Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 12 of 17)

17/     Awards made in 1959. Chair Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     Report on Horniman students 1945-59 prepared at the request of the Trustees; lists names, dates, universities, amount of grant and subject of study. 2 pp. (tp.)

2     Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts to Prof. Daryll Forde, 18 Apr. 1959 – although he has retired as a Trustee invites him to attend the next meeting as his advice would be welcome (tpc.)

3     Ibid., to Coutts & Co., 14 July – lists Trustees for 1959-60

4     MWS to Trustees, [Nov.] – notes items published in the Journal and Man by J.A.R. Blacking, Rosemary Harris and C.M. Turnbull; on subsidies; items have been published by Audrey J. Butt, R.R. Nayacakalou and J. Spillius without subsidies; Prof. Daryll Forde has submitted a manuscript by W.R.G. Horton; tear-off reply slip concerning subsidy for this (tpc.)

5     Ibid., to past Horniman students, Nov. – questionnaire asking for details of appointments held and fieldwork done since completion of grant, present appointment, publications and any other points of interest (tpc.) [Replies are filed with other material pertaining to individual students]; see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/1, 12 May 1959, f. 95

6     Joan Edwards to EEP, 30 Nov. – reminds him of the agreement to contact past students; asks for information on Eva Meyerowitz and Edna Payn (tpc.)

7     Ibid., to Prof. Daryll Forde, 30 Nov. – asks for information on R.B. Bradbury and W.R.G. Horton (tpc.)

Applications from Talad Asad, David Butcher, B. Dahya, R. Dick Read, J.D. Elder, P. Harries-Jones (see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/2, 2 June 1960, f. 100), R.W. Moody, Miss L. Stern, B. Verma unsuccessful see Horniman Minutes HT/88/1, 12 May 1959, f. 95; P. Cohen and J. Pilgrim were removed from the shortlist see Horniman Minutes, HT/88/2, 4 June 1959, F. 96

2/     Donald Neil Abbott. Environmental archaeology in British Columbia.

1959-60. To complete a period of study. Supervisor Prof. F.E. Zeuner. Total grant £400


1     DNA, 2 Apr. 1959 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

2     Ibid., to MWS, 2 Apr. – covering letter; further details of his projected study. 2 leaves (tp.)

3     Summary of DNA’s application for the Trustees (tp.)

4     Prof. Harry B. Hawthorn to Joan Edwards, 7 Apr. 1959 – recommends DNA (tp.)

5     Charles E. Borden to Joan Edwards, 15 Apr. – ibid.; stresses the need for Canadian archaeologists. 2 leaves (tp.)

6     Frederick E. Zeuner to Joan Edwards, 14 May – it would be helpful to DNA’s studies if he was made an award (tp.)

7     MWS to DNA, 4 June – the Trustees have awarded him £400 (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/2, 4 June 1959, f. 96

8     MWS to Prof. F.E. Zeuner, 9 June – DNA has been made an award; asks for a report on him by the end of Mar. 1960 (tpc.)

9     DNA to MWS, 9 June – is grateful; will come to the Institute to discuss payment arrangements (tp.)

10     MWS to DNA, 28 July – suggests making ten monthly payments of his grant (tpc.)


11     Joan Edwards to Prof. F.E. Zeuner, 27 Apr. 1960 – the Trustees have their meeting on 10 May; knows he will return to London on that day; will ask them to allow his report to be deferred; requests it before the end of May (tpc.)

12     Prof. F.E. Zeuner to MWS, 1 June – DNA’s work has been unsatisfactory; he has no written work; he promises to do better but is getting married (tp.)

13     MWS to Prof. H.B. Hawthorn, 3 June – draws his attention to the unfavourable report on DNA; hopes he will be able to exert some influence over him when he returns to Canada (tpc.)

14     Prof. H.B. Hawthorn to MWS, 29 June – regrets that a student he recommended should have made such a bad showing (tp.)

