Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 11 of 17)

16/     Awards made in 1958. Chair Dr J.A. Fraser Roberts

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     List for Horniman advertisement, [May]. 4 leaves (tp.)

2     Invitation for applications for Horniman Studentships for 1958 (printed)

3     DHFW to MWS, 24 Mar. – wishes to retire as a Trustee and not be put for re-election (tp.)

4     MWS to DHFW, 6 June – he has been elected to be a Trustee (tpc.)

5     MWS to Adrian Digby, 6 June – ibid.; applicants for grants have been interviewed; awards have been made to J.P. Singh and R.R. Nayacakalou (tpc.) [similar letters to Miss Gertrude Caton Thompson and Dr A.E. Mourant not retained]

6     MWS to Coutts & Co., 16 June – lists Trustees for 1958-9

Applications from S.W.B. Fernando, Miss Jocelyne Richard and Behari Verma unsuccessful see Horniman Minutes HT/87/2, 29 May 1958, ff. 92-3

2/     Rusiate Raibosa Nayacakalou. Social and economic change in Fiji

1959-61. A period of study at London School of Economics. Supervisor Prof. R. Firth. Grant £600. Extended by £150, 1960. Total £750. Publications various in J. of the Polynesian Society


1     RRN to MWS, 22 Apr. 1958 – has just been awarded a grant by the Fijian Government which will enable him to study at the London School of Economics; it will only cover his first year expenses; asks for help to complete his course; gives personal details; encloses copy of his article The Fijian system of kinship and marriage. 2 leaves (tp.)

2     RRN – The Fijian system of kinship and marriage. Reprinted from the Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 64, no. 1, Mar. 1955 and vol. 66, no. 1, Mar. 1957. 28 pp. (printed)

3     MWS to RRN, 16 May 1958 – the Horniman Trustees have agreed to award him a grant of £600 for the second year of his study (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/87/1,/87/2, 6,29 May 1958, f. 91-2 and 16/1/5, j June 1958 above

4     W.R. Geddes to MWS, 22 May – considers RRN a brilliant student (tp.)

5     Ralph Piddington to MWS, 26 May – ibid. (tp.)

6     MWS to Ralph Piddington, 10 June – thanks him for his recommendation; is glad to be able to help this student; only one other award was made this year (tpc.)

7     Ibid., to Prof. W.R. Geddes, 10 June – ibid. (tpc.)

8     RRN to MWS, 25 June – thanks her; gives travelling plans (tp.)

9     MWS to RRN, 1 Dec. – looks forward to meeting him (tpc.)


10     RRN, 23 Jan. 1959 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/1, 12 May 1959, f. 94

11     MWS to RRN, 28 Sep. –Joan Edwards has shown her the tapa cloths he has presented to the Institute; the Sherry Club will appreciate them; offers to refund any expense (tpc.)

12     Ibid., 12 Oct. – Council conveys its thanks for his gift (tpc.)


13     RRN, 28 Mar. 1960 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

14     MWS to RRN, 3 June – the Trustees have granted an extension to his grant of £150 (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/1, 10 May 1960, f. 98


15     Joan Edwards to Prof. R. Firth, 21 Mar. 1961 – asks for a note on RRN’s work and progress (tpc.)

16     Prof. R. Firth to Joan Edwards, 26 Apr.1961 – RRN is working hard; regards him as a credit to the Horniman Scholarship (tp.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May 1961 below

17     Joan Edwards to RRN, 5 Oct. – encloses cheque and lecture programme (tpc.); see also 19/5/11, 5 Oct. 1961 below

18     RRN to AHC, 11 Oct. – asks for further extension of £250 so he can write up his material; describes his thesis; is hoping for a grant from the Fijian Government also (tp.)

19     Prof. R. Firth to AHC, 16 Oct. 1961 – supports RRN’s application for an extension; has written to the Fijian Government also; notes that his field expenses have not fallen on the Horniman Fund (tp.)

20     Dr Phyllis Kaberry to AHC, 1 Nov. – is confident that RRN deserves support (tp.)

21     AHC to Dr John Beattie, 1 Nov. – informs him of RRN’s request and of Prof. R. Firth’s support; the Chairman of the Trustees and the Treasurer recommend meeting the request; asks if he has any objections (tpc.)

