Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 04 of 17)

51     IK to FS, 5 Aug. – describes the various tasks she has to do now that summer term has begun; encloses a list of instruments urgently needed for her work on prehistoric skeletons; hopes to return to her work on the tribes when she is free to (tp.)

52     Ibid., [5 Aug.] – list of instruments badly needed (tp.)

53     FS to Dr J.C. Trevor, 9 Aug. – gives him information about electricity in Poona; the sooner they send the machine the better (tpc.)

54     Dr J.C. Trevor to IK, 17 Aug. 1946 – answers queries she has raised in earlier letters; is arranging to dispatch the Monroe calculator; gives what help he can regarding anthropometric instruments; they are not easily obtained; offers to sell some to the Deccan College; this would be separate from the Horniman Fund and payment would have to be made in advance. 3 leaves (tp.)

55     Ibid., to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 18 Aug. – encloses a copy of IK’s report as requested by Mrs Spencer-Lush during FS’s holiday; also a copy of his letter to IK; says he was more brusque than usual but considers she has received a lot of help already (tp.)

56     Ibid., to FS, 25 Aug. – on packing and despatch of the calculating machine (autogr.)

57     FS to Dr J.C. Trevor, 28 Aug. – thanks him for all his trouble with regard to IK; will send a cheque for the machine; tells him if he is interested he can find Prof. Steffanson at the Institute any time (tpc.); see also 4/1/10-11, 9, 26 Sep. 1946

58     IK to FS, 15 Oct. – has had to put some of her work aside due to Hindu-Mohommedan riots; is going to another area to search for palaeolithic man; one of her papers will soon be published; she will send a copy and hopes for some criticisms from experts at the Institute to guide her with future work (tp.)


59     R.E. Harshe, Registrar, Deccan College to FS, 11 Feb. 1947 – has been informed that the calculator has arrived; does not have necessary invoices; asks her to send them (tp.)

60     FS to IK, 27 Feb. – her Studentship is nearing its end; asks for full report for Trustees; they wish to know whether she has anything she wishes to be considered for publication (tpc.); see also 5/1/3-4, 26 Feb., 1 Mar. 1947

61     Ibid., to R.E. Harshe, 10 Mar. – encloses copies of all documents relating to the calculator (tpc.)

62     R.E. Harshe to FS, 27 Mar. – thanks her for the copies of the documents; the original invoice or a declaration of the machine’s value is needed for Customs (tp.)

63     IK to FS, 31 Mar. – her work is still being delayed by political troubles in the country; hopes to have made a full report by the end of July; the calculator has been in the Customs House for over two months while they have been waiting for information; they paid a deposit and have been allowed to take it but the paperwork is still urgently required (tp.)

64     FS to R.E. Harshe, 14 May 1947 – declares that the value of the machine is £50 (tpc.)

65     IK to FS, 15 Oct. – encloses an account of her work so far and statement of accounts (tp.)

66     IK, 15 Oct. – statement of anthropometric work done since Sep. 1945 to Sep. 1947. 2 leaves (tp.)

67     IK, [15 Oct.] – statement of expenses from 1 Aug. 1946 to 20 Sep. 1947 (tp.)

68     FS to IK, 27 Oct. – her Studentship is now over; asks her to make arrangements for returning the calculating machine (tpc.)

69     Ibid., to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 1 Nov. – sends IK’s report for his comments; she has said that she hopes to submit a paper in a few months (tpc.); see also 5/1/15

70     IK to FS, 3 Nov. – the machine is in full use at present dealing with her work; will submit her report as soon as possible and arrange for the return of the machine (autogr.)

71     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 5 Nov. – returns IK’s statement; thinks her expenses reasonable; regards her work as satisfactory as long as the report is received within six months (tp.)

72     IK, nd – Some problems of Indian Anthropology. Reprinted from the 34th Indian Science Congress, Delhi, 1947. Presidential address. 12 pp.


73     IK to FS, 31 Mar. 1948 – encloses copies of one of her papers; the work undertaken during her Studentship will be similar; asks for suggestions from experts; the Deccan College is willing to publish the Horniman paper and make full acknowledgement of the generosity of the Trustees; suggests that this arrangement would save the RAI publishing costs; hopes for a good report of her monograph as it will help her obtain a grant for her next investigation (tp.)

