13     CH to AHC, 3 Jan. 1968 – is anxious for news; has heard that arrangements for her fieldwork are being made (tp.)

14     AHC to D.M. Boston, 4 Jan. – the Chairman has agreed that CH merits £500 to be dealt with out of the usual time; the amount left for scholarships in 1969 will be reduced by that sum; E.R. Leach supports this; asks if he will agree (tpc.)

Copies of letter also sent to Dr Gulliver, Dr Harrison, Dr Pocock, Dr Richards, H.E. Wadsworth, Prof. Worsley

15     CH to AHC, 14 Jan. – has heard from the British Council that the Mongolian People’s Republic are only sponsoring a group from the Royal Society; it seems unlikely that she will obtain a visa for fieldwork; has decided to alter her plans and will need less money (tp.)

16     AHC to CH, 16 Jan. 1968 – asks for a statement of her new plan with tentative dates (tpc.)

17     P.E. Gulliver to AHC, 20 Jan. – is against the principle of allowing grants out of time (tp.)

18     AHC to H.E. Wadsworth, 23 Jan. – quotes from CH’s letter (24/11/15 above); asks if he agrees to an award of £250 (tp.; marked ‘I approve’ by Harry E. Wadsworth)

Similar letter sent to other Trustees; notes of agreement from Dr Audrey Richards, Dr Pocock, D.M. Boston, G. Ainsworth Harrison and Peter Worsley not retained

19     AHC to Prof. Maurice Freedman, 1 Feb. – encloses replies from Trustees; asks what should be done (tpc.)

20     E.R. Leach to AHC, 6 Feb. – has had a note from Dr Audrey Richards saying that she is strongly in favour of the award to CH and that she agrees to the grant to Ann Osborn (tp.)

21     AHC to CH (copy to Mr Harper), 8 Feb. – the Horniman Trustees are making her an award of £250; an extra £50 will come from the Esperanza Trust (tpc.); see also 26/1/1 below

22     CH to AHC, 13 Mar. – hopes to set of for the USSR at the end of the month; asks for the money soon (tp.)

23     Ibid., 22 Aug. has recently returned; encloses a copy of her report to the British Council; did not do any fieldwork; wonders if she ought to return the money (tp.)

24     Ibid., 22 Aug. – report. 4 leaves (tpc.)

25     AHC to CH, 15 Oct. – thanks her for the report; doubts the Trustees will want the money back (tpc.)

25/     Awards made in 1967. Chair Prof. M. Freedman

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     List of candidates with details for Trustees, [May?] – Marianne V. Cardale, Mrs Joyce Jane Chaudhri, D. Chivers, J.D.H. Collinson, Louise H. Hogg, D.P. Lumsden, Miss Judith Maxwell Saunders, Miss Josephine Whiteman, P.F. Wilkinson (tpc., autogr. note ‘+ Sanders’)

2/     Unsuccessful Application


1     Peter Basil Sanders, [27 Sep.] 1967 – application form (tp.)

.1     Ibid., to AHC, 27 Sep. – covering letter; hopes to receive a grant from the Beit Fund in Oxford (tp.)

.2     Anthony Atmore, 9 Oct. – reference. 2 leaves (tp.)

.3     PBS to AHC, 5 Dec. – the Beit Fund has awarded him £300 (tp.)


.4     Ibid., 3 May 1968 – is anxious to hear the results of his application (tp.)

.5     AHC to PBS, 16 May – regrets the Trustees did not make him an award (tpc.); see also 25/1/2 above

3/     Miss Marianne Vere Cardale. Indian weaving and allied crafts, Colombia.

1967-8. Grant £350


1     MVC to AHC, 2 Feb. – asks if she would be eligible for a scholarship; describes her work; encloses a copy of her proposed programme (tp.)