22     Dr John Beattie to AHC, 2 Nov. – he has no objections (autogr.)

23     E.R. Leach to AHC, 2 Nov. – approves extension; considers RRN an excellent student (tp.)

24     Prof. C. von Fürer-Haimendorf to AHC, 2 Nov. – has no objections (tp.)

25     Dr O.W. Samson to AHC, 3 Nov. – ibid. (tp.)

26     J.S. Weiner to AHC, 6 Nov. – ibid. (tp.)

27     AHC to RRN, 8 Nov. – the Trustees agree to an extension of his grant (tpc.)


28     RRN to AHC, 24 Jan. 1962 – has obtained the grant from the Fijian Government; proposes an arrangement for his payments (tp.)

29     AHC to RRN, 29 Jan. – it will be arranged as he suggests (tpc.)


30     RRN to AHC, 17 Apr. 1963 – his work is now complete; sends his appreciation of their help to the Council; encloses copy of his thesis; notes alterations he is planning to make; welcomes other suggestions; asks if he wishes to accept it for publication; gives future plans. 2 leaves (tp.)

31     Ibid., 30 May – encloses book review requested last year; Dr Alexander Spoehr, University of Hawaii says the East-West Center could publish the thesis (tp.)

32     AHC to RRN, 5 July – the Horniman Trustees wish to use funds for scholarships and have decided not to subsidise publications; asks what he should do with the thesis (tpc.)

33     RRN to AHC, 16 July – Prof. R. Firth is going to help find a commercial publisher; asks him to pass the copy of the thesis he sent to Prof. Firth (tp.)

3/     Jitendra Pal Singh. Social anthropology of the Tajiks of Andarab Valley, Afghanistan.

1958-60. Supervisor Prof. Max Gluckman. Grant £1500 (+ $1400 from Wenner-Gren Foundation)


1     Prof. Max Gluckman to WBF, 2 Apr. 1957 – asks whether he thinks the Trustees would consider a first-class young Indian student who needs funds for fieldwork (tp.)

2     Janet L.D. Anderson to Prof. Max Gluckman, 4 Apr. – MWS says the Trustees would be glad to consider the student he recommends; encloses an application form to be completed before 30 Apr. (tpc.)

3     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 29 Apr. – knows the closing date for applications is tomorrow; asks if he could send in JPS’s form a few days late; is waiting for further details from Prof. John Barnes who is also nominating this student (tp.)

4     MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 17 May – is sorry that the Trustees were unable to give extra time for JPS’s application form (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/86/1, 1 May 1957, f. 82

5     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 21 May – is surprised the Trustees did not consider his recommendation as an adequate reason to accept JPS’s application (tp.)

6     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 21 May – assures her that his opinion of the Trustees’ discourteous behaviour towards him in no way reflects on her (tp.)

7     Janet L.D. Anderson to Prof. Max Gluckman, 22 May – his letter concerning JPS’s application will be brought before the Trustees at their next meeting (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/86/2, 26 June 1957, f. 84

8     Prof. Max Gluckman to Janet L.D. Anderson, 5 June – thanks her for returning JPS’s application form; explains his feelings towards the Trustees (tp.)


9     JPS to MWS, 15 Apr. 1958 – asks for an application form (autogr.)

10     Janet L.D. Anderson to Dr I.G. Cunnison [JPS’s supervisor], 16 Apr. – has had a letter from E.L. Peters who is dealing with Prof. Max Gluckman’s correspondence; the necessary references for JPS have been received; he and Bernard Werma have been invited for interviews (tpc.)

11     Dr W.H. Chaloner to MWS, 24 Apr. – recommends JPS (tp.)

12     JPS, 25 Apr. 1958 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

13     Dr D. Watson, 28 Apr. – recommends JPS (tp.)

14     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 9 May – JPS is one of his best students; confident he will do well (tp.)

15     MWS to JPS, 16 May – the Trustees have discussed the applications for 1958-9; were interested in his scheme but he requires more money than is available; suggest he modifies the scheme or tries to obtain supplementary grants; invites him for an interview on 29 May (tpc.)

