Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 06 of 17)

5/     Emrys Lloyd Peters. The Bedouin peoples of Cyrenaica.

Two year award, 1947-9. Supervisor EEP. Grant £1000. Lecture at RAI, 1 June 1949 ‘Marriage and divorce among the Bedouin of Cyrenaica’


1     E.G. Bowen, 26 Feb. 1947 – gives reference for ELP (tpc.)

2     Glyn E. Daniel, 27 Feb. – ibid. (tp.)

3     ELP, 1 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

4     [Prof. Daryll Forde] to ELP, 31 Mar. – he has been awarded £1000; asks for information about his supervisor; see also 5/1/5-8 above

5     ELP to Prof. Daryll Forde, 3 Apr. – thanks him for award; his supervisor will be EEP (autogr.)

6     FS to ELP, 14 May – on arrangements for payment of his grant (tpc.)

7     ELP to FS, 19 May – gives address and that of his bank (autogr.)

8     Ibid., 1 Aug. – asks her to get official permission for him to visit Cyrenaica (autogr.)

9     FS to Mrs Jacquetta Hawkes, Ministry of Education, 12 Aug. – asks for her help in getting permission for ELP to travel as she did earlier with Mary Danielli’s journey to Madagascar (tpc.)(see 3/4/31,111, 113,115,122,124 above)

10     Mrs Jacquetta Hawkes to FS, 13 Aug. – has transferred to UNESCO work; has passed her letter to Miss Moir (tpc.)

11     ELP to FS, 18 Aug. – applies for loan of a camera; EEP has said they have two; would prefer the Rolliflex (autogr.)

12     FS to ELP, 2 Sep. 1947 – describes the procedures he must follow in connection with his visit to Cyrenaica (tpc.)

13     Ibid., 2 Sep. – will pass his letter concerning the camera to the Trustees; the RAI does not possess a Rolliflex; see Council minutes, 4 Nov. 1947, CM/77/2 item 10, f.513 (tpc.)

14     ELP to FS, 12 Sep. – asks the Institute to apply for permission for his visit to the War Office; does not anticipate any difficulty but it needs to be done before he can apply for currency (autogr.)

15     FS to ELP, 26 Sep. – has found that he needs to apply in person to the Military Permit Office; gives details of arrangements made with Coutts & Co. concerning his money (tpc.)

16     Ibid., to Military Permit Office, 26 Sep. – supports ELP’s application to enter Cyrenaica (tpc.)

17     EEP, 6 Oct. – reports on ELP (tp.); see also 5/1/13, 29 Sep. 1947 above

18     ELP to FS, 11 Oct. – hopes to have had news from the Permit Office by the time he comes to London (autogr.)

19     Ibid., 2 Dec. – has the necessary permission to travel; also permission to use certain facilities for the Military; expects to depart in Jan. as arranged (autogr.)


20     Ibid., 1 Jan. 1948 – asks for a paper stating that he has borrowed the Institute’s Paragon camera for Customs purposes (tp.)

21     FS, 13 Jan. – certifies that ELP has borrowed the RAI’s camera (tpc.)

22     ELP to FS, 15 Jan. – is having difficulties with the Bank of England about currency; expects to sail from Liverpool on 22 Jan. (tp.)

23     FS to EEP, 18 Mar. – asks for a report on ELP (tpc.); see also 6/1/14,16, 5, 8 Oct. 1948 below

24     ELP to FS, 29 Dec. – has returned from Cyrenaica; expects his baggage in mid Jan.; will return the camera when it arrives (autogr.) on verso FS to ELP, 3 Jan. 1949 – is glad that he has returned safely; gives a date for him to read a paper at the Institute at EEP’s request (tpc.)


25     ELP to FS, 12 Feb. 1949 – has been awarded a Senior Treasury Studentship; asks how this will affect his Horniman Studentship; his baggage has still not arrived (autogr.)

26     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 16 Feb. – on ELP’s grant; asks for his comments; note added from Prof. Daryll Forde – wishes for further particulars; feels the Trustees should have been informed earlier (autogr.)

