Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 02 of 17)

2/     Requests for Information

In alphabetical order:


1     P.B. Barnes, 12 Aug. (autogr.)

2     Mollie Baxter, 19 Aug. (autogr.)

3     I.S. Bince, 9 Aug. (autogr.)

4     Eila M.J. Campbell, 21 Aug. (autogr.)

5     S.E. Crisp, 22 Aug. (autogr.)

6     Ralph Glasser, 12 Aug. (autogr.)

7     Charles E. Halford, 26 Aug. 2 leaves (autogr.)

8     Miss M.C. Harrison, 10 Aug. (autogr.)

9     Harold K. Holt, 10 Aug. (autogr.)

10     C. Davenport Hughes, 12 Aug. (autogr.)

.1     Personal details (tp.)

.2     Reference from T.H. Pear, 3 Oct. 1941 (tpc.)

11     Bertram Hutchinson, 21 Aug. (tp.); see also 2/1/27

12     L. James, 18 Aug. (autogr.)

13     Denis L. Lamberth, 10 Aug. (tp.)

14     Revd. R.W. Lawson, 10 Aug. (autogr.)

15     Dr M. Levine, nd (autogr.)

16     B.W. [Lytingoe?], 11 Aug. (autogr.)

17     Maung Ohn, 13 Aug. 1944 (autogr.)

.1     Ibid., 17 Aug. (tp.)

18     Jacqueline Palmer, 11 Aug. (autogr.)

19     Richard Parsons, 18 Aug. (tp.)

20     J.G. Pearman, 10 Aug. (autogr.)

21     Leonard J. Penna, 12 Jan. 1944 (tp.)

.1     Ibid., 16 Aug. (autogr.) [see also 3/2/17 below]

22     Miss M. Reynolds, 12 Aug. (autogr.)

23     Harry Sheldon [on behalf of a German refugee], 12 Aug. 2 leaves (autogr.)

24     Miss Barbara S. Smith, 12 Aug. (autogr.)

25     E.J. Turner, 1 Jan. (tp.)

26     Ruth E. [Varly?], 26 Dec. (autogr.)

27     Miss Marie Wilkinson, 10 Aug. (autogr.)

3/     Unsuccessful Applications 1944

Listed alphabetically:

1     Cecil Alfred Edward Baylis, 3 Sep. 1944 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

.1     Copy of references from D.E. Leavey, 31 Jan. 1941, Daniel L. Lipson MP [nd], and J.M. Gwynn, 5 Oct. 1942 (tpc.)

.2     CAEB to Trustees, 4 Sep. – covering letter (autogr.)

2     Muriel Eastham, 23 Aug. 1944 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, A.E. Filsell, 15 May 1934 (tpc.); .2, Miss Evelyn Fox, 30 Aug. 1944 (tp.); .3, Doris E. Mellor, 4 Jan. 1937 (tpc.); .4, Frank Smith, 8 July 1940 (tpc.)

.5     ME to FS, 23 Aug. – covering letter (autogr.)

.6     FS to Prof. H.J. Fleure, 29 Aug. – asks what he knows about ME; she has named him as a referee (autogr.); on verso: Prof. H.J. Fleure to FS – does not know her sufficiently well to give an informed opinion; expects Prof. J.H. Hutton knows her better (autogr.); see also 2/1/40-1

3     Richard Alec Roberts, 27 Aug. 1944 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

References from: .1, R.F. Bailey, 28 Aug. 1944 (tpc.); .2, W.T. Harries, 11 Nov. 1943 (tpc.); .3, T.D. Weldon, 5 Sep. 1936 (tpc.)

.4     RAR to Secretary to Trustees, 28 Aug. – covering letter (tp.)

4     Dorian Swede, 20 Aug. 1944 – application form. 5 pp. (tp.)

References from: .1, Robert Chris, 29 Aug. (tpc.); .2, John Pratt, 1 Sep. (tpc.)

3/     Awards made in 1945. Chair Prof. H.J. Fleure

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     FS to Trustees, 4 Jan. 1945 – encloses copy of Kimber Bull & Co.’s account (2/1/51 above); it must be approved before it can be paid; asks for comments (tpc., with autogr. note of approval by Ivan Horniman. Copies with notes of approval from Dr A.I. Richards, Prof. J.H. Hutton and Prof. R. Firth not retained)

2     Dr H.S. Harrison to FS, 6 Jan. – approves payment of bill (autogr.)

3     Catherine Gillies, Secretary International African Institute to FS, 11 Jan. – Prof. C.D. Forde gives his approval (tp.)