16     Ibid., to Prof. Max Gluckman, 16 May – informs him of the news given to JPS; several candidates will be interviewed including Behari Werma (tpc.)

17     JPS to MWS, 19 May – he will come to the interview; suggests a possible way of shortening his the time of his research (tp.)

18     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 19 May – is glad about JPS’s interview; assures her all his colleagues have the same high opinion of him; had thought that his expenses were reasonable; describes the way costs could be reduced; is fairly confident of being able to help him find a further grant (tp.)

19     MWS to JPS, 29 May – the Trustees have awarded him £1500; this is less than he asked for in his revised budget but is the maximum possible; it is made on the understanding he will obtain other funds; asks him to inform her when he does (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/87/2, 29 May 1958, f. 92 and 16/1/5 above

20     MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 29 May – gives him the news concerning JPS; notes that the Trustees will not be willing to increase the grant at a later period (tpc.)

21     JPS to MWS, 3 June – expresses thanks; is confident that Prof. Max Gluckman will help him find an extra grant; is writing for permission to enter Badakshan; will keep her informed (autogr.)

22     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 5 June – is glad about JPS’s grant; is concerned that he has such a short time to raise the additional funds which are a condition of the Horniman grant; it will be difficult to raise before Oct. but he is confident he will be able to do so during the following year; asks that the Trustees make the grant and give him time to find the extra money (tp.)

23     MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 13 June 1958 – sympathises with the point he makes; the Trustees did not want to waste their money on a project that could not be completed; if he undertook to accept responsibility that it would not be wasted payments could start earlier (tpc.)

24     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 16 June – will guarantee JPS; has discussed the matter with Prof. Meyer Fortes; he suggested some sources of further grants (tp.)

25     JPS to MWS, 4 Oct. – has not been able to obtain permission to enter the Badakshan district; Prof. Max Gluckman has written to the Afghan Ambassador asking for permission for study in some other area; the Ambassador is consulting Kabul and will let them know; has made some alterations to his plans; has finished his thesis; thinks it likely that the Wenner-Gren Foundation will make up the difference needed in his grant. 2 leaves (autogr.)

26     JPS to H.E. the High Commissioner for India, 9 Oct. – explains his project; notes his grants; mentions how the area he wished to study is ‘restricted for entry’; asks for her help. 2 leaves (tpc.)

27     [MWS] to Prof. W. Norman Brown, 10 Oct. – asks for any help he may be able to offer JPS; is going to contact Mrs Pandit; asks if he knows the Afghan Ambassador, Muhummed Kabir Ludin; notes that JPS is an excellent student and a Sikh; personal news (tpc.)

28     JPS to MWS, 13 Oct. – encloses copy of his letter to the Indian High Commissioner (16/3/26 above); has been to India House and spoken to Mrs Pandit’s private secretary; the letter had been passed to Mr Sundaram who says he will find out what can be done; has obtained some addresses from Donald Woods at the Race Relations Institute; welcomes any help she could offer with the Indian authorities; mentions Prince Peter of Greece; would like to hear her views on Panjabi social structure (autogr.)

29     MWS to the Education Councillor, India House [Mrs Pandit], 18 Oct. – certifies that JPS is a Horniman scholar; names eminent Trustees; they would appreciate his efforts (tpc.)

30     JPS to Joan Edwards, 5 Nov. – thanks her for her concern over his living expenses in Manchester; has heard nothing from the Afghan Government; alternative plans would take at least two months to arrange; would prefer to leave using his Horniman grant as late as possible; will write if he finds he needs it; has provisionally booked a passage to Bombay for the end of Dec. (autogr.)

31     JPS to MWS, 5 Nov. 1958 – has no further news about travel; is registering for a Ph.D.; will transfer his studies to Iran if necessary; has been told to go through the Education Counsellor at the Indian High Commission; asks for a further official letter; on possibility of having to draw early on his grant. 2 leaves (autogr.)

32     Ibid., 26 Nov. – has heard from the Afghan Embassy that he now has permission to conduct his research there; will leave for the field as soon as possible; will spend a fortnight in India and then plans to arrive in Kabul by the middle of Feb. 1959; hopes to recover from ‘flu first; on his grant. 2 leaves (autogr.)