2     Ibid., [2 Feb.] – proposal of scheme of research. 5 leaves (tp., map)

3     AHC to MVC, 9 Feb. 1967 – encloses an application form; notes conditions (tpc.)

4     MVC to AHC, 10 Feb. – encloses application form (tp.)

5     MVC, [July] 1967 – application form (tp.)

6     Junius B. Bird to AHC, 16 Feb. – recommends MVC (tp.)

7     Stuart Piggott to AHC, 17 Feb. – ibid. (tp.)

8     Dr Audrey Butt to AHC, 23 Feb. – ibid. (tp.)

9     Ibid., 7 Mar. – MVC needs to return to Colombia as soon as possible; if made an award would appreciate the money straight away rather than waiting until Jan. 1968 (tp.)

10     AHC to Dr Audrey Butt, 9 Mar. – anticipates no difficulty about an early payment if an award is made; is not treating the application as a special case (tpc.)

11     MVC to AHC, 25 Sep. 1967 – has just been awarded £750 plus travelling expenses by the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths; now only needs an extra £350; changes one of her referees (tp.)

Award of £350 granted see Horniman Minutes, 13 Oct. 1967, f. 116 and 25/1/2 above


12     Ibid., to the Mrs Barbara Bentley, 30 May – asks for her grant to be sent soon (tp.); see also 26/1/1 below

13     Ibid., to AHC, 8 Nov. – on her grant; on her activities (tp.)

14     AHC to MVC, 12 Nov. – has arranged payments; welcomes report for the Trustees (tpc.)


15     Ibid., 6 Feb. 1968 i.e. 1969 – thanks him for the grant; encloses a report for the Trustees; the plans mentioned have not been completed as she has broken her ankle and spine (tp.)

16     MVC, [6 Feb. 1969] – preliminary report on visit to Colombia. 28 leaves (tp.); 5 leaves of photographs

17     AHC to MVC, 5 Mar. – was impressed by her report; sorry to hear of her disaster; offers help (tpc.)

4/     David John Chivers. An ecological and behavioural study of the siamang (Malaysia).

1967-8. Grant £300


1     DJC, [19 May] 1967 – application form (tp.)

2     Ibid., [19 May] – research proposal (tp.)

3     Ibid., [19 May] – detailed proposal. 13 leaves (tp.)

4     E.H. Ashton [to Trustees, 25 May] – reference (tp.)

5     David Pilbeam [to Trustees, 1] June – ibid. (tp.)


6     DJC to AHC, 23 Mar. 1968 – plans to leave for Malaya in May (tp.)

7     AHC to DJC, 28 Mar. – suggests paying his £300 in two instalments (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 13 Oct. 1967, f. 116

5/     John Digby Hearn Collinson. The Nyamwezi, Tanzania

1967-8. Grant £700


1     JDHC to AHC, 19 July – encloses application form; is hoping for assistance from the Goldsmiths Company (tp.)

2     Ibid., [19 July] – application form (tp.)

3     Ibid., [19 July] – the Nyamwezi: a project to determine their social structure and historic implications. 7 leaves (tpc.)

4     Richard Aylmer Frost to AHC, 26 July – recommends JDHC (autogr.)

5     EEP to AHC, 27 July – ibid. (autogr.)

6     Dr A. Sillery, 28 July – ibid. (autogr.)

7     JDHC to AHC, 3 Aug. – has had a verbal confirmation from the Goldsmiths’ Company that he will receive a grant from them (tp.)

Award of £700 granted see Horniman Minutes, 13 Oct. 1967, f. 116 and 25/1/2 above


8     AHC to JDHC, 19 Mar. 1968 – it is not usual for the Trustees to pay grants in one lump sum; he may make a special case in writing (tpc.); see also 26/1/1 below

9     JDHC to AHC, 14 June – on a payment; on an article he has written (tp.)

10     AHC to JDHC, 20 June – has arranged transfer; welcomes article (tpc.)

11     JDHC to AHC, 1 Aug. – has been very busy; is working on making his paper much more substantial; asks about including a photograph (tp.)

12     Mrs Barbara Bentley to JDHC, 17 Sep. – AHC welcomes his paper; there is no difficulty about the photograph (tpc.)

13     JDHC [to Trustees], nd – first report. 7 leaves (tpc.)


14     Ibid., to AHC, 23 Feb. 1969 – encloses another report and print and negative of a photograph; asks what is happening to his article (tp.)