4     C.Y. Carstairs, Colonial Social Science Research Council to FS, 27 Jan. 1945 – is writing in absence on sick leave of Dr Raymond Firth on proposal to inform Colonial Governments about the Fund; points out difficulties in connection with salaries of Government servants; proposes adopting Carnegie scheme of paying half if released for Scholarship; doubts many will apply because of pressure of work (tp.)

5     FS to C.Y. Carstairs, 6 Feb. – will place his letter before Trustees (tpc.)

6     Ibid., to TWH, 19 Apr. – asks his advice on matter of rotating Trustees, and whether the President who is ex officio should be included in ballot of who is to retire. 2 leaves (tpc.)

7     Shortlist of applications for the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund – details of Mukund Paikaji Buradkar, Mary Danielli, L.A. Krishna Iyer, Alfred Cowley Lamb, Dhirendra Nath Majumdar, Anthony Manuel Mardiros, William Arthur Moulton, Stanley Acland Opie, Frederick C.G. Rose, M.N. Srinivas. 5 leaves (tp.)

8     Prof. John L. Myres to FS, 19 Apr. – takes names from shortlist and gives his opinion on each as a candidate; has put crosses by the names of Mary Danielli, A.M. Mardiros and F.C.G. Rose as possibilities. 2 pp. (autogr.)

9     TWH to FS, 24 Apr. – answers her query concerning retirement of Trustees (tp.)

10     Copy of paper giving names of Trustees chosen by lot to retire, and those appointed, 15 May; see Council minutes 15 May 1945, CM/74/6 item 10 (tpc.)

11     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 18 May – the Trustees cannot undertake to pay half of Government servants’ salaries as proposed by Mr Carstairs (see 3/1/4 above); however they are prepared to consider each case sympathetically (tpc.)

12     Ivan Horniman to FS, 20 May – accepts his appointment as a Trustee for another year (tp.)

13     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 22 May – ibid. (autogr.)

14     Dr Audrey I. Richards to FS, 23 May – ibid.; hopes to be able to attend regularly in future (autogr.)

15     FS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 31 May 1945 – is sending draft of a letter to Mary Danielli; asks him to forward it if he approves, or return it with suggestions; has not yet heard from Mrs Karvé; on Council meeting; WBF wishes him to act as Acting President; discusses House List; encloses Man proof; announces bequest received (tp., annotated)

16     Jones & Peel to DHFW, 8 Aug. – encloses bill in connection with work done concerning repayment of taxes to the Fund (tp.)


17     Ibid., 20 May 1946 – balance sheet, income, expenditure and revenue accounts as at 31 Dec. 1945. 4 leaves (tp.)

2/     Requests for Information


In alphabetical order:


1     F.E.B. Amofah, 9 July (tp.)

.1     Ibid., 12 July (tp.)

2     Robert Ashton, 14 Dec. (autogr.)

3     Miss B.D. Baker, 18 Dec. (autogr.)

4     L.M. Bland, 24 Jan. (autogr.)

5     J. Burton Brown, 4 Nov. 3 leaves (autogr.)

6     D. Davies, 17 Dec. (tp.)

7     Sylvia Gammer, 20 Dec. (autogr.)

8     P.H. Helbourne (autogr.)

9     J.B.I. Mackay, 20 Dec. (tp.)

10     A.S. Mahal, 24 Aug. (airgraph)

11     M. Martin, 15 Dec. (tp.)

12     Earle Maynier, 4 Aug. – includes outline of thesis. 4 leaves (tp.)

13     S. Maxted, 20 Dec. (autogr.)

14     Miss Priti Mitra (autogr.)

15     W.H. Newell, 11 May (tp.)

16     Richard O. Paterson, 28 Aug. (autogr.)

17     Leonard J. Penna, 19 Jan. (tp.) [see also 2/2/21,21.1 above]

18     Miss Gertrude M. Richards, 22 Jan. (autogr.)

.1     Reply from FS, 29 Jan. 2 leaves (tpc.)