33     Ibid., to Joan Edwards, 27 Nov. – cannot exchange his currency without a special allotment of exchange for travelling outside the Scheduled Territories; asks if the RAI has an arrangement for this or whether he must organise it himself; it is all very urgent; if he has to deal with the Indian High Commission delays may be fatal to his plans; encounters snobbery as an Indian student; hopes she has no objection to him referring to himself as a Horniman Scholar of the RAI. 2 leaves (autogr.)

34     MWS to JPS, 28 Nov. – is delighted he can go forward with his fieldwork as originally planned; has arranged for a cheque for £500 to be sent; he has to make exchange arrangements; will be pleased to make an necessary official statements he requires; encloses a certification of his status as a Horniman Scholar (tpc.)

35     MWS to Whom it may concern, 28 Nov. – JPS is an Emslie Horniman Scholar of the RAI; any assistance offered him will be appreciated (tpc.)

36     MWS to JPS, 1 Dec. – encloses cheque; on his RAI subscription (tpc.)

37     JPS to MWS, 10 Dec. – was delighted to learn that he has been awarded the Hocart Prize for his essay; is grateful for all her help; has secured permission from Exchange Control to obtain Afghani rupees; his visa from the Afghan Embassy is for three months; will have to apply for an extension in Kabul; hopes to get her advice when he call at the Institute (autogr.)

38     MWS to JPS, 12 Dec. – encloses his Hocart Prize money; makes arrangement for meeting (tpc.)

39     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, [15? Dec.] – agrees with her suggestion about the Wenner-Gren grant; does not know Dr Fejos; asks her to write (tp.)

40     MWS to Dr Paul Fejos, Wenner-Gren Foundation 17 Dec. 1958 – Prof. Max Gluckman agrees that it would be most convenient if they were to send JPS’s grant cheque directly to the RAI (tpc.)

41     Dr Paul Fejos to MWS, 22 Dec. – will do as she suggests if the Board of Directors favour JPS’s petition (tp.)


42     MWS to JPS, 2 Jan. 1959 – on his Wenner-Gren Foundation grant (tpc.)

43     J.A. Fraser Roberts, President RAI to Whom it may concern, 2 Jan. – JPS is a Horniman Scholar; he is studying the Tajiks of Afghanistan; any help welcome (tpc.)

44     MWS to JPS, 27 Jan. – gives breakdown of the allotment of his grant; asks for a report before May (tpc.)

45     Dr Paul Fejos to Prof. Max Gluckman, 30 Jan. – the Wenner-Gren Foundation has approved a grant for JPS (tp.)

46     MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 4 Feb. – on good news over Wenner-Gren Foundation grant

47     Ibid., to JPS, 4 Feb. – the Wenner-Gren Foundation has granted him the equivalent of £450; gives permission for him to use his Hocart essay as a chapter in his book; he can tell the President of the Historical Society that the Trustees were impressed by the report on the Jhama minaret (tpc.)

48     Ibid., to Dr Paul Fejos, 5 Feb. – thanks him for JPS’s grant; has informed him and Prof. Max Gluckman (tpc.)

49     E.L. Peters to MWS, 9 Feb. – asks for confirmation that the RAI will administer the Wenner-Gren grant (tp.)

50     Joan Edwards to E.L. Peters, 10 Feb. – arrangements have been made concerning the grant; it was agreed with Prof. Max Gluckman last Dec. (tpc.)

51     JPS to MWS, 28 Apr. – ‘still striving permission enter field will write’ (telegram)

52     Ibid., 11 May – ‘permission granted two months preliminary tour desired areas’ (telegram); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/1, 12 May 1959, f. 94

53     JPS, 18 May – First report to the Trustees. 10 leaves (tp., including 2 maps)

54     JPS, 30 May 1959 – apologises for delay in writing; has been on tenterhooks over his plans; hopes the telegrams gave her an idea of the situation; has now sent a First Report of his activities; asks her to let him know if it what is required; notes some alterations to his plans; would be grateful for advice from anyone at the Institute who could help; has been given a paper by Elizabeth E. Bacon, the only other social anthropological study on his subject; asks her to thank the Wenner-Gren Foundation on his behalf for the grant; on finances; will give descriptions of Kabul at the cocktail party she has promised him; thanks her for permission to use his Hocart essay as a chapter in his book. 4 leaves (autogr.)