3/     Raymond Ernst Clausen. Music in the New Hebrides

1959-60. Fieldwork to study music in the New Hebrides. Grant £700 on condition that financial help obtained elsewhere


1     REC, [29 Apr. 1959] – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

2     REC to MWS, 29 Apr. 1959 – covering letter; is applying to the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the Gulbenkian Trust; further details of his study; on the type of tape-recorder he will need. 4 leaves (tp.)

3     Extract from a letter from Prof. Elkin, 25 Mar. (tp.) (enclosed with /2 above)

4     Copy of testimonial from Dr A. Baké (tp.)(enclosed with /2 above)

5     Copy of testimonial from Dr K.P. Wachsmann (tp.) (enclosed with /2 above)

6     Summary of REC’s application for the Trustees (tp.)

7     T.K. Penniman to Joan Edwards, 6 May– highly recommends REC (tp.)

8     WBF, 8 May – supports REC’s application (autogr.)

9     John Layard, 2 June – REC is gifted as a musicologist and as a technician (tp.)

10     MWS to REC, 4 June – the Trustees have awarded him £700; this is the maximum available; understands it will not cover the cost of his equipment; asks him to let her know when he has obtained the additional funds for this (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/2, 4 June 1959, f. 96

11     MWS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 June – asks him to be REC’s supervisor (tpc.)

12     Prof. Daryll Forde to MWS, 11 June – knows too little of the field REC is studying; suggests T.K. Penniman or EEP (tp.)

13     REC to MWS, 12 June – expresses gratitude; will not hear from the Gulbenkian Foundation until July; has had no reply from the Wenner-Gren Foundation; David Attenborough is helping him to borrow equipment from the BBC; also a microphone designer called Mr Hill may be able to help; his contact was John Borwick who is technical editor of Tape recorder and Hi-fi news; he will give some publicity to the pamphlet on field-recording (tp.)

14     Joan Edwards to REC, 29 June – WBF says the camera insurance will be paid by the Horniman Fund (tpc.)

15     MWS to REC, 27 July – Wenner-Gren grants are usually made in Sep.; advises him to let them know he has a Horniman grant which may influence them favourably; asks him to ask T.K. Penniman if he will act as his supervisor (tpc.)

16     REC to Joan Edwards, 7 Aug. 1959 – the camera is covered by the insurance on his own possessions (tp.)


17     Joan Edwards to REC, 27 Apr. 1960 – asks for a report on his progress for the Trustees’ meeting (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/1, 10 May 1960, f. 98

18     REC to MWS, 21 June – is leaving for the New Hebrides on 7 July; asks for payment of his grant; has received money from the Museum of Primitive Art to buy a Reflectograph tape-recorder; on his finances (tp.)

19     Joan Edwards to REC, 29 June – encloses a cheque for £700; the Trustees wish him luck; asks for his address when he knows it (tpc.)

20     REC to MWS, 5 Dec. – on his travel difficulties; glad to hear of news about the ethnomusicology symposium; encloses book reviews; comments on his views. 2 leaves (tp.)

21     Joan Edwards to REC, 9 Dec. – has passed his reviews to Miss B.J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian; she will be glad when the books arrive; MWS is in hospital; WBF is acting Hon. Secretary; Dr Jaap Kunst has died; Prince Peter has been in speaking of tapes he made in Japan; she has put him in touch with Patrick Saul; Dr L.E.R. Picken is to read a paper at the Institute; Tom Goff and Dr Lofthouse performed for her and Joy; he would have enjoyed Dr Rouget (tpc.)

22     REC to Joan Edwards, 31 Dec. – agrees with her views on Australia; sorry about Dr Kunst and MWS; describes his location; met Mike Allen who is returning because his father has died; asks her to send him to K.P. Wachsmann or David Ryecroft; on difficulties of knowing about the inhabitants and of coping with the climate. 2 leaves (tp.)