74     FS to IK, 6 Apr. – asks for information on when her report and the return of the machine can be expected; in postscript dated 20 Apr. – has received her letter (3/5/73 above); will put her proposals to the Trustees (tpc.)

75     Ibid., 5 Oct. – has still not heard when she intends to submit her report or return the machine; the matter is now urgent (tpc.)

76     IK to FS, 16 Oct. 1948 – the machine was packed months ago, but has been held up over an export-permit; is sorry that her report is not yet complete; hopes to finish by Dec. (tp.)

77     FS to IK, 5 Nov. – the Trustees expect to receive her report in Dec.; hopes to hear that the machine is on its way (tpc.)

78     Claridge Holt & Co. to FS, 8 Dec. – on necessary papers in connection with the calculating machine; on verso FS to [Claridge Holt & Co.], 21 Dec. – hopes enclosed documents will meet their requirements (tp., tpc.)

79     IK to FS, 26 Dec.– is sending part of her paper; is sorry it is not finished; her statistician had to visit the famine districts and she could not continue without him; afterwards her brother became ill and died; is extremely busy and already planning new projects; has prepared maps and is anxious to complete as soon as possible; hopes Trustees will forgive the delay (tp.)


80     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 3 Jan. 1949 – has received a typescript of IK’s report; asks whether she should send it to Dr J.C. Trevor (tp.)

81     IK and V.M. Dandekar [the statistician], nd – an anthropometric survey of Maharashtra. 37 leaves (tp.)

82     Ibid., nd – standard deviations of measurements and indices (tp.)

83     Ibid., nd – tables of characteristics of different castes. 10 leaves (tp.)

84     Ibid., nd – supplementary remarks; wonders whether the Horniman Trustees would be prepared to help finance similar schemes she has outlined. 2 leaves (tp.)

85     IK to FS, 11 Jan. – hopes for an acknowledgement that her paper has arrived safely; welcomes comments; is about to undertake more fieldwork (autogr.)

86     FS to IK, 19 Jan. – the report has arrived safely and is being submitted to expert examination (tpc.)

87     Ibid., to Dr J.C. Trevor, 19 Jan. – sends IK’s paper which is the first part of her full report; asks for him to report on whether it should be published (tpc.); see also 7/1/12

88     Dr J.C. Trevor to FS, 5 Feb. 1949 – encloses his report on IK’s paper; has sympathy with her delays; thinks the paper should be published when complete; suggests that someone should check her English before this; asks that a copy of his report should be sent to her as from an anonymous referee (tp.)

89     Dr J.C. Trevor, [5 Feb.] – report on IK’s ‘Anthropometric survey of Maharashtra’. 4 leaves (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 41

90     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 21 Feb. – wishes to see IK’s report; Dr J.C. Trevor’s comments should be sent to her straight away (tp.)

91     FS to Dr J.C. Trevor, 3 Mar. – will send his detailed comments to IK; would like a shorter summary for the Trustees; asks whether he meant that this report should not be published because her work is incomplete or because it is inadequate in any way (tpc.)

92     R.E. Harshe to FS, 8 Apr. – on return of the calculating machine (tp.)

93     FS to R.E. Harshe, 26 Apr. – the machine has arrived (tpc.)

94     Ibid., to IK, 27 Apr. – gives her the referee’s report; the Trustees do not wish to publish the paper as it stands; urges her to complete the work (tpc.)

95     IK to FS, 27 Apr. – is anxious to receive a report from the referee; has completed her latest fieldwork and is completing the paper with V.M. Dandekar’s help; has lost several pages of statistical data; asks her to check whether they were accidentally sent with her first package (tp.)

96     FS to IK, 7 May – encloses what she hopes are the missing pages; expects she will have received the referee’s report by now (tpc.)

97     IK to FS, 14 May – thanks her for the report and missing pages; hopes to reach completion soon; she and V.M. Dandekar have greatly benefited from the referee’s suggestions (tp.)