19     Maxwell Beuthen Sarpong, 11 Dec. 1945 (autogr.)

20     W. Sillery, 21 Dec. (autogr.)

21     Mrs F.S. Stone, 1 Jan. (tp.)

22     David Tait, 18 Dec. (autogr.)

23     John Truesdale, 12 Feb. (tp.)

24     Miss Joan A. Warner, 25 Dec. (autogr.)

25     Margaret Young, 16 Dec. (autogr.)

/3     Unsuccessful Candidates 1945

Listed alphabetically:

1     Mukund Paikaji Buradkar. 18 Oct. 1944 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr., on special form with introduction to the Under Secretary of State, India Office)

References from: .1, J.R. Deshmukh, 2 June 1934 (tpc.); .2, H.E. McClenaghan, 29 Mar. 1945 (tp.); .3, David G. Moses, 8 June 1944 (tpc.); .4, S.L. Pandharipande, 5 June 1944 (tpc.); .5, W.R. Puranite, 2 Nov. 1944 (tp.); .6, A. Sen, 23 May 1943. 2 leaves (tpc.)

.7     MPB to the Principal, City College Nagpur, 18 Oct. 1944 – asks him to forward enclosed application form to the RAI (tp.)

.8     Ibid., 18 Oct. 1944 – a short note on the proposed subject of study (tp.)

.9     Ibid., Dec. 1940 – ‘Kinship among the Gonds’ (offprint from Nagpur University Journal, Dec. 1940, no. 6, pp. 147-80)

.10     Ibid., 1940 – ‘Totemism among the Gonds’ (offprint from Man in India, vol. XX 1940, no. 3, pp. 114-43)

.11     Ibid., 1940 – ‘Totemism among the Gonds (cont.)’ (offprint from Man in India, vol. XX 1940, no. 4, pp. 268-89)

.12     Ibid., [nd] – ‘Social structure of the Gond community’ (printed in City College Magazine, 8 pp.)

.13     FS to MPB, 28 June 1945 – the Trustees regret they cannot make the award in his favour (tpc.)

2     Manindra Kumar Chakrabarty, 30 Oct. 1944 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     MKC to FS, 30 Oct. – covering letter (autogr.)

.2     References from Prof. S.N. Bose and Prof. J.K. Chowdhury, 7 Mar. (tpc.)

.3     FS to [MKC], 15 Feb. 1945 – he is not eligible for the fund since his proposed course of study is not in anthropology (tpc.)

3     L.A. Krishna Iyer, [18 Oct. 1944] – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     LAKI to FS, 18 Oct. – covering letter (tp.)

.2     Ibid., 18 Oct. – notes on his proposed scheme of study (tp.)

.3     Readers comments on ‘The Travancore tribes and castes’ by LAKI [nd]. 4 pp. (printed)

.4     F.J. Richards to FS, 17 Feb. 1945– regrets he cannot support LAKI’s application (autogr.)

.5     R.E. Enthoven to FS, 21 Feb. – supports the application; encloses copies of his own reviews on LAKI’s books (3/3/3.6,.7 below) (autogr.)

.6     Ibid., [nd] – review of ‘The Travancore Tribes or castes’ by LAKI, vol. 1. 2 leaves (printed)

.7     Ibid., [nd] – review of ‘The Travancore Tribes or castes’ by L.A.K. Iyer, vol. 2. 2 leaves (printed)

.8     FS to LAKI, 18 May 1945 – the Trustees cannot make an award in his favour (tpc.)

4     Revd Alfred Cowley Lamb to FS, 9 Jan. 1945 – describes his plan of study; asks for information about grants (tp.)

.1     FS to ACL, 22 Jan. – encloses information about the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund and gives address for a Leverhulme Fellowship (tpc.)

.2     ACL, 1 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .3, Kenneth H. Crosby, 7 Apr. (tp.); .4, Prof. E.O. James, 7 Apr. (tp.); .5, B.M. Laing, 11 Apr. (autogr.)

.6     FS to ACL, 18 May – the Trustees have been unable to make him an award (tpc.)

5     Donald Gunn MacRae, 24 July, 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     FS to DGM, 3 Aug. – the Trustees have decided to accept no more applications for 1945; he may ask her to re-submit his form the following year (tpc.)