23     [Joan Edwards] to REC, 22 Mar. 1961 – Mike Allen has turned up; on the Ethnomusicology Symposium; asks him to send a progress report for the Trustees; MWS has had a serious operation in America (tpc.)


24     REC to AHC, 16 May 1963 – has been invited to participate in a BBC television discussion; asks him to obtain the permission of the Trustees for him to use material gathered as a Horniman scholar (tp.)

25     Ibid., [16 May] – account of field work from 9 Jan. 1961 to 9 Nov. 1962. 2 leaves (tp.)

26     [AHC] to REC, 20 May 1963 – thanks him on his fieldwork report; gives permission for use of material on the television; hopes he can fit in a mention of the Horniman Fund (tpc.)

4/     Mphiwa Buxton Mbatha. Land administration and political organisation among the Nyuswa tribe of Natal.

1959-60. Supervisor Dr E.J. Krige. Grant £600


1     MBM to [MWS], 11 Dec. 1958 – applies for a grant to enable him to continue his work; describes the project he is engaged on. 2 leaves (autogr.)


2     Joan Edwards to MBM, 1 Apr. 1959 – notes that she sent him a form to complete last Dec.; it has not been returned; the applications close on 30 Apr.; meanwhile will take up his references (tpc.)

3     Kenneth Kirkwood to Joan Edwards, 7 Apr. – highly recommends MBM (tp.)

4     MBM, 20 Apr. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

5     Ibid., to MWS, 21 Apr. – covering letter; notes alterations to his original application (autogr.)

6     Dr E.H. Brookes to MWS, 23 May – recommends MBM (tp.)

7     Eileen J. Krige to Whom it may concern, 25 May – ibid. (tp.)

8     Summary of MBM’s application for the Trustees (tp.)

9     MWS to MBM, 4 June the Trustees have awarded him £600; payments are due to start in Sep. (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/2, 4 June 1959, f. 96

10     Ibid., to Dr E.J. Krige, 8 June – informs her of MBM’s grant; asks her to write a report on him before the end of Mar. 1960 as his supervisor (tpc.)

11     MBM to MWS, 31 July – is grateful for the award; on payment details (autogr.)

12     MWS to Dr E.J. Krige, 28 Aug. – checks with her that MBM’s suggestion to make his payments to the University of Natal is agreeable to her (tpc.)

13     Dr E.J. Krige to MWS, 5 Sep. 1959 – notes that his Nuffield Fellowship is paid this way; it is perfectly acceptable; he is progressing very slowly with writing up his field material; he will not be able to start fresh fieldwork until he has completed this; thinks he should not draw on his Horniman grant until he is ready to undertake the work for which it was awarded (tp.)

14     MWS to Dr E.J. Krige, 15 Sep.– agrees with her assessment; notes that students are often slow with writing-up; doubts the Trustees will be alarmed; will not start payments until next year; hopes by then to have heard that he is ready to start (tpc.)


15     Joan Edwards to Dr E.J. Krige, 11 Feb. 1960 – MWS asks for progress report on MBM (tpc.)

16     Dr E.J. Krige to Joan Edwards, 22 Feb. – MBM has almost completed his thesis; he should be ready to start new research in Apr. (tp.)

17     Ibid., 11 Apr. – MBM is now ready to receive the first instalment of his grant (tp.)

18     MWS to Dr E.J. Krige, 26 Apr. – has arranged for MBM’s grant to be paid in two instalments (tpc.)

19     Dr E.J. Krige to Joan Edwards, 25 May – MBM is pleased with the size of his cheques (tp.)


20     Ibid., 19 Apr. 1961 – acknowledges arrival of final instalment of MBM’s grant; encloses a report on his work (tp.)

21     Dr E.J. Krige, 19 Apr. – report on MBM’s research. 2 leaves (tp.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May 1961 below

5/     Paul Spencer. Social organisation of the Samburu, Kenya.