55     Ibid., to Joan Edwards, 6 July – on his grant; has overdrawn his account; asks her to contact James MacGibben to find out what has happened to his manuscript; he is the agent trying to sell his book (autogr.)

56     Joan Edwards to JPS, 16 July – James MacGibbon’s secretary says he has not received the manuscript; reassures him it may still turn up safely; the money should soon be in his account; there is a printing strike so his book is not being held up (tpc.)

57     JPS to Joan Edwards, 25 July – informs her of developments concerning his manuscript; on the countryside; has to organise a cocktail party; is anxious to hear how his first report was received (autogr.)

58     JPS, 14 Aug. – Second report to the Trustees; study observations; reasons for his long stay in Kabul; increase in expense it has caused; great difficulties of travelling; Great Britain the least loved country; worried that his associations may cause people to think he has political motives. 14 leaves (tp.)

59     JPS to MWS, 17 Aug. – has obtained permission to travel and carry on with his field work; has written some notes which may be suitable for Man or the JRAI; on expenses of living in Kabul; hopes the fact that he has heard nothing from her since she set off round the world does not imply anything untoward (autogr.)

60     JPS to MWS, 9 Sep. – was very pleased to hear from her; is still in Kabul due to certain problems; met the archaeologist Prof. Tucci; he had met JPS’s father in Rome; is distressed that all his colour photographs have been lost; Kodak did not obey his instructions for postage; the American anthropologist Dr Louis Dupree has arrived; he confirmed that no social anthropologist has lived in the area before; would be very grateful for extra money (autogr.)

61     JPS to MWS, 12 Sep. 1959 – writes again asking for money; is hoping to cooperate with Dr Dupree; hopes to hear from her soon (autogr.)

62     MWS to JPS, [15 Sep.] – was very interested in his second report; congratulates him on having accomplished so much; notes some points of particular interest; reassures him that his reports are confidential; wishes the officials of Afghanistan knew how little interest the RAI has in politics; anthropology is bigger by far (tpc.)

63     Ibid., 16 Sep. – is having money transferred to his account; sympathises with the loss of his pictures (tpc.)

64     JPS to Trustees, 3 Nov. – third report; has with difficulty settled in a village; lost all contact with Kabul; has received no mail or money; notes of study observations; toured with a group of French uranium prospectors; asks that no mention ever by made in letters to him of maps or uranium . 14 pp. (tp.)

65     Joan Edwards to JPS, 27 Nov. – MWS has gone home to keep Thanksgiving; is looking forward to reading his report which has just arrived; is busy arranging the Huxley Memorial Dinner (tpc.)

66     Cutting from The Observer, 6 Dec. – ‘Russia’s highway to the south’ by Andrew Wilson. 2 leaves (printed)

67     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 14 Dec. – is worried by JPS’s third report; due to delays in Kabul he has done no serious fieldwork; will need further funds to stay there longer; is asking him to write an objective assessment of whether he thinks it worth continuing in the circumstances; hopes the Trustees will agree with his proposal to move him to North India if things do not work out; he has been advised all along to abandon Afghanistan; he is too inexperienced to cope with all the political difficulties (tp.)

68     JPS to MWS, 15 Dec. – he has been advised not to attempt to endure the harsh winter in Andarab; feels that he has lost so much time in Kabul that he must; met an important landowner in Kabul who had made finds of mediaeval objects in the foundations of his house in Andarab; the missing photographs turned up after four months; on his discoveries; has decided to rewrite his piece for Man (autogr.)

69     MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 18 Dec. 1959 – the Trustees have not actually seen JPS’s reports yet; they do not meet until Spring; understands his concerns; she thinks JPS is doing well in the circumstances and will bring back invaluable information even if not on social structure; suggests waiting until he has had a reply to his letter; if he thinks it necessary a special meeting could be called then (tpc.)