98     EEP, Chairman, to IK, 10 Nov. – still no sign of her report which she said months ago was almost complete; the Trustees ask to receive it immediately (tpc.)

99     IK to EEP, 16 Nov. 1949 – apologises for delay; she is now going over the final copy; the referee had said she ought to refer to a certain paper which she has only recently been able to obtain; she and her colleague are now incorporating suggested improvements; the delay is in no way due to inactivity; pleads for time to finish properly (tp.)

100     FS to IK, 1 Dec. – glad to know report is almost ready (tpc.)

101     IK to FS, 2 Dec. – is sending parcels of maps and photographs to accompany her earlier paper; will send the completed monograph as soon as possible (tp.)

102     Ibid., 6 Dec. – part one of her paper is on its way; parts two and three will follow shortly (tp.)


103     IK to FS, 13 Jan. 1950 – is sending parts two and three of her paper; hopes for referee’s suggestions; the University of Poona could publish her papers immediately a favourable report is received; suggests a joint publication; the reproduction of photographs and maps is better done in the UK; hopes to hear soon if they favour this proposal because the grant would lapse otherwise; outlines work she is planning; asks if another grant would be possible; is grateful for forbearance over lateness of her work (tp.); see also 8/1/1,9, 9 Jan. 1950

104     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 Jan. – passes IK’s letter to him for consideration of her suggestion (tp.)

105     Ibid., to IK, 20 Jan. – has received a roll of maps and her parcel; her report has been sent to the referees; the Trustees will consider her proposal (tpc.)

106     IK to FS, 13 Mar. – wishes to know whether the second part of her paper has arrived; has started on her new project; wonders what Trustees think of her proposal (tp.)

107     FS to IK, 18 Mar. – the paper is with the referees; several of the Trustees have been abroad so it has not yet been possible to arrange a meeting; her suggestions will be considered soon (tpc.)

108     FS to Dr J.C. Trevor, 21 Apr. – his report is urgently required (tpc.)

109     Dr J.C. Trevor to FS, 23 Apr. – has been pressed for time; considers IK’s work a good return on the investment of the Trustees; gives draft report. 2 leaves (tp.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 46

110     Dr J.C. Trevor, [23 Apr. 1950] – report of referee on IK’s paper (tpc.)

111     FS to IK, 19 May – the Trustees regret they cannot offer her any further assistance with her work (tpc.)

112     Ibid., 19 May – the Trustees agree to publication of her report in India as long as it is made clear that the work was done thanks to a Horniman grant; forwards the referee’s report; asks whether she should return the paper (tpc.)

113     IK to FS, 27 May – is not sure what the referee meant by saying that she should consult a physical anthropologist before publishing the paper; asks for FS’s opinion of what was meant; will certainly acknowledge the Horniman Fund; asks for return of paper and all maps (tp.)

114     FS to Dr J.C. Trevor, 1 June – asks for his views before she answers IK’s letter (tpc.)

115     Ibid., to IK, 8 June – assures her the paper was seen by a physical anthropologist; thinks the referee considers her paper valuable but that she may like another opinion regarding her measurement techniques; is returning the paper (tpc.)

116     Ibid., 7 July – apologises for delay in returning her paper; the Institute has been in the hands of the builders and all papers were packed away (tpc.)

117     IK to FS, 20 Nov. – is sending a paper which she hopes will be accepted for Man; her monograph is in the press; Poona University has given her a grant for her latest research (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/80/1, 28 Nov. 1950, f. 48; HT/85/3, 5 June 1956, F. 39b and 8/1/14, 28 Nov. 1950


118     IK, 7 Jan. 1960 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also 15/1/6

6/     Mrs Eva L.R. Meyerowitz. The role of gold in the art and culture of the Akan.