6     Dhivendra Nath Majumdar, 11 Oct. 1944 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, P.C. Mahalanobis, 2 Apr. 1945 (tp.); .2, G.M. Morant, 18 Feb. 1945 (autogr.); .3, G.L. Taylor, 27 Feb. 1945 (tp.)

.4     FS to DNM, 18 May 1945 – the Trustees regret that they cannot make him an award (tpc.)

7     Anthony Manuel Mardiros, 26 Feb. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.1     AMM, [26 Feb.] – list of particulars and qualifications (tpc.)

References from: .2, Prof. A. Boyce-Gibson, 2 Apr. 1939. 2 leaves (tpc.); .3, R.B. Braithwaite, 9 July 1943 (tpc.); .4, Dr Charles Brook, 6 Apr. 1945 (autogr.); .5, Revd J. Burnaby, 8 Apr. 1945 (autogr.); .6, J.E.C. Hill, 22 Feb. 1945 (tpc.); .7, John Platts-Mills, 10 Apr. 1945 (tp.)

.8     FS to A.M. Mardiros, 27 June 1945 – the Trustees regret they cannot make him an award (tpc.)

8     William Arthur Moulton, 26 Feb. 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

References from: .1, F.H. Cecil Brock, Feb. 1945 (tpc.); .2, R.S.T. Chorley, 12 Apr. 1945 (autogr.); .3, Henry A. Cole, 14 Apr. 1945 (autogr.); .4, J.H. Simpson, Feb. 1945 (tpc.); .5, John Trevelyan, 12 Apr. 1945 (tp.)

.6     FS to WAM, 18 May 1945 – the Trustees regret they are unable to make him an award (tpc.)

9     Stanley Acland Opie, 9 Sep. 1944 – application form, (autogr.)

.1     SAO to FS, 9 Sep. 1944 – covering letter. 3 leaves (tp.)

.2     Ibid., [9 Sep.] – brief personal history and testimonials on his work. 3 pp. (tp.)

.3     Circular advertising exhibition in Camborne and Redruth organised in Sep. and Oct. by S.A. Opie (printed)

.4     SAO, June 1939 – ‘Excavations in the Roseland Peninsular, Cornwall’. 12 pp. (printed)

.5     Ibid., Feb. 1942 – ‘Cornish tin’. 20 pp. (printed)

.6     Ibid., [nd] – ‘Plan for a distressed area’. 13 pp. (tp.)

.7     Copy of some reviews of local opinions of SAO’s work (tpc.)

References from: .8, Mrs A.V. Hayman, 17 Apr. 1945 (tp.);.9, Prof. John L. Myres, 23 Nov. 1943 (tpc.); .10, Ibid., 9 Apr. 1945 (autogr.) .11, Dr Charles Rivers, 9 Apr. 1945

.12     FS to SAO, 28 June 1945 – the Trustees regret that his application has not been successful (tpc.)

10     Frederick G.G. Rose to FS, 13 Feb. 1945 – applies for Studentship; gives details of his work and proposed study (tp. on three airmail letters)

.1     FS to FGGR, 18 May 1945 – the Trustees regret they have not been able to make him an award (tpc.)

11     Mysore Narasimhachar Srinivas to FS, 3 Mar. 1945 – wishes to make an application; gives personal details (tp.)

References from: .1, G.S. Ghurye, 1 June 1944 (tpc.); .2, C.N. Vakil, 20 Dec. 1943 (tpc.); .3, A.R. Wadia, 12 May 1944 (tpc.)

Reviews of ‘Marriage and family in Mysore’ by MNS by: .4, Dr A. Aiyappan, 6 June 1943. 2 leaves (tpc.); .5, Man in India, Sep. 1942 (tpc.); .6, Mrs C. Neville-Roffe in Nature. 2 leaves (tpc.); .7, C. Hayavadana Rao, 6 Sep. 1942 (newspaper cutting from The Hindu)

.8     [FS] to J.C. Trevor, 23 May 1945 – Prof. J.H. Hutton has advised asking him for his opinion of MNS; he did not fill out the usual application form; he is short-listed but not on the recommended list (tpc.)

.9     MNS, 25 May 1945 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

.10     FS to MNS, 27 June 1945 – the Trustees regret his application has been unsuccessful (tpc.)