70     Ibid., to JPS, 18 Dec. – was very interested in his third report; notes Prof. Max Gluckman’s concerns; encourages him; gives advice on obtaining information; hopes it will not be necessary for him to leave (tpc.)


71     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 6 Jan. 1960 – on his concerns for JPS; will discuss his position with E.L. Peters; may be able to get him appointed as a Research Assistant which would solve his financial problems; agrees that nothing can be decided until he has received a reply to his letter (tp.)

72     Ibid., 11 Jan. – asks for details of the money JPS has so far received from the Horniman and Wenner-Gren Foundation grants (tp.)

73     JPS to MWS, 17 Jan. – has received letters from her and Prof. Max Gluckman; appreciates her support; on further travelling difficulties; has now arrived at his destination and prepared for the winter; has discovered a tribe of Panjabi speaking goatherds; hopes his father will be able to visit in spring to study their dialect; on difficulties of becoming a part of the social life of the area; hopes to be able to stay there until mid-1961 by which time he will have gathered useful material; on his finances; asks for advice on how best to put his case to the RAI. 3 pp. (autogr.)

74     MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 18 Jan. – it would be wonderful if he could get JPS appointed as a Research Assistant; he has already received all the money from his grants; points out that even so it comes to less than the amount he originally asked for; has had to meet unexpected expenses in Kabul; his fare home is already paid (tpc.)

75     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 21 Jan. 1960 – is going to ask his colleagues about JPS’s appointment; if he does not believe the situation in Afghanistan looks very promising will advise him to move to India (tp.)

76     Ibid., 15 Feb. – encloses copy of a letter he sent to JPS (tp.)

77     Prof. Max Gluckman to JPS, 16 Feb. 1960 – has not yet had a reply to his letter; informs him that he is trying to get him appointed as a Research Assistant; this will give him an income of £700 a year; stresses that if Afghanistan proves too expensive he should move to India (tpc.)

78     Ibid., 26 Feb. – thanks him for his letter; wishes to discuss some aspects of it in person; has discussed his situation with Prof. Meyer Fortes and Peter Worsley; they are agreed that it would be a waste of money and of his future career prospects for him to continue in Afghanistan; makes it clear that a condition of his being awarded a Research Assistantship is that he abandons Afghanistan; he must go to see Prof. Srinivas in Delhi and select a new field in India; feels that he will be relieved to be able to get on with some fruitful research if he follows this plan; is sending copies of this letter to MWS and Prof. Srinivas; will also write to the Wenner-Gren Foundation (tpc.)

79     Prof. Max Gluckman to the Registrar, Dept. of Social Anthropology Manchester, 3 Mar. – gives an account of JPS’s progress so far; feels responsibility towards him; does not wish the career of a first-class student to be ruined; if he were appointed as a Research Assistant it would help him in a new field and show their faith in this student to the RAI and Wenner-Gren Foundation who have made him grants. 2 leaves (tpc.)

80     JPS to MWS, 13 Mar. – has received a cable from Prof. Max Gluckman telling him to leave Afghanistan and proceed to North India; has disobeyed him; wishes to explain the situation to her; thinks his third report gave Prof. Gluckman a worse impression than he intended; considers that in the time he has actually been in the field he has accumulated valuable material; sets out how his time has been spent; notes his activities in Andarab; has asked Prof. Gluckman to reconsider; asks her to take up his case with the Horniman Trustees; needs more money; gives detailed account of expenditure. 3 leaves (autogr.)

81     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 14 Mar.– fears it is hopeless to keep JPS in Afghanistan; encloses copies of letters to him and to the Registrar at Manchester; Prof. Meyer Fortes agrees he must abandon Afghanistan (tp.)

82     Ibid., 19 Mar. – JPS has been awarded the Research Assistantship; has heard that he will not accept his instructions; he and Emrys Peters decided to insist that he goes to India; is concerned for his future career; still has confidence in him; has told him he ought to consider returning to Afghanistan when he is more mature; is ready to explain his position to the Trustees (tp.)

83     JPS, 20 Mar. 1960 – Fourth report to the Trustees; full details of all he has found; on his own approach to the local community; on other anthropologists in Afghanistan. 19 leaves (tp.)