Two year award, 1945-7, extended to 1948. Supervisors Prof. Borenius, Prof. Daryll Forde, HJB. Grant £500. Extended by £125, 7 Oct. 1947 and £250, 23 Mar. 1948. Total £850. Publication Akan traditions of origin. Faber & Faber, 1952 – £100 subsidy and £20 for correction of the English


1     Noel I. Hall, Chairman of the West African Institute to WBF, [15 June 1945] – H.V. Meyerowitz has died in tragic circumstances; his widow is anxious to complete a study of Ashanti culture; Dr Margaret Read has suggested writing to him about it in connection with the Horniman Fund; does not wish to get ERLM’S hopes up unnecessarily; hopes to discuss the matter further (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes, HT/3/45, 23 July 1945, f. 14

2     FS to Noel I. Hall, 19 June – wishes for further details on ERLM; understands that she has already discussed her plans with Prof. Daryll Forde; suggests he contacts Prof. Forde who is a Trustee and can report back (tpc.)

3     ERLM to FS, 12 July – encloses her application form; in postscript adds that she has just heard the amount of her pension and asks for this to be marked (autogr.)

4     Ibid., [12 July] – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

5     Ibid., [12 July] – details of proposed study. 5 leaves (tp.)

6     Ibid., [12 July] – statement of work to be done (tp.)

7     Ibid., [12 July] – details of grant for field work (tp.)

8     Ibid., [12 July] – personal details (tp.)

9     Dr Margaret Read to FS, 19 July – reference (tp.)

10     Noel I. Hall to FS, 19 July – encloses a statement in support of ERLM; is grateful for all that has been done (autogr.)

11     Ibid., 19 July – reference (autogr.)

12     Revd H.M. Grace to FS, 20 July – ibid. (tp.)

13     Julian Huxley to FS, 20 July – ibid. 2 leaves (autogr.)

14     FS to Prof. Tancred Borenius, 20 July – asks for his opinion of ERLM’s work (tpc.)

15     Clarissa Borenius to [FS], 24 July – her father is ill but assures the Trustees that ERLM’s work is of the greatest value (autogr.)

16     FS to Secretary, University College, 26 July 1945 – ERLM has been awarded Studentship; under the terms of the Fund she must be tenable at a University in addition to working in the field; Prof. Borenius and Prof. Forde are willing to cooperate; asks if she can be registered as an Advanced Student (tpc.)

17     J.F. Lockwood, Tutor to Arts Students, University College London to FS, 30 July – she will not be able to enter the College for some time; there should be no difficulty after her return from field work (tp.)

18     FS to J.F. Lockwood, 3 Aug. – under the terms of her Studentship ERLM must be registered for the next session (tpc.)

19     FS to ERLM, 17 Aug. – encloses forms for Registration; is arranging for a medical examination (tpc.)

20     ERLM to FS, [19? Aug.] – has filled in the forms with the help of Prof. Forde; on an appointment with Dr Manson-Bahr (tp.)

21     Sir Philip Manson-Bahr to FS, 20 Aug. – agrees to examine candidates for fieldwork at two guineas each (tp.)

22     Ibid., 10 Sep. – has examined ERLM who is skinny but tough; has advised her on necessary inoculations (tp.)

23     FS to DHFW, 11 Oct. – on allowance for ERLM; her departure for Africa may be delayed due to present circumstances (tpc.)

24     ERLM to FS, 29 Oct. – acknowledges first instalment of her grant (tp.)

25     Ibid., 23 Dec. – has arrived safely; describes an interview with a local chief; thinks her methods would shock Prof. Forde (autogr.)


26     ERLM, 5 Jan. 1946 – extract from a letter on her fieldwork (tp.)

27     Daryll Forde to FS, 13 Feb. – encloses extract from ERLM’s letter (3/6/26 above)

28     FS to ERLM, 22 Mar. – apologises for lateness of reply; things have been difficult at the Institute; wishes her success (tpc.)

29     ERKM to FS, 4 Apr. 1946 – horrified that her ‘chatty letter’ to Prof. Forde has gone on record; has met HJB and showed him round; told him that she is too busy to write a report until after her return; describes her involvement in local customs; is over-drawing her allowance; describes political chaos; on her return (tp., autogr.)

30     FS to ERLM, 8 May – was glad to have her news; HJB said she was not looking fit and was under a lot of strain (tpc.)

31     ERLM to FS, 16 June – has been travelling without rest; now delayed by illness of her interpreter; wonders where Man has been sent; adds that she does not need to apply for an extension as HJB suggested; thinks she will save money later (tp., autogr.)