4/     Mrs Mary Danielli née Guy. Investigation into material culture and physical measurements (Madagascar)

Two year award, 1945-7. Supervisor Prof. R. Firth, Prof. J.H. Hutton. Grant £1000. Extended 2 Apr. 1946 by £75. Total £1075


1     MD to FS, 29 July 1944 – thanks her for sending Man and the Journal; asks for an application form for the Horniman Studentship (autogr.)

2     Ibid., 14 Aug. – has not yet received a form; asks again (autogr.)

3     W.J. Perry, 30 Aug. 1944 – reference; mentions MD’s interest in the Norse Sagas (autogr.)

4     Ann Bishop, Girton College to Trustees, 31 Aug. – reference (autogr.)

5     FS to MD, 13 Sep. – the Trustees cannot offer her a Studentship; she may apply again later (tpc.); see also 2/1/29,40-1, 7 July, 30 Aug., 1 Sep. 1944


6     MD to the Trustees, 12 Feb., 1945 – assures them of her intention to continue in anthropological research despite being young, female and recently married (autogr.)

7     Ibid., 12 Feb. – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

8     Ibid., [12 Feb.] – programme of work in Madagascar. 4 leaves (tp.)

9     Ibid., [12 Feb.] – copy of testimonial from Prof. R.W. Chambers, 2 Apr. 1935 (tp.)

10     Ibid., [12 Feb.] – copy of testimonial from Miss E. Stevenson, 14 Aug. 1936. 2 leaves (tp.)

11     Ibid., [nd] – ‘Initiation ceremonial from Norse literature’. 28 leaves (tp.)

12     FS to MD, 23 Apr. – her application is being considered; asks for a more specific proposal; suggests she discusses the matter with Prof. J.H. Hutton (tpc.); see also 3/1/7-8, 19 Apr. 1945

13     MD to FS, 27 Apr. – encloses a more detailed report as requested (autogr.)

14     Ibid., to Trustees, 27 Apr. – scheme of study for proposed field research in Madagascar. 2 leaves (autogr.)

15     FS to MD, 18 May – thanks her for scheme of study; gives date of Trustees next meeting and advises her to attend; they will require a medical report (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, HT/2/45, 29 May 1945, f. 13

16     MD to FS, [20?] May – will come for meeting as suggested; is planning to attend L.F. Newman’s lecture on that day; is presently studying with Major Trevor; on medical certificate (autogr.)

17     FS to P.H. Siriex, French Embassy, 24 May – has heard from Dr Ethel J. Lindgren that he is in London; hopes he can find time to visit the Institute; explains that candidates are being considered for the newly instituted Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund; asks for information on travelling to Madagascar (tpc.)

18     FS to M. Monod, Mission Coloniale Française, 31 May 1945 – encloses letter to M. Monguillod; asks for help concerning travel to Madagascar (tpc.)

19     Ibid., to M. Monguillod, 31 May – Prof. Daryll Forde has already spoken to him about MD’s proposed visit to Madagascar; asks for assistance (tpc.); see also 3/1/15, 31 May 1945

20     FS to MD, 1 June – she has been awarded the first Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship; gives conditions. 2 leaves (tp., annotated draft)

21     MD to FS, 2 June – Prof. J.H. Hutton has told her that various conditions apply; asks for a list of them; mentions situation in Syria (autogr.)

22     Ibid., 6 June – encloses medical certificate; Prof. J.H. Hutton has told her of her coming letter; is making preparations (autogr.)

23     G. Norman Myers MD, 4 June – certifies that MD is medically fit (autogr.)

24     M. Fogt, Mission des Colonies à Londres to WBF, 7 June – has forwarded FS’s letter to M. Monguillot in Paris; is finding out all he can concerning her request and will send the information when ready (tp.)

25     FS to MD, 7 June – confirms that she has been awarded the Scholarship and lays out the conditions. 2 leaves (tpc.)

26     MD to FS, [9? June – sends thanks for Scholarship; she will abide by the conditions and has made some alterations accordingly; would like to work in the Maldive Islands if the Madagascar project fails (tp.)

27     FS to M. Fogt, 21 June – thanks him for his help (tpc.)

28     R. Isambert to WBF, 25 June – describes war-time difficulties with transport to Madagascar; recommends booking through P.V. Vardon & Co., on passports, travelling within Madagascar, and the cost of living there (tp.)

29     FS to R. Isambert, Administrateur en Chef des Colonies à la Mission des Colonies à Londres, 10 July – thanks him for all his help; gives what travel details she can (tpc.)