1959-60. Grant £500


1     PS to WBF, 15 June 1956 – asks if he can still send in an application ; realises the closing date was 30 Apr.; gives brief personal details (tp.)

2     Janet L.D. Anderson to PS, 25 June – he is too late; if awards are to be offered next year there will be notification; WBF suggests that he asks Prof. Meyer Fortes for other suggestions (tpc.)


3     PS to MWS, 29 Apr. 1957 – wishes to apply for a Horniman scholarship to supplement his William Wyse Studentship; Dr J.G. Peristiany will act as his referee (tp.)

4     Ibid., [29 Apr.] – curriculum vitae (tp.)

5     PS to MWS, [29 Apr.] – proposed course of research (tp.)

6     Ibid., [29 Apr.] – estimate of expenses (tp.)

7     MWS to PS, 27 June – the Trustees regret that they cannot make him an award (tp.) see also 15/1 above

8     PS to MWS, 7 July – has heard that interviews for Horniman grants are to be held shortly; his post has been going to the wrong address; does not know whether he has been requested to attend (tp.)

9     MWS to PS, 9 July – he has not been invited to an interview (tpc.)


10     PS to MWS, 27 May 1958 – wishes to apply for a grant; has no details of when this should be done; describes his present position; Dr J.G. Peristiany and Dr A.W. Southall will act as his referees; asks what kind of report he should submit (tp.)

11     Ibid., 5 June 1958 – wishes to apply for a grant; apologises for being late; has been on safari; academic history and qualifications; a study of the social system of the Samburu. 7 leaves (tp.)

12     MWS to PS, 11 June – is sorry that his letter arrived too late to be considered with this years applications (tpc.)

13     PS, Oct. – a study of the social system of the Samburu. 5 leaves (tp.)


14     PS to MWS, 1 Feb. 1959 – wishes to apply for a grant; wishes to spend a further year in the field and prepare for his thesis (tp.)

15     Ibid., [1 Feb.] – qualifications and experience; includes 17/5/14 above (tp.)

16     Ibid., 14 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

17     Dr J.G. Peristiany to Joan Edwards, 7 Apr. – recommends PS (tp.)

18     A.N. Tucker to Joan Edwards, 7 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

19     A.W. Southall to Joan Edwards, 9 Apr. 1959 – ibid. (tp.)

20     Notes on PS for the Trustees, [May] (tp.)

21     MWS to PS, 4 June – the Trustees have made him an award of £500 (tpc.)

22     Ibid., to Prof. A.W. Southall, 9 June – informs him of PS’s grant; the Trustees would like a report on him by Mar. 1960 (tpc.)

23     Ibid., to PS, 27 July – on payment arrangements (tpc.)


24     Joan Edwards to Prof. A.W. Southall, 27 Apr. 1960 – would like his comments on PS for the Trustees who are meeting on 10 May; is also writing to EEP (tp.)

25     Ibid., to EEP, 27 Apr. – asks for a report on PS (tpc.)

26     EEP to Joan Edwards, 3 May – has heard nothing himself from PS; quotes a report on him by Dr J.G. Peristiany (tp.)

27     Prof. A.W. Southall to Joan Edwards, 4 May – PS’s work has been of high quality (autogr.)

6/     Mary Teresa Spens. Study at LSE

1959-60. To complete diploma course. Grant £400


1     Government of Ghana, Sep. 1957 – certificate of service (tpc.)


2     Dr D.A.W. Nugent, 24 Feb. 1958 – reference (tpc.)


3     MTS, 29 Apr. 1959 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

4     Ibid., [29 Apr.] – curriculum vitae. 2 leaves (tpc.)

5     Maurice Freedman to Joan Edwards, 5 May – reference (tp.)

6     Dr B.B. Waddy to Joan Edwards, 8 May – ibid. (tp.)

7     Notes on MTS for the Trustees, [May] (tpc.)

8     MWS to MTS, 4 June – the Trustees have made her an award of £350 (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/2, 4 June 1959, f. 96