32     Ibid., 2 July – is sailing on 22 Aug. and will be home in Sep.; on corrections HJB mentioned; has no time herself; would prefer him to do them himself; is extremely busy (tp.)

33     FS to ERLM, 5 July – has not sent Man; all issues will be given to her on her return; on her article; glad she has not had to apply for an extension; the Institute will not close during Aug. so she may visit on her return (tpc.)

34     Ibid., to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 Sep. – asks him to prepare a report on ERLM if he has had a chance to see her (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/3/46, 26 Sep. 1946, f. 24

35     Prof. H.J. Fleure to Prof. Daryll Forde, 23 Sep. – hopes that he and HJB will be ERLM’s supervisors now that she has returned from Africa (tp.)

36     ERLM, [Sep.?] – Report on fieldwork in the Gold Coast. 3 leaves (tpc.); see also 4/1/11


37     FS to Prof. C. Daryll Forde, 19 Feb. – asks for his report on ERLM for the next Trustees’ meeting (tpc.)

38     Daryll Forde, 24 Feb. – report on the progress of work by ERLM (tp.); see also 5/1/15

39     ERLM to WBF, nd – applies for further grant to complete her book which is larger than anticipated (tpc.)

40     ERLM, nd – summary of the book, giving all chapter headings. 2 pp. (tpc.)

41     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 10 Oct. – the Trustees have authorised an additional grant to ERLM (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/3/47, 7 Oct. 1947, f. 31

42     FS to ERLM, 13 Oct. 1947 – is sorry she has been ill; on her grant (tpc.)

43     ERLM to Trustees, 20 Oct. – expresses gratitude (tp.)


44     ERLM, 19 Jan. 1948 – reports on progress of work (tp.)

45     Daryll Forde to FS, 21 Jan. – encloses report on ERLM’s work; has sent a copy to HJB; asks for details of her financial position (tp.)

46     Ibid., to Trustees, 22 Jan. – report on ERLM’s work; attaches her report; her Studentship terminated last Dec.; recommends an extension if funds available to allow for completion of the work (tpc.)

47     HJB to Daryll Forde, 23 Jan. – agrees that ERLM should be granted an extension for six months; also that Dr Meyer Fortes should be asked for his criticisms (autogr.); see also 6/1/2, 23 Jan. 1948

48     ERLM to HJB, 27 Jan. – has received the photographs from the British Museum; is working on Part III of her book (autogr.)

49     FS to ERLM, 5 Apr. – she has been granted an additional and final award of £250 (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/48,/2/48, 23 Mar., 1 June 1948, ff. 33, 35 and 6/1/5,10 25 Mar., 20 May 1948

50     ERLM to Prof. Daryll Forde, 1 Nov. – encloses report on the progress of her book (autogr.)

51     Ibid., [1 Nov.] – progress of work on ‘The sacred state of the Akan’ (tp.)


52     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 25 Jan. 1949 – asks if the Fund could pay for the services of the person employed by ERLM to check the English of her book (tp.)

53     FS to Trustees, 18 Feb. – Prof. Daryll Forde, the Chairman, asks them to consider the question of whether the Fund should cover the costs of revising the English in ERLM’s book (tpc., with autogr. note by J.P. Mills)

54     Ivor Horniman to FS, 19 Feb. – is willing for the Fund to pay the extra expense if a majority of Trustees agree; on the next meeting (autogr.)

55     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 20 Feb. – gives his views on the situation (tp.)

56     EEP to FS, 21 Feb. – ibid. (tpc.)

57     HJB to FS, 21 Feb. 1949 – ibid. (autogr.)

58     G.I. Jones to FS, 22 Feb. – ibid. (autogr.)

59     [FS to Prof. Daryll Forde], [4 Apr.] – summary of Trustees views on whether the Fund should pay for ERLM’s revisions (tpc.)

60     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 4 Apr. – has put his query to the Trustees; 3 voted for and 2 against; asks if the matter should be discussed at the next meeting (tp.); Prof. Daryll Forde replies that it should

61     FS to ERLM, 26 Apr. – the Trustees have decided to refund her the money spent on revisions; they understand she is offering it to Faber & Faber; trusts that she will acknowledge she is a Horniman student (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/1/49, 22 Apr. 1949, f. 38

62     ERLM to FS, 29 Sep. – is sorry to have missed her; left her manuscript; asks her to pass it to Prof. Daryll Forde; on her current visit to the Gold Coast (tp.)