15     Print and negative of photograph of African carving

16     JDHC [to Trustees, 23 Feb. 1969] – second report. 10 leaves (tpc.)

17     Ibid., to AHC, 13 May – encloses report; on his grant; asks about his article (tp.)

18     Ibid., to Trustees, [13 May] – third report. 3 leaves (tp.)

19     Ibid., [13 May] – Origin of the Nyanyembe ‘group’ dynasty. 6 leaves (tpc., genealogy)

20     Mrs Barbara Bentley to JDHC, 28 May – will give his report to the Trustees; he has had the full £700 of his grant; AHC will let him know when there is something to report about his article (tpc.)

21     JDHC, [to Trustees, Aug.?] – fourth report. 12 leaves (tpc.); 1 map (photocopy); 4 pp. of photographs

22     Ibid., [Oct.?] – fifth report. 6 leaves (tpc.)

23     Mrs Barbara Bentley to JDHC, 11 Nov. – the Trustees will be impressed by his progress (tpc.)


24     JDHC, [Jan. 1970?] – sixth report (tpc.)

25     Prof. Maurice Freedman to Mrs Barbara Bentley, 25 Nov. – the Goldsmiths’ Company will grant JDHC an extra £340 if he also receives supplementation from the Horniman Trustees; expects he will have explained his difficulties; Oxford University considers him a worthy cause (tp.)

26     Mrs Barbara Bentley to David Boston, 6 Dec. – encloses letter from Prof. Freedman (25/5/25 above); JDHC has called to explain; asks if he agrees to a further grant of £375; has written asking other Trustees (tpc.)

27     D.M. Boston to Mrs Barbara Bentley, 8 Dec. – agrees to emergency grant (autogr.)

28     Eric Sunderland to Mrs Barbara Bentley, 8 Dec. – ibid. (tp.)

29     Ioan Lewis to Mrs Barbara Bentley, 9 Dec. – ibid. (tp.)

*6     Miss Louise Helen M. Hogg. New Guinea.

1967-8. Grant £275

Award of £275 granted see Horniman Minutes, 13 Oct. 1967, f. 116; see also 25/1/2 above and 26/1/1 below

7/     David Paul Lumsden. Some structural features in the modernisation of Ghana.

1967-8. Grant up to £800


1     DPL to AHC, 5 May – gives personal details; would like to apply for a scholarship (tp.)

2     Ibid., 24 May – is worried is letter got lost in the post; repeats his request (tp.)

3     Ibid., 5 June – application form (tp.)

4     R.W. Dunning to AHC, 14 June – reference (tp.)

5     Peter Carstens to AHC, 15 June – ibid. (tp.)

6     Dr J.R. Goody to AHC, 15 June – has never met DPL; he has excellent references (autogr.)

7     DPL to AHC, 8 Sep. – on his change of address (tp.)

Grant of £800 awarded see Horniman Minutes, 13 Oct. 1967, f. 116; see also 25/1/2; 26/1/1


8     Ibid., 9 Mar. 1968 – plans to arrive in Ghana in June; on his plans; on lack of success obtaining other grants; he and his supervisor still think he will have enough for a year’s fieldwork; wishes to use his £800 grant for this and not spend money on equipment as originally suggested (tp.)

9     AHC to DPL, 19 Mar. – sorry to hear about his other grants; on his payments (tpc.)

10     DPL to AHC, 25 Mar. – since he last wrote has been awarded $2500 (Canadian); asks how this will affect his grant; if it is not reduced will be able to stay for 12 to 14 months in the field; on payment arrangements (tp.)

11     AHC to Maurice Freedman, 27 Mar. – informs of DPL’s extra grant; thinks his Horniman grant should be reduced (tp.)