27     ELP to FS, 22 Feb. – gives further details of the Treasury Studentship; has decided to postpone accepting it until the expiry of his Horniman Studentship; asks her for a statement for the Treasury Committee; hopes to return the camera within the next two weeks (autogr.)

28     EEP to FS, 23 Feb. – thought ELP’s work in Cyrenaica so good that he put him up for the Treasury Studentship in order that he could continue his work after the Horniman Studentship had expired (tp.); see also 7/1/2, 22 Feb. 1949 below

29     FS to ELP, 26 Feb. – will lay his information before the Trustees; will write to the Treasury (tpc.)

30     Ibid., to the Secretary, His Majesty’s Treasury, 26 Feb. – gives details of ELP’s Horniman Studentships (tpc.)

31     ELP to FS, 3 Mar. – has told the Treasury that his Horniman grant expired in June; she has told them Mar.; asks her to write again to clear up any confusion (autogr.)

32     FS to the Secretary, His Majesty’s Treasury, 12 Mar. – confirms that the last Horniman payment made to ELP was on 1 Mar. 1949 (tpc.)

33     Ibid., to EEP, 16 Mar. – is not certain whether ELP was paid his grant in quarterly instalments in advance or in arrears; asks for elucidation on this point as it will affect ELP’s payment by the Treasury (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 39 and 9/1/1 below


34     ELP, 28 Jan. 1960 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (tp.); see also 16/3/10,49-50,71,82; 26/2/1.2 below

ELP received a Radcliffe-Brown Memorial Fund award of £30 in 1964

6/     Awards made in 1948. Chair Prof. Daryll Forde

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     Studentships 1948. Supplementary applications by Judith Djamour and D.P.L. Dry. 4 leaves (tpc.)

2     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 23 Jan. – is circularising a memorandum about Barbara Ward; gives full details of the money awarded to Eva Meyerowitz (tpc.)

3     FS to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 18 Mar. – asks her to report on Barbara Ward for the next meeting; Prof. R. Firth is C.S. Belshaw’s supervisor but he is away; asks if she has been in contact with C.S. Belshaw at the London School of Economics (tpc.)

4     Prof. Daryll Forde, President RAI to [WBF], 22 Mar. – details his scheme of expanding Man to take articles from Horniman students on a regular basis; the Trustees should allocate a sum to cover the increase; it will advertise the Fund; the students have so far not produced anything of a standard suitable for the Journal; suggests making an experiment for one year (tpc.)(see 6/1/6 below)

5     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 25 Mar. – asks his views with regard to Horniman regulations governing periods for which awards granted; wonders how Eva Meyerowitz’s extension will affect the short-term awards of Douglas Dry and Judith Djamour (tpc.)

6     Prof. Daryll Forde to WBF, 1 Apr. – thanks him for his suggestions regarding Horniman students’ publications; hopes to discuss them before the next meeting (tp.)

7     [FS to Trustees, 6 Apr.] – Rotation of Trustees for 1948 (tpc.)

8     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 5 May – encloses draft minutes of last meeting; another meeting is necessary as Judith Djamour and D.P.L. Dry have applied for supplementary applications; has also received a new application from Miss J.M. Radford; asks whether this should wait or be dealt with now (tpc.)

9     J.P. Mills to FS, 17 May – office matters; accepts appointment as a Trustee; doubts he will be home before Sep. (autogr.)

10     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 20 May – encloses draft agenda of next Horniman meeting; on Eva Meyerowitz and Mary Danielli’s publications (tpc.)

11     Ibid., 24 May 1948 – asks whether he wishes Judith Djamour and Mr and Mrs Dry to be available for interview by the Trustees at the meeting on 1 June (tpc.)

12     London Trustee Savings Bank to FS, 25 June – on the new Scholarship Fund account (tp.)

13     Prof. Daryll Forde, President to Trustees, [30 June] – Certificate confirming appointment of Trustees (tpc.)

14     FS to EEP, 5 Oct. – asks for reports on Audrey Butt, D.P.L. Dry and E.L. Peters (tpc.)

15     [FS?] to Dr Audrey I. Richards, 7 Oct. – asks for her reports on Judith Djamour and Barbara Ward (tpc.)