9     Ibid., 20 Oct. – on payment arrangements (tpc.)


10     Joan Edwards to Prof. I. Schapera, 27 Apr. 1960 – asks for a report on MTS (tpc.)

11     Prof. I. Schapera to Joan Edwards, 4 May – MTS is satisfactory (tp.)

12     MTS to MWS, 9 May – sends her thanks to the Trustees (autogr.)

18/     Awards made in 1960. Chair Dr Audrey Richards

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     Report on Horniman Students 1945-59, nd – lists names, universities, grants and what the award was for (tp.)

2     Dr Audrey Richards to Joan Edwards, 28 Apr. 1960 – on arranging a meeting; wants some more information about Rona MacCalman before she can weigh her claims against those of Michael Whisson (tp.)

2/     Requests for Information

In alphabetical order:


1     Carole Dear, 21 Sep. (tp.)

2     Cecile Kalifon, 21 Dec. (tp.)

3     S.L. Kavaliku, 7 Nov. (tp.)

4     Fidelity Ruffles, 9 Aug. 3 pp. (autogr.)

5     D.M. Walsh, 24 Nov. (autogr.)

Applications from J.C. Boyd, J.A. Cowell, J.L. Dawson, Mrs I. Emmett, Mrs M.I. Fatt, O.G. Harding, Miss J.E. Hubert, C. Jack-Hinton, Mrs H.A. Kanitkar, R.A. Kennedy, R.W. Moddy, K. O’Sullivan and M.G. Whisson unsuccessful; applications from Miss H. Rona MacCalman and Miss Pearce referred to EEP and Adrian Digby; the names of W.E. Wilmott and B.L. Sanson were held in reserve in case any students made an offer should drop out see Horniman Minutes, HT/89/1,/89/2, 10 May, 2 June 1960, ff. 99-100

3/     Miss Ruth Hilary Finnegan. The Jukun of Northern Nigeria.

1960-1. Fieldwork among the Jukun, N. Nigeria. Grant £1000


1     Margaret M. Burgess, 3 July 1958 – reference (tpc.)


2     RHF, 27 Apr. 1960 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

3     RHF to MWS, 29 Apr. – covering note; may be able to obtain a supplementary grant from other sources (autogr.)

4     Dame Janet Vaughan to Joan Edwards, 3 May – reference (tp.)

5     Godfrey Lienhardt to Trustees, 9 May 1960 – recommends RHF (autogr.)

6     RHF to MWS, 9 May – has been given a grant to research in Sierra Leone by the Colonial Office; it will only cover her until Apr. 1961; wishes her application to be altered to reflect that she needs a grant to complete her time there rather than to study in Nigeria as proposed (autogr.)

7     Notes for Trustees on RHF, [May] (tpc., autogr. note that EEP reduces the application to £1000)

8     MWS to RHF, 3 June – the Trustees have made her an award of £1000; she must resign it immediately if she receives another grant (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/2, 2 June 1960, f. 100

9     RHF to MWS, 7 June – is grateful; will let her know as soon as she hears details of the Colonial Office grant (autogr.)

10     RHF to MWS, 30 Oct. – gives details of her grant; the Horniman money will pay for the second half of her research; will make an appointment to discuss arrangements; would appreciate a sum right away so she can purchase equipment; is leaving on 22 Nov. to get in as much work as she can before Sierre Leone’s independence. 3 pp. (autogr.)

11     MWS to RHF, 1 Nov. – sets out a schedule of payment instalments (tpc.)


12     RHF to MWS, 16 Mar. 1961 – on bank details; is enjoying her work among the Limba (autogr.)

13     Joan Edwards to EEP, 21 Mar. – asks for a report on RHF (tpc.)

14     EEP to Joan Edwards, 30 Mar. – RHF’s work has been first rate (tp.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May 1961 below


15     RHF to AHC, 21 Feb. 1962 – is appreciative of her grant; is now in England; will write a report for the Sierre Leone government and then her D. Phil.; hopes to write some articles; on her election to the RAI (autogr.)