12     AHC to DPL, 18 Apr. – the Trustees have reduced his grant to £500; on rearrangements (tpc.)

13     DPL to AHC, 4 May – is leaving for Ghana on 28 May (autogr.)


14     Ibid., 13 Apr. 1969 – his year as a Horniman scholar is coming to a close; expresses thanks; is staying in the field until Dec.; describes the people he has visited; his appearance still inspires terror in small children. 4 leaves (tp.)

15     Ibid., 16 Dec. – has now returned from the field; finds he has a credit for £83 from the RAI dated Oct. 1969; his scholarship ran from May 1968 to May 1969; asks for advice (autogr.)

16     Mrs Barbara Bentley to DPL, 18 Dec. – the money was his final instalment; he can keep it (tpc.)

8/     Paul Francis Wilkinson. Domestication of the musk ox.

1967-8. Grant £500


1     John J. Teal, University of Alaska to Prof. Eric Higgs, 25 Feb. 1967 – is happy to take PFW as a student; is not yet certain about the programme; asks about raising money for him; the musk-ox herd is thriving; asks for advice on girls’ boarding schools; hopes to be able to meet him and PFW when he speaks at the Scott Polar Institute at Terence Armstrong’s request. 2 leaves (tp.)

2     E.S. Higgs to AHC, 9 Mar. – encloses letter from Prof. Teal; on his area of research; recommends PFW (tp.)

3     PFW, [Apr.?] – application form (tp.)

4     Ibid., [Apr.?] – nature of proposed fieldwork (tp.)

5     E.S. Higgs to AHC, 22 May – reference (tpc.)

6     Dr D.L. Clarke to AHC, 22 May – ibid. 2 leaves (tp.)

7     PFW to AHC, 17 Oct. – apologises for not being available for interview; was acting as assistant director to E.S. Higgs on the Greek-Albanian border (tp.)

8     E.S. Higgs to AHC, 17 Oct. – makes a special plea for PFW; Prof. Teal is very keen to have him (tp.)

9     AHC to Prof. Maurice Freedman, 20 Oct. – encloses letters 25/8/7 and /8 above about PFW’s failure to attend his interview (tp., autogr. note by Prof. Freedman – if other Trustees agree let him have £500)

10     AHC to Harry E. Wadsworth [also D.M. Boston, Dr Gulliver, Dr Harrison, Dr Pocock, Dr Richards and Prof. Worsley], 10 Nov. 1967 – asks opinion of Prof. Freedman’s recommendation of offering PFW £500 (tp.)

Notes of agreement from Audrey Richards, Dr Pocock, D.M. Boston, G. Ainsworth Harrison not retained


11     AHC to PFW, 12 Jan. 1968 – the Trustees have made him an award of £500 subject to his raising other finances (tpc.); see Horniman Minutes, 13 Oct. 1967, f. 116; see also 25/1/2; 26/1/1

12     PFW to AHC, 27 Feb. – has arranged supplementary finances with Prof. Teal; will send a copy of the agreement; on his plans; Prof. Teal suggests using the Horniman money for travelling expenses (tp.)

13     AHC to PFW, 19 Mar. – asks if he wants his money in a lump sum or just the fare to Fort Chimu (tpc.)


14     PFW to AHC, 5 June 1969 – apologises for the delay in sending accounts and report; encloses first of four articles; notes their subjects; on his future plans. 2 leaves (tp.)

15     Ibid., 5 June – account of use of scholarship (tp.)

16     Ibid., [5 June] – pollen and man. 16 leaves (tp.)

17     Mrs Barbara Bentley to PFW, 9 June – the Trustees will be interested in his report (tpc.)

18     PFW to AHC, 23 June – encloses his second article (tp.)

19     Ibid., [23 June] – Oomingmak: a model for man-animal relationships in prehistory. 25 leaves (tp.)

20     Mrs Barbara Bentley to PFW, 1 July – will put his second article with the first (tpc.)


21     PFW – The domestication of the musk-ox in The Polar Record, vol. 15, no. 98, 1971, pp. 683-90 (printed)

22     Ibid., – the first verified occurrence of twinning in the musk ox reprinted from Journal of Mammology, vol. 52, no. 1, Feb. 1971 (printed)