16     EEP to FS, 8 Oct. – gives brief reports on Audrey Butt, Douglas Dry and Emrys Peters (tp.)


17     Winston, Turnbull & Co., 25 Apr. 1949 – balance sheet, income and expenditure account as at 31 Dec. 1948. 3 leaves (tp.)

2/     Requests for Information

In alphabetical order:


1     A.C. Adams, 3 Jan. (autogr.)

2     Revd. James Atkinson, 10 Dec. (autogr.)

3     Audrey Baines, 9 Dec. (autogr.)

4     H. Browne, 10 Dec. (autogr.)

5     Fred Conn, 26 Aug. (autogr.)

6     A.J. Essex-Cater, 20 Nov. (autogr.)

7     J.E. Goldthorpe, 30 Nov. (autogr.)

8     Nina Ivens, 30 Dec. (autogr.)

9     J.L. Leckie, 6 Feb. (tp.)

10     Josephine Lynch, 10 Dec. (autogr.)

11     C.E. [Montsfue?], 18 Dec. (autogr.)

12     H.W. Parris, 12 Dec. (autogr.)

13     Miss E.M. Peto, 6 Jan. (autogr.)

14     H.P. Rickman, 19 Dec. (autogr.)

15     Paul Stirling, 15 Feb. (autogr.)

16     Peter Cathcart Wason, 27 Dec. (autogr.)

3/     Unsuccessful Applications

In alphabetical order:

1     Israel Dorkutso Korley Antonio to FS, 22 Apr. 1947 – applies for Scholarship; gives personal details (tp.)

.1     Ibid., 3 Oct. 1947 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.2     IDKA, [3 Oct.1947] – additional notes relating to application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

[He was too late for the 1947 applications and was submitted in 1948; see note on 6/3/2.2 below]

References from: .3, Charles Morrison, 17 Aug. 1944 (tpc.); .4, Prof. Meyer Fortes, 11 Mar. 1948 (tp.); .5, S.S. Odonkor, 31 Dec. 1943 (tpc.); .6, Revd R.W. Stopford, 13 Mar. 1948 (autogr.); .7, I.R.J. Tawia, 15 Apr. 1943 (tpc.)

.8     FS to IDKA, 24 May 1948 – he has not been made an award (tpc.)

2     Gunther Franz Albrecht Baer to FS, 4 Mar. 1947 – asks if he is eligible for the Horniman Studentship; gives outline of his life (autogr.)

.1     GFAB, [4 Mar.] – scheme of proposed monograph, ‘Western contact and the education of the Vandau’ (autogr.)

.2     FS to GFAB, 14 May – his application arrived too late for this year; encloses form for application in 1948 (tpc.)

.3     GFAB, 21 June – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.4     Ibid., 24 June – reasons for application (autogr.)

.5     Ibid., [24 June] – scheme for ‘Western contact and the education of the Vandau’ (tp.) [differs from .1 above]

References from: .6, Revd Norman Bennet, 11 May 1948 (autogr.); .7, T.E. Crabtree, 8 Sep. 1945 (tpc.); .8, W.F. Grant, 25 Nov. 1943 (tpc.); .9, I. Schapera, 15 Mar. 1948 (autogr.); .10, I. Glyn Thomas, 14 Aug. 1939 (tpc.)

[Letter sent 24 May 1948 informing him that no award has been offered, as 6/3/1.8 above]

3     Joan Margaret Radford, 27 Apr. 1948 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     JMR to FS, 29 Apr. – covering letter (autogr.)

.2     Miss P. Ady, 29 Apr. – reference (tp.)

.3     FS to JMR, 24 May – acknowledges arrival of her form; it arrived well after the closing date; will let her know if the Trustees are willing to consider it (tpc.)

.4     FS to JMR, 14 June 1948 – the Trustees cannot consider her application this year; she may re-apply; the closing date is 1 Mar. (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/48, 1 June 1948, f. 35

A further application is at 7/3/8 below

4/     Miss Audrey Joan Butt. Social and political structure in an East African or British Guiana tribe.