16     Ibid., 18 Oct. – has sent off her government fieldwork report; acknowledged her Horniman grant in the preface; asks if he wants a copy; will write a more analytical report (autogr.)

17     AHC to RHF, 22 Oct. 1962 – would like a copy of the report; reminds her that the Trustees may assist her in publishing her material; asks if she could deliver a lecture (tpc.)

18     RHF to AHC, 28 Oct. – is sending a copy of the report; asks for discretion as to access to it; would prefer not to talk about her material; is too busy writing it up; is still considering writing articles (autogr.)

4/     Miss Baboojee Saraswathy Panikker. Study of the social implications of recent legislation in Kerala, India.

1960-1. Grant £500


1     Adrian C. Mayer to whom it may concern, 10 Dec. 1959 – reference (tp.)


2     BSP, 12 Feb. 1960 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

3     Ibid., [12 Feb.] – research project; details her plans. 5 leaves (tp.)

4     Prof. R. Firth to Joan Edwards, 23 Mar. – has a good opinion of BSP; thinks she may have other sources of funds (tp.)

5     Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf to Joan Edwards, 30 Mar. – recommends BSP (tp.)

6     Notes on BSP for the Trustees, [May] (tpc.)

7     MWS to BSP, 3 June – the Trustees have made her an award of £500 (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/2, 2 June 1960, f. 100

8     BSP to MWS, 15 June – thanks her; has started her fieldwork in Kerala (autogr.)

9     BSP to MWS, 12 July – welcomes payment of the first instalment of her award (autogr.)

10     MWS to BSP, 3 Aug. – on payment arrangements (tpc.)

11     BSP to MWS, 18 Aug. – has received her first instalment; asks for the second to be paid early so she can book her passage (autogr.)

12     Joan Edwards to BSP, 26 Sep. – has arranged payment as requested (tpc.)

13     BSP to Joan Edwards, 6 Oct. – hopes to be in England by 19 Nov.; fieldwork is going well (autogr.)

14     BSP to Joan Edwards, 14 Nov. 1960 – will be in London on 18 Nov.; her fiancé has been offered a post in Philadelphia; will have to leave to get married in America in early Dec.; asks for a year’s leave of absence; will write up her material in America; hopes to return by June 1961 (autogr.)

15     Joan Edwards to Barclays Bank, 17 Nov. – asks for cheque sent to be credited to BSP’s account to be returned (tpc.)

16     Barclays Bank to Joan Edwards, 18 Nov. – the cheque has already been credited to BSP’s account (tp.)

17     Joan Edwards to Barclays Bank, 19 Nov. – surprised the cheque has been paid in already; had specified in her letter that this was to be done on 19 Nov. (tpc.)

18     Ibid., 21 Nov. – has arranged with BSP that she will keep some of the money; the rest will be returned to the RAI (tpc.)

19     Ibid., to Sir George Beresford-Stooke, 21 Nov. – explains the situation concerning BSP’s money; it has been discussed with Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf; he is happy that BSP has done good work and will write up the material in America (tp.)


20     Ibid., to Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf, 21 Mar. 1961 – asks for a report on BSP (tpc.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May 1961 below

5/     James Campbell Woodburn. The Hadza of Tanganyika.

1960-1. Grant £450 (previous application 1957 refused). Awarded Min. of Education grant-in-aid and refused his Horniman grant; see also Horniman Minutes, HT/86/3, 19 July 1957, f. 87


1     JCW to MWS, 3 Feb. 1960 – originally applied for a Horniman grant in 1957; see 15/1 above; his fieldwork was funded from elsewhere; it is now completed; wishes to apply for a grant to cover the writing-up period (autogr.)