63     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 27 Oct. – ERLM has left her manuscript for him; it is the part which Faber & Faber are not publishing; she now hopes the Trustees will bring it out; the matter will be discussed at the next meeting (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 8 Nov. 1949, f. 43-4

64     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 15 Nov. – gives recommendations for alteration of ERLM’s manuscript before it can be published; the note should be circulated to Trustees (tp.)

65     EEP to FS, 25 Nov. – concurs with Prof. Daryll Forde’s suggestions; does not think it necessary to circulate his letter; ERLM can make her own arrangements with Faber (tp.); see also 7/1/11-12, 22 Nov. 1949

66     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 1 Dec. – passes on message from EEP; supposes the books will appear as companion volumes (tpc.)

67     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 5 Dec. – asks her to tell ERLM that the Trustees will finance publication of her book subject to suggested alterations (tp.)

68     FS to ERLM, 9 Dec. – passes on message (tpc.)

69     ERLM to FS, 26 Dec. – is pleased about book; has told Prof. Daryll Forde that revisions will have to wait until she returns to England (tp.)


70     Prof. Daryll Forde to Peter du Sautoy, Faber & Faber, 6 June 1950 – on arrangements for publishing ERLM’s books (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 46-7 and 8/1/1, 9 Jan. 1950

71     Peter du Sautoy to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 Oct. – gives conditions under which he is willing to publish the second volume (tp.)

72     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 13 Oct. – encloses letter (3/6/71 above); considers they should comply (tp.)

73     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 17 Oct. – has passed the letter to the EEP, the President; expects all will be well (tp.)

74     Ibid., to EEP, 17 Oct. – explains matters concerning ERLM’s book; asks if Faber should be told to go ahead; on next meeting (tp., ‘yes, go ahead’ added by EEP)

75     Prof. Daryll Forde to Peter du Sautoy, 9 Nov. – agrees to terms (tp.)

76     Peter du Sautoy to [FS], 13 Nov. – on publishing details (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/80/1,28 Nov. 1950, f. 51 and 8/1/14, 28 Nov. 1950

77     Ibid., 19 Dec. – ibid.; on verso draft reply by FS (tp., autogr.)

78     FS to ERLM, 20 Dec. – explains arrangement made with Faber & Faber; asks if she consents (tpc.)


79     ERLM to FS, 6 Jan. 1951 – consents to arrangement (tp.)

80     FS to Peter du Sautoy, 15 Jan. – on publishing details (tp.)

81     Peter du Sautoy to FS, 22 Jan. – encloses form of agreement (tp.)

82     L.R. Simmons, Faber & Faber to FS, 27 Mar. – asks for cheque agreed upon (tp.)

83     Peter du Sautoy to FS, 4 Apr. – encloses preliminary announcements of ERLM’s book; asks if the Horniman Trust should be mentioned in some way (tp.) see 3/6/84 below

84     Faber & Faber, [4 Apr.] – ‘blurb’ for ‘Akan traditions of origin’ by ERLM (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/80/2, 1 May 1951, f. 53 and 9/1/1

85     FS to Peter du Sautoy, 17 Apr. – would like the fact that ERLM’s research was made possible by the Fund mentioned (tpc.)


86     Peter du Sautoy to FS, 29 July 1952 – on extra expenses involved with ERLM’s book (tp.); see also 10/1/2,5, 22 Apr. 1952

87     ACB to Peter du Sautoy, 30 July – FS has now left the Institute; the matter he raises will be brought before the Trustees at their next meeting (tpc.)