One year award, 1948-9, extended to 1950. Supervisor EEP. Grant £350. Extended by £350. Total £700. Publication Ritual blowing grant of £60 made towards publication in Man Apr. 1956. Lecture at RAI ‘Ritual blowing’


1     AJB to FS, 30 Jan. 1948 – wishes to follow a career in anthropology; applied to the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund but EEP has suggested she should try for other Studentships in case this is awarded to others already engaged in studies; asks for advice about where to find such Studentships (autogr.); see also 5/2/3,26 Nov. 1947 above

2     FS to AJB, 10 Feb. – gives some suggestions as requested; encloses an application form for the Horniman Fund as she has not yet received an application from her; will give further details if she wishes to apply for Society membership of the Institute (tpc.)

3     AJB to FS, 18 Feb. – is filling in the form; has applied for all Studentships available on the advice of EEP; if she is unsuccessful will become an Associate member of the RAI (autogr.)

4     Ibid., to [Prof. Daryll Forde], 25 Feb. – encloses application form; is shortly moving to London to take up a temporary post as a Civil Servant (autogr.)

5     AJB, 25 Feb. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

6     AJB to FS, 16 Mar. – is now working near London; wishes to become an Associate member of the RAI; hopes to take up evening classes in anthropology (autogr.)

7     FS to AJB, 18 Mar. – Prof. Daryll Forde would like to see her about her application to become a Horniman student; he would also be able to propose her as an Associate member (tpc.)

8     Ibid., 1 Apr. – she has been awarded £350 for a one year Studentship; her supervisor will be EEP; gives conditions (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/48, 23 Mar. 1948, f. 33

9     AJB to FS, 8 Apr. 1948 – has arranged with EEP to take up her grant on 1 July; assures Trustees that she will do her best. 3 pp. (autogr.)

10     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 21 Apr. – on AJB’s grant (tpc.)

11     AJB to FS, 29 Apr. – Prof. Daryll Forde has asked her to let her know that she will be attending a lecture at the RAI on 4 May; hopes arrangements about becoming a member can be made then (autogr.)

12     FS to Coutts & Co., 5 May – corrects error in instructions about AJB’s grant (tpc.)

13     AJB to FS, 30 May – is now settled at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford; will call in at the RAI in June (autogr.)

14     Ibid., 19 July – gives her new address (autogr.); see also 6/1/14,16, 5, 8 Oct. 1948 above


15     Ibid., 3 Feb. 1949 – wishes to apply for a renewal of her scholarship (autogr.)

16     M. Gluckman to Prof. Daryll Forde, 16 Feb. – supports AJB’s application for a renewal of her Studentship (tp.)

17     EEP to FS, 23 Feb. – AJB is doing very well; Dr M. Gluckman expects she will get a distinction (tp.); see also 7/1/2-4, 22-3 Feb. 1949 below

18     AJB, Feb. – application form; wishes for an extension. 4 pp. (autogr.); see also 7/1/5 below

19     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 27 Apr. – on second Studentship for AJB (tpc.)

20     FS to AJB, 27 Apr. – she has been granted £350 for a further year (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 39

21     EEP to FS, 30 June – asks her to bring an interim report on AJB to next Horniman meeting; she has received a distinction and has the highest mark of all the candidates (tp.)

22     FS to EEP, 19 Oct. – asks for his report on AJB (tpc.); see also 7/1/12; 8/1/5,9; 9/1/1; 14/1/4 below


23     AJB, 2 Dec. 1959 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also 19/1/2; 24/4/1,6, /9/4,11-12,/10/4; 25/3/8,10 below

5/     Miss Judith Djamour (Mrs Maurice Freedman). Family study in the village of Alai outside Malacca.