2     Ibid., 16 Apr. – ibid.; on his referees; gives details of the work he has done. 4 leaves (autogr.)

3     Ibid., 16 Apr. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

4     E.R. Leach to MWS, [May] – gives his opinion of JCW and a report on his achievements (tp., with autogr. notes)

5     Prof. Daryll Forde to Joan Edwards, 23 May 1960 – recommends JCW (tp.)

6     Notes on JCW for the Trustees, [May] (tpc.)

7     MWS to JCW, 3 June – the Trustees have made him an award of £450 (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/2, 2 June 1960, f. 100

8     [MWS] to Trustees, 14 Dec. – report on JCW; he has now been awarded a State scholarship; the Ministry of Education will deduct £350 from their grant if he receives his full Horniman award; he asks if the Trustees will grant him £100 now and hold the rest over for a project he has in mind (tpc.)

[Note that this is the substance of an interview with JCW not retained]

9     Joan Edwards to JCW, 16 Dec. – asks if he wishes the Trustees to hold the grant until Oct. 1961; advises him it will be some weeks before a decision can be reached (tpc.)

10     Ibid., 21 Dec. – WBF has circularised all the Trustees; will inform him of their decision after 2 Jan. 1961 (tpc.)

11     WBF to Trustees, 21 Dec. – JCW has received an award from the Ministry of Education; thinks the Trustees will wish to withdraw their award; hopes to submit a fresh proposal later (tpc., with autogr. note by E.R. Leach, 27 Dec. – approves; thinks JCW has done excellent work and deserves further support)


12     Joan Edwards to E.R. Leach, 3 Jan. 1961 – will tell the Trustees of his support for JCW; on MWS’s illness (tpc.)

13     WBF to the Ministry of Education, 3 Jan. – the Trustees have withdrawn their grant to JCW; they wish him every success (tpc.)

14     Ibid., to JCW, 3 Jan. – the Trustees have agreed to hold his grant for further consideration later in the year (tpc.)

15     JCW to AHC, 12 June – has now obtained sufficient funds to cover his research work; resigns from his Horniman award (autogr.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/90/1, 18 May 1961, f. 102 and 19/1/2, 18 May 1961 below

6/     Miss Evelyn Rachel Yeld. The position of women in N. Nigeria and other N. African Moslem communities.

1960-1. To complete studies at London School of Economics. Grant £250


1     Barbara Wootton, 28 Jan. 1952 – reference (tpc.)

2     A. Le Mesurier, 10 Mar. – ibid. (tpc.)


3     Ministry of Education, Northern Nigeria, Mar. 1959 – certificate of service (tpc.)


4     ERY, 27 Apr. 1960 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

5     Miss Katrina Ritsert to Joan Edwards, 2 May – reference (autogr.)

6     Miss Janet Mattinson to Joan Edwards, 4 May – ibid. (tp.)

7     R.J. Osborne to Joan Edwards, 6 May – ibid. 2 leaves (tp.)

8     Joan H. Davis, nd – ibid. (tpc.)

9     I. Schapera, [May] – ERY is hard-working but does not have the makings of a professional anthropologist; is reluctant to recommend a grant (tp.)

10     Notes on ERY for the Trustees (tpc., autogr. note ‘if there is odd sum left over’)

11     MWS to ERY, 3 June – the Trustees have made her an award of £250 (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/2, 2 June 1960, f. 100

12     ERY to MWS, 6 June – thanks her (autogr.)

13     Joan Edwards to ERY, 28 Oct. – sets out schedule of payment instalments (tpc.)


14     Ibid., to Prof. I. Schapera, 21 Mar. 1961 – asks for a report on ERY (tpc.)

15     Prof. I. Schapera to Joan Edwards, 24 Apr. – ERY has submitted her M.A. thesis and will soon finish the other papers required (autogr.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May 1961 below

16     ERY to Joan Edwards, 8 July – sends her thanks to the Trustees; she has been awarded her M.A. in Social Anthropology (autogr.)