30     Ibid., to Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education, 10 July – explains situation regarding MD; asks her to recommend her for a permit from the Ministry of War Transport (tpc.)

31     Jacquetta Hawkes, Ministry of Education to FS, 16 July 1945 – assures her of the Ministry’s willingness to support MD (tp.)

32     FS to Director of Sea Transport, Ministry of War Transport, 20 July – explains MD’s proposed visit to Madagascar; has the support of the Ministry of Education; asks for a permit as soon as possible (tpc.)

33     Ibid., to MD, 20 July – reports developments concerning her passage to Madagascar (tpc.)

34     MD to FS, 22 July – thanks her for news; when she receives some funds intends to begin learning the language at the School of Oriental Studies (autogr.)

35     M. Giacobbi, Ministère des Colonies, Paris to Prof. Paul Rivet, 2 Aug. – has asked his department to look favourably on MD’s request; does not anticipate any difficulties; an early departure will not be possible due to lack of transport (tpc., in French)

36     MD to FS, 7 Aug. – has spoken to Prof. J.H. Hutton; he suggests that as the French attitude seems favourable their permission can be taken as read; in which case hopes for money to be granted as is in financial need (autogr.)

37     Prof. Paul Rivet to [Prof. Daryll Forde] Director, International African Institute, 9 Aug. – reports encouraging reply from M. Giacobbi; expects MD will be able to find an English boat without too much difficulty (tpc., in French)

38     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 18 Aug. – encloses copies of two letters from Prof. Paul Rivet and M. Giacobbi (3/4/35,37 above)(tp.)

39     FS to Director of Sea Transport, 10 Sep. – has had no reply to her previous letter (/31 above); encloses a copy (tpc.)

40     Director of Sea Transport to FS, 15 Sep. – MD will have to take a passage to Durban and wait for a sailing to Madagascar; recommends contacting the High Commissioner’s Office at South Africa House (tp.)

41     FS to R. Isambert, 17 Sep. – MD will take a passage to Durban at the end of Sep. (tpc.)

42     Ibid., to MD, 17 Sep. – informs her of her imminent departure; reminds her to attend to travel documents, inoculations and kit; gives travel details; advises her to contact EEP who could provide introductions in Durban; the French authorities will welcome her in Madagascar; is seeing DHFW to attend to financial arrangements. 2 leaves (tpc.)

43     FS to South Africa House, 17 Sep. 1945 – explains that MD has been granted a scholarship by the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund (tpc.)

44     Ibid., to EEP, 17 Sep. – asks if he can offer any help to MD concerning her stay in Durban (tpc.)

45     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 18 Sep. – arranges transfer of funds to cover MD’s expenses; wishes the arrangement to be similar to the one organised for Irawati Karvé (tpc.)

46     FS to Passport and Permit Office, 19 Sep. – asks for passport and exit permit to be granted quickly to MD (tpc.)

47     Ibid., to French Consulate General, 19 Sep. – requests visa for MD (tpc.)

48     EEP to FS, 19 Sep. – has contacted MD as requested; although his wife comes from Durban neither of them have visited for years so can say little about the current situation; has asked MD to defer her departure; considers the political situation difficult; believes she would benefit from further study in this country (autogr.)

49     Ministry of War Transport to P.F. Vardon & Co., 20 Sep. – on booking passage for MD; stresses importance of physical fitness for such a journey during war time (tp.)

50     Griffiths, McAlister Ltd, 20 Sep. – invoice for kit for MD’s trip (tp.)

51     Jack C. Trevor to MD, 22 Sep. – is sorry she is to leave so soon as considers she needs more training with the use of anthropometrical instruments; discusses types of instruments. 4 leaves (tp.)

52     Dorothy Mackay to MD, 25 Sep. – offers to sell her a mosquito net (autogr.)

53     FS to Institut Français, 26 Sep. – asks if a meeting with MD can be arranged (tpc.)

54     Ibid., to R. Isambert, 27 Sep. – asks him to cable the French Consul in Durban to assure that all is well for MD’s visit; she will visit him tomorrow. 2 leaves (tpc.)

55     FS, 28 Sep. – certifies MD’s bona fides as a scholar undertaking anthropological research in Madagascar under the auspices of the Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund (tpc.)