One year award, 1948. Grant to learn Malay. Supervisor Dr Audrey I. Richards. Grant £150. Publication Adoption of children among Singapore Malayans grant of £70 made towards publication in JRAI


1     Dr Audrey I. Richards to FS, 22 Mar. 1948 – wishes to make an application on behalf of JD; she has been a student of Prof. Ginsberg’s and Prof. R. Firth’s; the latter hoped to get her a grant from the Colonial Office; finds there will be a delay with this; JD is in need of money now and without a grant would have to find a job; she would prefer a Horniman grant; outlines her proposed research; has written two theses on women’s position (tp.); see also 6/1/1,5 above

2     Ibid., [22 Mar.] – extracts from testimonials to JD (tpc.)

3     Ibid., [22 Mar.] – qualifications and experience of JD (tpc.)

4     FS to JD, 2 Apr. – she has been awarded £150; her supervisor is Dr Audrey I. Richards; explains regulations (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/48, 23 Mar. 1948, f. 35

5     JD to FS, 3 Apr. – gives bankers address; will register at London School of Economics and the School of Oriental and African Studies (tp.)

6     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 6 Apr. – instructions for the payment of JD’s grant (tpc.)

7     JD to FS, 1 May – encloses outline of her scheme of fieldwork research; it has been approved by Dr Audrey I. Richards and Prof. R. Firth; gives Prof. Firth’s estimation of costs for living in Malaya; he will answer any questions the Trustees may have (tp.)

8     Ibid., [1 May] – A proposed scheme of research in Malaya. 3 leaves (tp.)

9     FS to JD, 15 June – Trustees regret that they cannot make her a supplementary grant for fieldwork; they feel that she and her husband should apply to the Colonial Office (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/48, 1 June 1948, f. 34; HT/85/3, 5 June 1956, f. 76 and 6/1/8,11,15 above; 7/1/12 below


10     JD, 22 Jan. 1960 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.)

6/     Douglas Peter Lloyd Dry. Family organisation and social structure of the Hausa of Northern Nigeria.

Two year award, 1948-50. Mrs Dry accompanied as an assistant. Supervisor Prof. Meyer Fortes. Grant £150. Extended by £1750. Total £1900. Lecture at RAI, 7 Nov. 1950 ‘The social structure of a Hausa town’


1     DPLD to FS, 20 Mar. 1948 – is sorry he missed closing date for applications; hopes there is still a possibility of being considered (autogr.)

2     Ibid., [20 Mar.] – personal details and proposed study (autogr.)

3     FS to Trustees, [22? Mar.] – notes the late application of DPLD; quotes from his letters 6/6/1-2 above. 2 leaves (tpc.); see also 6/1/1,5 above

4     FS to DPLD, 2 Apr. – has been awarded £150 for one year from 1 Apr.; a further application would be considered if received by 1 May; his supervisor is EEP; explains regulations (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/48, 23 Mar. 1948, f. 33

5     DPLD to FS, 6 Apr. – gives his banker’s address; will begin work in June; his supervisor at Oxford is Prof. Meyer Fortes; asks if it would be convenient if he could remain so during his Horniman Studentship; hopes to make an application for fieldwork before 1 May (autogr.)

6     FS to DPLD, 21 Apr. – on his grant; will tell Trustees about his supervisor; expects it will be in order (tpc.)

7     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 21 Apr. – on DPLD’s grant (tpc.)

8     DPLD to FS, 28 Apr. – is submitting an application a fieldwork grant for himself and his wife (autogr.)

9     DPLD, [28 Apr.] – gives details of Elsie Dry, his wife; describes the project they hope to undertake; brief details of likely budget needed. 3 leaves (autogr.); see also 6/1/11, 24 May 1948 above

10     FS to DPLD, 15 June – the Trustees will make an award; gives conditions; his supervisor will be Prof. Meyer Fortes (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/48, 1 June 1948, f. 35

11     DHFW to Coutts & Co., [15 June?] gives details on further award for DPLD (tpc.)

12     FS to DPLD, 9 July – has a cheque to cover the cost of his equipment; asks where to send it (tpc.)

13     DPLD to FS, [10? July 1948] – has heard from the Crown Agents for the Colonies that they are to sail on 28 Oct.; Dr Rupert East says they should be preceded by official letters from the Colonial Office to the Government of Nigeria; asks for her help; mentions offers of help from Dr East and Dr Mellanby (autogr.)