84     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 6 Apr. – JPS telephoned from Kabul to say that things were going better; could not argue with him or consult her (tp.)

85     MWS to Prof. Max Gluckman, 12 Apr. – has gone through JPS’s financial statement and found that money has not been reserved for his fare home; asks if he agrees to ask the Horniman Trustees for some extra (tpc.)

86     Ibid., to JPS, 12 Apr. – gathers that Prof. Max Gluckman will now allow him to stay in Afghanistan; is glad; offers some advice on fieldwork; will not put forward his application to the Horniman Trustees; appreciates his financial record (tpc.)

87     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 27 Apr. – would be grateful is she could get the money for his return fare; his Assistantship has been renewed until Oct. 1961; expects he will stay in Afghanistan until Mar. 1961 (tp.)

88     JPS to MWS, 30 Apr. – has heard nothing from her; hopes his letters are getting through; felt unable to accept the Research Assistantship Prof. Max Gluckman offered because of his dissatisfaction with his work; is proceeding at his own risk with private funds; will return to Andarab from Kabul shortly; intends to complete 17 or 18 months in the field (autogr.)

89     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 23 May – has been away and may have overlooked some post; would be grateful if she could secure extra funds for JPS’s return fare (tp.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/1, 10 May 1960, ff. 98-9

90     Ibid., 1 June – on JPS’s return (tp.)

91     JPS to MWS, 17 July 1960 – now has her letter of 12 Apr. which had been sent back to London; has now accepted the Research Assistantship thanks to Prof. Max Gluckman’s generosity; is going to Delhi in late Sep.; hopes Prof. Gluckman will be there at that time; will report to Prof. Srinivas; is trying to follow her advice; is now finishing his Fifth report; trusts the Fourth arrived safely; has bought a horse. 2 leaves (tp.)

92     JPS to Trustees, 28 July – fifth report; despite certain difficulties his work is progressing well; full details of all observations; welcomes comments. 52 leaves (tp.)

93     JPS to MWS 9 Aug. 1960 – is sorry to say that now his appointment to the Research Assistantship has been cancelled; has to return the salary; is left without support in the middle of his fieldwork; will discontinue his Ph.D. at Manchester but will stay in the field; work is going well as his next report will show; writes in desperation for her help with financial support (tp.)

94     MWS to JPS, 31 Aug. – most disturbed to hear the arrangement about the Research Assistantship has gone wrong; can think of no way of finding extra funds for him; is sorry to advise him to leave with what he has (tpc.)

95     Joan Edwards to JPS, 17 Sep. – acknowledges receipt of his Fourth report; hopes to hear better news of him soon (tpc.)

96     John A. Barnes, Australian National University to MWS, 4 Nov. – has had an application for a Scholarship from JPS; he would like to do his doctorate with the University; asks for her opinion of him (tp.)

97     JPS to MWS, 17 Nov. – did not post the replies he wrote to her letter of 31 Aug.; met Prof. Max Gluckman in Delhi; admits that Prof. Gluckman acted for his best interests all along; will not return to Manchester; Prof. Gluckman has recommended him to Prof. Barnes; hopes that Prof. Gluckman has written to her, the Wenner-Gren Foundation and Prof. Meyer Fortes that he left on honourable terms and he was satisfied with his work; is living on credit; deeply grateful for her supportive letters; will miss not returning to England very much; will write again from Kabul (autogr.)

98     Joan Edwards to J.A. Barnes, 19 Nov. – MWS is ill; acknowledges his letter and will reply soon (tpc.)

99     Ibid., to JPS 21 Nov. 1960 – assures him that both his Fourth and Fifth reports have been received (tpc.)

100     Ibid., to Prof. Max Gluckman, 21 Nov. – during MWS’s illness discusses business with her at home; would appreciate a further letter from him before taking Prof. Barnes and JPS’s latest letter to her (tpc.)

101     Prof. Max Gluckman to Joan Edwards, 23 Nov. – did not know MWS was ill; her letter arrived just after he had written about JPS to her; encloses copy (tp.)