88     Dorothy E. Marshall to ACB, 30 Dec. – she compiled the index for ERLM’s book; asks for payment (tp.)

89     ACB to Miss D.E. Marshall, 31 Dec. – encloses cheque (tpc.)


90     Ibid., to ERLM, 13 Jan. 1953 – WBF has asked her to tell her that Miss D.E. Marshall has been paid (tpc.) see also 11/1/3, 14 May 1953

91     ERLM to DHFW, 15 Dec. – has got into trouble with the Inspector of Taxes over the Studentship she received in 1945; details all money received from the Fund; recounts her conversations with her accountant; the Tax Inspector thinks that she is a ‘professional writer’ and that the Horniman Fund was just a cover; is currently engaged on two new books and has no money; asks for advice. 2 leaves (tp.)


92     ERLM, 4 Jan. 1960 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also 15/1/1; 17/1/6

4/     Awards made in 1946. Chair Prof. H.J. Fleure

1/     Trustees’ Business


1     Candidates 1946 – details of Frederick Emmanuel Benjamin Amofah, Anastassis Stavrou Anastassiades, Mohamed Azziz, Hugh Elliot Cameron, William Bannerman Campbell, Alice Ione Crabtree, Sylvia Crammer, Mrs Isabel Joy Crook, Lennie Horatio Denton, Mrs Icilda Depass, Eleanor Kathleen Gough, John Arthur Kay, Emmanuel Gittens Knight, Revd Dom Basil Matthews, Maxwell Beuthen Sarpong, Edward Augustus Pitt, V.G.J. Sheddick, Barbara Ward. 8 leaves (tp.)

2     Prof. R. Firth to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 4 Apr. – resigns from the Committee of Trustees on a matter of principle concerning the distribution of awards; see Council minutes 14 May 1946, CM/75/9 item 9, f. 471 (tp.); see Mrs I.J. Crook [4/3/9] below

3     Dr Audrey I. Richards to FS, 13 May 1946 – was distressed to see that the decisions taken by the Horniman Committee while she was present appear to have been reversed after she left; wishes to see full minutes; considers that the most eminent research worker among the candidates has been lost and that the matter of one year grants is neither here nor there (tp.); see Mrs I.J. Crook [4/3/9] below

4     Prof. H.J. Fleure to Prof. R. Firth, 15 May – his withdrawal has been regretfully accepted; has asked Dr Audrey I. Richards to consider guiding principles for the Fund; FS has noted in the minutes that Joy Crook, V.G.J. Sheddick and Barbara Ward have been elected for further consideration; explains his own views on the casting vote; thinks Mrs J. Crook has a strong case (tpc.)

5     FS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 17 May – on forthcoming Trustees meeting; Prof. H.J. Fleure asks him to dine with him and Sir Theodore Tasker to talk Burma (tpc.)

6     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 17 May – asks if he will accept an appointment as a Horniman Trustee (tpc.)

7     Ibid., to Prof. R. Firth, 17 May – hopes he will attend next meeting and allow his resignation to take effect from 25 June, the date of the Annual General Meeting (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/2/46, 6 June 1946, f. 21

8     Report of the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund 1945-6; awards made to Mary Danielli, Irawati Karvé and Eva Meyerowitz; all currently in the field and making satisfactory progress; new Studentships awarded to V.G.J. Sheddick and Barbara Ward each for one year; the accounts have been audited; caution is recommended for the present (tpc.)

9     Ivan Horniman to DHFW, 16 Aug. – thanks him for broker’s report; gives his opinion on stocks; is enjoying a wonderful fishing holiday (autogr.)

10     FS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 9 Sep. – hopes he will attend meeting; the Trustees will call for a report on Mary Danielli who is back; there is little news on Mrs Karvé (tpc.)


11     Jones & Peel, 15 May 1947 – balance sheet, income, expenditure and revenue accounts as at 31 Dec. 1946. 3 leaves (tp.)

2/     Requests for information


1     Brian Barefoot, 14 Feb. (autogr.)

2     [M.J.M. Dannery?], 30 Jan. (autogr.)

3     Miss Jeanne M. Fisher, 21 Jan. (autogr.)

4     Roger J.F. Franklin, 10 Feb. (tp.)

5     G. Lighton, nd (autogr.)

6     Bernard McCabe, 6 Jan. (autogr.)

7     A. Elwyn Owen, 30 Jan. (tp.)

8     Eileen M. Stephenson, 11 Feb. 1946 (autogr.)

9     Dorothy Sylvester, 20 Jan. (autogr.)