14     FS to DPLD, 20 July – will find out about letters from Colonial Office (tpc.)

15     Elder Dempster Lines to RAI, 30 July – on passage for Mr and Mrs Dry (tp.)

16     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 6 Aug. – asks if he wishes to take up the matter of letters for DPLD with the Colonial Office (tpc.)

17     Ibid., to DPLD, 7 Aug. – has sent a cheque to Elder Dempster Lines for his passage; has written to the Colonial Office; will instruct the Bank to make his quarterly payments overseas (tpc.)

18     Ibid., to A.B. Cohen, Colonial Office 7 Aug. – informs him of DPLD’s Horniman Studentship; asks him to request the Nigerian Government to offer him the usual facilities (tpc.)

19     Elder Dempster Lines to RAI, 11 Aug. – their cheque only covered the fare of one of the passengers (tp.)

20     FS to EEP, 31 Aug. – asks him to confirm that a medical examination has been arranged for Mr and Mrs Dry before they sail (tpc.)

21     Ibid., to Elder Dempster Lines, 10 Sep. – pays for extra fare (tpc.)

22     Ibid., to DPLD, 21 Sep. – hopes he is arranging for his medical examination (tpc.)

23     Ibid., to Prof. Daryll Forde, 28 Sep. – encloses a letter from DPLD; asks whether she should ask her brother, a Senior Surgeon, to suggest a good doctor in Gloucester to examine him (tpc.)

24     Ibid., to J.F. Herbert Stallman, 30 Sep. – asks him to make an arrangement for DPLD and his wife’s medical examinations (tpc.)

25     Dr R.F. Jarrett to FS, 6 Oct. – DPLD and his wife are fit (tp.)

26     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 7 Oct. – has received a medical certificate for DPLD; asks whether she could put an advertisement in Nov. Man about the Horniman Fund to enable overseas students plenty of time before the closing date for applications (tpc.)

27     Ibid., to DPLD, 11 Oct. 1948 – he and his wife are both normal; is making arrangements for the payment of their allowance; hopes they have had all necessary inoculations (tpc.)

28     Ibid., to EEP, 11 Oct. – lets him know that DPLD and his wife are fit and ready to go (tpc.); see also 6/1/14,16, 5, 8 Oct. 1948 above

29     DPLD to FS, 23 Oct. – encloses list of clothing and equipment; much is second-hand; intends to acquire some articles in Nigeria; will send receipts (tp.) on verso FS to DPLD, 5 Feb. 1948 i.e. 1949 – has reported to Trustees that they are on their way; showed them the account for equipment; they ask for a more detailed statement and the receipts (tpc.)

30     Ibid., 23 Oct. – account for equipment. 2 leaves (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/78/1, 2 Nov. 1948, f. 37

31     DPLD, Zaria (tp.) FS, 17 Nov. – describes his arrival and welcome in the country; the financial arrangements are mixed up because there was a last minute change; gives details; hopes she can sort it out (tp.)

32     FS to DPLD, 25 Nov. – explains muddle over money; he will have to get his Oxford Bank to forward it; the Trustees remind him that any permanent equipment used for fieldwork is returnable to them

33     DPLD to FS, 9 Dec. – regrets trouble about his money; says when he telephoned he gave all necessary details and offered to call again when she was present but was assured this would not be necessary [a marginal note by H.L. reads ‘this is a mis-statement of the facts’]; asks whether he is to be paid monthly or quarterly; has packed the receipts with his belongings in England; was not informed that items had to be returned before he left; has decided which village to visit (tp.)

34     FS to DPLD, 22 Dec. – regrets misunderstanding over his telephone message; reminds him of letter which stated that his allowance would be paid quarterly (tpc.)


35     DPLD to FS, 19 Feb. 1949 – has not received the amount of money he was expecting; asks for clarification of the situation (tp.)

36     FS to DPLD, 26 Feb. – Prof. Meyer Fortes has asked him to send in a report; explains in detail his financial arrangements (tpc.); see also 7/1/3-4, 22-3 Feb. 1949 below

37     DPLD to FS, 8 Mar. 1949 – his report is almost ready; would like all his fieldwork grant paid while he is working in the field; has also written to this effect to Prof. Meyer Fortes so that it can be dealt with by the Trustees (autogr.)