[Note that this was not received until 12 Dec. not retained]

102     Ibid., 24 Nov. – sorry she is unwell (tp.)

103     Prof. Max Gluckman to Joan Edwards, 24 Nov. 1960 – spent three days with JPS in Delhi; pleased with his reports; discussed with him and Prof. Srinivas how his work should proceed; JPS has taken some of his remarks as being more critical than intended; some letters never got through; there was a mailbag robbery near Romford; thinks he would have acted as JPS did if he had been in the situation; agreed to help him as much as possible; recommended him to Prof. Barnes; hopes Horniman Trustees will approve if he transfers his Ph.D. to Australia; apologises to Trustees for all the difficulties; happy to say that JPS’s book including his Hocart Prize essay is being published by the Manchester University Press. 3 leaves (tp.)

104     Joan Edwards to Prof. Max Gluckman, 12 Dec. – his letter has only just arrived; MWS is in hospital now; she knows about Prof. Barnes’ letter but has not been well enough to reply; hopes the Prof. will not feel this prejudices JPS’s application (tpc.)

105     Prof. Max Gluckman to Joan Edwards, 16 Dec. – apologises for the delay in posting his letter; he took it home to make some alterations and then came down with the flu; the Australian National University has offered a Research Scholarship to JPS (tp.)


106     JPS to MWS, 17 Feb. 1961 – has heard nothing from her; hopes she is better; is now working under Prof. Barnes; tells her about the publication of his book Politics of the Kula ring; had some reservations in accepting the Canberra offer; on the money he owes; hopes he can make a ‘come-back’ thanks to his acceptance by the Australian University; will leave Andarab in July or Aug. and travel to Canberra via India; asks about the position regarding publication of his researches undertaken as a Horniman Scholar (tp.)

107     Ibid., to Joan Edwards, 20 Feb. – is sorry not to have written before; catching up on correspondence during Ramazan; on the turn of events; is sorry to have to leave now that his relationship with his neighbours is improving; describes a game of Snatch-the-goat; recommends her to read Eric Newby’s A short walk in the Hindu Kush; sad to leave England; says England taught him to be a foreigner and Andarab an infidel (tp.)

108     Prof. Max Gluckman to MWS, 28 Feb. – on developments concerning JPS; he accepted the Australian Scholarship on 5 Feb.; hopes the Horniman Trustees will approve of his actions; has had an operation on his knee. 2 leaves (tp.); see also 19/1/2, 18 May 1961 below

109     Joan Edwards to Prof. Max Gluckman, 8 Mar. 1961 – MWS went to New York after Christmas; told her of the arrangements he had made concerning JPS; she was not well enough to write to him or Prof. Barnes; is going to let things rest until next Trustees’ meeting (tpc.)

110     Ibid., to Prof. Barnes, 10 Mar. – two letters have been received from JPS; has arranged for his RAI publications to be sent to Canberra; hopes he will not mind keeping them for him; has told him that MWS has not been able to write because of her illness; she has to lie on her back all the time in hospital (tpc.)

111     Joan Edwards to JPS, 10 Mar.– thanks him for his colourful letter; MWS has had a major operation in New York; WBF is acting Hon. Secretary; can not answer his queries about publications until after the Trustees next meeting; assures him of MWS’s interest in his affairs; is arranging his Man and JRAI to be sent to Australia; hopes he will write a book about his experiences; she herself has just published Visitor’s Book about being a New Zealander in England; describes her new houseboat (tpc.)

112     J.A. Barnes to Joan Edwards, 15 Mar. – sends his sympathy to MWS; JPS will arrive in Sep.; is happy to hold his Journals (tp.)

113     JPS, 3 May – Sixth report; copies sent to Prof. Barnes, the Trustees, Prof. Max Gluckman and Dr I.G. Cunnison, Khartoum. 32 leaves (tp.)

114     Joan Edwards to JPS, 30 May – acknowledges his sixth report; MWS died earlier in the month (tpc.)


115     JPS [to AHC], 14 June 1962 – Seventh report; termination of fieldwork; outline of proposed Ph.D. thesis. 15 leaves (tp.)

116     Ibid., 15 June – encloses a copy of his final field report; thanks the Trustees for their support; is nearing completion of his Ph.D. based on the fieldwork; enquires about publication (tp.)