56     FS to P.V. Vardon, 28 Sep. 1945 – confirms that everything necessary for MD’s journey is now arranged except for permission from the Bank of England to transfer her fund; hopes that this will be settled within the next week (tpc.)

57     Ibid., to R. Isambert, 28 Sep. – thanks him and M. Monod for their help with securing permission for MD to carry out her researches in Madagascar (tpc.)

58     Ibid., to François Eyriey, French Embassy, 3 Oct. – gives details on MD; asks for a letter of introduction to help her in Madagascar (tpc.)

59     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 3 Oct. – gives details of the funds for MD in Madagascar; the permission of the Bank of England is now urgent (tpc.)

60     FS to MD, 4 Oct. – informs her of the details of her grant. 2 leaves (tpc.)

61     Ibid., to Paul-Henri Siriex, 5 Oct. – asks him for a letter of introduction for MD while she is in Madagascar. 2 leaves (tpc.)

62     François Eyriey to FS, 5 Oct. – encloses a letter of introduction for MD (tp.); not present

63     FS to François Eyriey, 8 Oct. – thanks him for letter of introduction (tpc.)

64     MD to FS, 7 Oct. – thanks her for letter (3/4/60 above); voices her concerns that the amount allowed for her stay in Durban will be insufficient especially if she is forced to wait there for a long time; suggests a higher sum; received no reply to her earlier requests for funds so has not been able to shop around to acquire things cheaply; has had to get what she could as quickly as possible and still needs to complete her equipment in Durban. 3 leaves (tp.)

65     Charles Knight, Office of the High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa to FS, 8 Oct. – encloses a leaflet on immigration to South Africa (3/4/66 below); MD should encounter no trouble (tp.)

66     Office of the High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa, May 1943 – ‘Admission of immigrants into the Union of South Africa and/or South West Africa’. 2 leaves (printed)

67     FS to MD, 11 Oct. – will bring her concerns before the Trustees; money can be cabled quickly to Durban; any sent in addition to the allowance made will be deducted from the field allowance; hopes to check accounts for equipment with her before she leaves (tpc.)

68     Coutts & Co. to FS, 12 Oct. 1945 – has received verbal approval from the Bank of England for the transfer of MD’s funds; gives name of where account held; encloses traveller’s cheques (tp.)

69     P.V. Vardon & Co. to RAI, 12 Oct. – invoice for MD’s travelling kit. 2 leaves (tp.)

70     FS to Coutts & Co., 26 Oct. – acknowledges their letter of 12 Oct. (3/4/68 above); MD’s departure has been delayed by a dock strike; her passage has been cancelled; is awaiting further news (tpc.)

71     Griffiths, McAlister Ltd to MD, 26 Oct. – her baggage which had been forwarded to travel on the SS Strategist has had to be returned as this sailing has been cancelled; regrets additional rail charges incurred by this; she may be leaving from a different port of departure. 2 leaves (tp.)

72     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 29 Oct. – explains MD’s need for funds; she has already spent money on her outfit; her husband’s Fellowship has expired and he has half-time jobs; asks for interim payment to be considered (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes, 20 Nov. 1945, f. 16

73     FS to MD, 2 Nov. – informs her of passage arranged for her by the Ministry of War Transport; has told P.V. Vardon to transfer her luggage from Liverpool to Southampton; will give her travellers cheques and papers when she calls in (tpc.)

74     P.V. Vardon & Co. to RAI, 19 Nov. – invoice for travelling expenses for MD (tp.)

75     FS to Coutts & Co., 23 Nov. – MD has left and they must now carry out the instructions of DHFW’s letter of 3 Oct. (3/4/59 above) (tpc.)

76     Coutts & Co. to FS, 23 Nov. – the transfer of funds is being organised as arranged (tp.)

77     FS to J.F. Danielli, 23 Nov. – checked that MD’s baggage had arrived on time and assumes she sailed as arranged; wishes for a detailed report of accounts for purchases as the suppliers need paying (tpc.)

78     J.F. Danielli to FS, 26 Nov. – MD gave a telegram for her to a docker just as she was leaving; is sorry she never received it; MD has taken the accounts with her and does not intend to complete a report until she has finished purchasing her equipment in Durban; to offset the difficulty this may cause the Institute suggests they follow the procedure used by the Commonwealth Foundation (autogr.)