38     FS to DPLD, 16 Mar. – is looking forward to his report; will let him know Trustees decision about his grant after the meeting (tpc.)

39     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, [7 Apr.] – encloses DPLD’s preliminary report; suggests the President, Prof. Daryll Forde, might like to see it (autogr.)

40     DPLD. Report on field work. 17 leaves (tp.)

41     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 7 Apr. – has sent the report to the President, Prof. Daryll Forde; encloses a letter from DPLD about his grant (6/6/37 above); intends to put a discussion of this on the agenda for the next meeting; welcomes his comments (tpc.)

42     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 7 Apr. – gives his opinions on DPLD’s request about his grant; asks her to find out from other sources what is generally paid to fieldworkers in the area; considers that he is ‘trying it on’; the matter must be decided by the Trustees; is worried about missing Leakey paper (tp.)

43     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 12 Apr. – thanks him for his note on DPLD; has found the Leakey paper (tpc.)

44     Ibid., to DPLD, 29 Apr. – the Trustees have considered his request about his grant; they do not agree to change the arrangement; they advise him to discuss the matter of curtailing his time in the field with Prof. Meyer Fortes (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 38

45     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 16 June – has heard from DPLD that he looses a lot of money on exchange rates; wonders if the Fund could cover this expense (tp.); see also 7/1/6, 17 June 1949 below

46     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 22 June – asks for original contract with regard to DPLD (tp.)

47     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 29 June – DPLD has written to Prof. Meyer Fortes about losing money on exchange; DHFW has asked her to write to DPLD for details of his case; explains matters concerning his grant; Prof. Meyer Fortes has arranged with the Government of Nigeria that the Drys can travel free in the country; the Trustees have turned down DPLD’s request to shorten his period of fieldwork (tpc.)

48     FS to DPLD, 29 June 1949 – asks for full details of any losses incurred by exchange (tpc.)

49     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 1 July – asks for further details concerning the exact terms of DPLD’s Studentship (tp.)

50     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 6 July – encloses a copy of letter sent to DPLD last year; a lot of trouble was taken over it originally (tpc.)

51     DPLD to FS, 9 July – never intended to ask for an alteration in the terms of his fieldwork; apologises for confusion; he and his wife misunderstood the arrangements from the beginning; in fact they would prefer a longer time for fieldwork; the difficulty is that they will be without means on their return to England; clarifies question of exchange rates (tp.)

52     FS to DPLD, 27 July – is glad to have matters cleared up; will pass his letter to the Trustees (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, f. 42 and 7/1/8,12 below


53     Ibid., 16 Jan. 1950 – the Trustees have decided to allow him to decide whether he makes his way home by sea or by air (tpc.)

54     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 22 Mar. – DPLD has just rung from London to say that he will visit him in Oxford on Monday; forgot that he would be away; asks her to give him the message (autogr.)

55     DPLD to FS, 1 Apr. – they arrived home last week; are having holidays with their families; will send full report once he has spoken with Prof. Meyer Fortes; found everyone in Nigeria very helpful, especially B.E.B Fagg (tp.); see also 8/1/5,9 below

56     Ibid., 24 Apr. – asks her to tell Trustees that he wishes to apply for an extension of his maintenance grant for two further months; this would mean a total of two year’s Horniman grant and enable him and his wife to complete their report on the field work (autogr.)

57     FS to DPLD, 19 May – the Trustees will award him £50 (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 47

58     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 15 June – WBF has suggested that DPLD should be asked to read a paper; asks his opinion (tpc.); see also 8/1/12-14 below


59     H.C. Cracknell, Brasenose College Oxford to FS, 15 Mar. 1951 – asks for cheque to cover DPLD’s study fees (tp.)

60     FS to H.C. Cracknell, 21 Apr. 1951– DPLD completed his Studentship in 1950; does not feel the fee should be charged to the Horniman Fund (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/2, 22 Apr. 1952, f. 59 concerning a paper by Mrs Elsie Dry and 9/1/1; 10/1/2,10 below