79     FS to MD, 18 Dec. 1945 – has arranged for £50 to be sent to her while she is still waiting for a passage to Madagascar; asks her to send back the accounts immediately as they are urgently needed (tpc.)

80     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 19 Dec. – confirms instructions to cable the money to MD; details consequent reduction of remittance for Mar. and July (tpc.)

81     FS to J.C. Trevor, 20 Dec. – sends cheques to cover expenses incurred by MD (tpc.)


82     MD to FS, 10 Jan. 1945 i.e. 1946 – is staying with EEP’s sister, Joyce Stanley, in Durban; is still waiting for a ship; on her accounts (autogr.)

83     Ibid., 15 Jan. 1945 i.e. 1946 – encloses a list of her expenses; they exceed her grant; she wishes to make an application to the Trustees; asks for help in making statement of expenses as accurate as possible (autogr.)

84     MD, [15 Jan.] – list of equipment expenses and expenses in South Africa; comments on need for further funds. 3 leaves (autogr.)

85     J.F. Danielli to FS, 13 Feb. – has received a cable giving MD’s latest whereabouts; asks her to note his change of address (autogr.)

86     Jeffrey J. and Anne E. Lawn, missionaries of the Friends Service Council London to RAI, 21 Feb. – MD has arrived in Tananarive and found it impossible to find a hotel or touch the funds in her account; on relationships between anthropologists and missionaries, despite which they are ready to offer help; explain high cost of living and impossibility of travelling south due to floods; are willing to put her up but cannot do so without making some charge; suggest that in future scholars are sent better prepared (tp.); see also Horniman minutes, HT/1/46, 2 Apr. 1946, f. 18

87     Prof. J.H. Hutton to FS, 9 Mar. – forwards the Lawn’s letter (3/4/86 above) (tp.)

88     J.F. Danielli to FS, 10 Mar. – on Prof. J.H. Hutton’s advice is writing to ask for advice on travelling to Madagascar; he wishes to help his wife by making blood group determinations (autogr.)

89     FS to Prof. J.H. Hutton, 19 Mar. 1946 – has received the missionaries letter (3/4/86 above); has not heard from MD or her husband that she is in great difficulties; suggests waiting at present; took great pains to see that her papers were in order before she left; the letter and the fact that MD has overspent her allowance will come up at the next Trustees meeting (tpc.)

90     FS to J.F. Danielli, 20 Mar. – will place his letter before the Trustees; doubts he will have time to do much in three months (tpc.)

91     J.F. Danielli to FS, 21 Mar. – feels confident as MD has said services are improving and the people are co-operative; stresses that no financial help is wanted (autogr.)

92     Ibid., 24 Mar. – quotes from a letter from MD saying that her passage has to be paid in sterling preferably from England (autogr.)

93     FS to Revd Jeffrey J. Lawn, 25 Mar. – his letter is being passed to the Secretary of the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund (tpc.)

94     Prof. H.J. Fleure, Chairman of Horniman Trustees to FS, 5 Apr. – asks for help with the letter from the Lawns (3/4/86 above); does not wish them to be out-of-pocket (tpc.)

95     Ibid., to Jeffrey J. Lawn, 5 Apr. – assures him that MD has been chosen because she can look after herself; is sorry for any inconvenience to him; thanks him for his help (tpc.)

96     J.F. Danielli to FS, 6 Apr. – gives MD’s address in Tananarive; the DDT is proving useful (autogr.)

97     FS to J.F. Danielli, 9 Apr. – asks for further information on MD’s return travel arrangements; on verso FS to MD, 9 Apr. – the Trustees have granted her an extra £75 (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, HT/1/46, 2 Apr. 1946, f. 18

98     J.F. Danielli to FS, 11 Apr. – has no further details on travel (autogr.)

99     Ibid., 15 Apr. – MD needs a typewriter; he is prepared to buy one for her; asks if the Institute will authorise a transfer of money quickly which he will then pay back (autogr.)

100     MD to FS, 27 Apr. 1946 – thanks Trustees for extra grant; inquires after instalment due last Oct.; has sent Prof. J.H. Hutton a paper; is finding the island enthralling but conditions are difficult; describes the troubles she has encountered; asks for HJB to give her a list of what he wants for the British Museum; has instructed a native artist to paint scenes of everyday life. 3 leaves (autogr.)
