Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 08 of 17)

8/     Awards made in 1950. Chair Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard

‘The Trustees have to report a change in procedure this year. Hitherto they have made awards at their meeting in Apr. or Mar. and have been able to include them in the Report. It was, however, felt desirable that confirming awards should await the result of examinations held in the summer term. The Trustees can at present report that the list of applications has been scrutinised and awards made subject to confirmation after the examination results are known’. JRAI LXXX pp. 131-2

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 Jan. 1950 – part one of Irawati Karvé’s report has finally arrived (see 3/5/105 above); forwards letter from Prof. R. Firth concerning H.A. Powell; on Eva Meyerowitz’s work; the Trustees need not meet until the new awards are to be discussed; this year the closing date for applications is 1 Apr. (tpc.)

2     FS to Prof. R. Firth, 9 Feb. – Dr Audrey I. Richards has resigned from the Horniman Trustees; hopes he will replace her (tpc.)

3     Prof. R. Firth to FS, 27 Feb. – accepts position as replacement for Dr Audrey I. Richards among the Horniman Trustees; mentions that in 1946 he resigned as a Trustees; thinks the Council was not aware of his reasons and considers it a pity they did not try to find out; is now willing to ‘let bygones be bygones’ (tp.)

4     FS to EEP, 4 Apr. – on arranging a meeting to discuss applications (tp., with autogr. note by EEP)

5     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 4 Apr. – asks for reports on D.P.L. Dry, Audrey Butt, F.J.H. Huxley, and Edna Payn (tpc.)

6     [FS to Trustees], nd – rotation of Trustees (tpc.)

7     FS to Ivan Horniman, 20 Apr. – as usual at this time of year three Trustees had to retire; the lot fell upon him; he was reappointed; asks if he is willing to continue (tpc.)

8     Ivan Horniman to FS, 26 Apr. – is happy to continue (autogr.)

9     Report 1949-50 [pre June] – reports on Audrey Butt, D.P.L. Dry, F.J.H. Huxley, D.P.M. Morton-Williams, Edna Payn, H.A. Powell, C.S. Belshaw, Irawati Karvé, Eva Meyerowitz; the Trustees have previously made awards in Apr. or May and have been able to include them in the Report; it has been decided to wait until after examination results are known; a further report will be made in Oct.; on further grants for Irawati Karvé and D.P.L. Dry. 3 leaves (tp.)

10     FS to Chief Actuary, London Trustee Savings Bank, 17 July – notifies him that Dr Audrey I. Richards has left for Africa and that Prof. R. Firth has replaced her as a Horniman Trustee (tpc.)

11     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 1 Aug. 1950 – thanks him for letting her know that he has had a full report from D.P.M. Morton- Williams; also that R.E. Bradbury has fulfilled the conditions for an award; suggests he should arrange his own passage (tpc.)

12     FS to Prof. Meyer Fortes, 21 Oct. – asks for reports on D.P.L. Dry and F.J.H. Huxley now they have finished their Studentships (tpc.)

13     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 25 Oct. 1950 – D.P.L. Dry is working on his thesis; he has read a paper at the British Association; his work is of high quality; expects it will be suitable for publication in the Journal; F.J.H. Huxley is submitting his thesis this term; he has been awarded a Studentship by the Brazilian Government; encloses Dr Riesenfeld’s paper; he says he may be able to get some financial assistance for publishing it; asks for estimates of cost (tp.)


14     Winston, Turnbull & Co., 20 Apr. 1951- balance sheet and accounts as at 31 Dec. 1950. 3 leaves (tp.)

*2/     Unsuccessful Applications

List of applications in alphabetical order:

Daniel Okoi Arikpo, Albert Bopegamage, John Bryan Hunt, John J. Kamulegeya, Terence F.S. Mullaly, Richard Benjamin Nunoo, Derrick John Stenning, David John Whittaker see 12/2/1

3/     Robert Elwyn Bradbury. Study of the life and culture of the Bini people of Southern Nigeria.

Two year award. 1950-2. Supervisor Prof. Daryll Forde. Grant £1000. Lecture at RAI ‘Ugie-Ovia: a cult festival in a Benin village’ 1958


1     REB, 30 Mar. 1950 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

2     Ibid., 30 Mar. – project and budget (tpc.)

3     Prof. Daryll Forde [to FS], 30 Mar. – reference (tp.)

4     N. Taylor to FS, 5 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

5     J.A. Barnes [to FS], 6 Apr. – recommends REB (tp.)

6     Dr Phyllis M. Kaberry to FS, 8 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

7     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 9 May – the supervisors for the new students have not been appointed; EEP asks if he will supervise REB (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 47

8     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 10 May 1950 – will act as REB’s supervisor (tp.)

9     Ibid., 28 July – REB has been awarded a first class honours degree; he is eligible to qualify for a Horniman Studentship for field studies; this is acceptable to the Nigerian authorities; has advised him to also apply for a University Studentship to supplement his award; asks that his living allowance should be reduced and his field allowance increased; asks her to book him a passage for early in 1951; he is to leave earlier than is usual as there are no facilities for learning Bini in England (tp.); see also 8/1/11,14 above

10     FS to EEP, Chairman, 1 Aug. – encloses letter from Prof. Daryll Forde; also a draft letter to REB for his approval; on the allocation of his allowance; the cost of living is very high in Nigeria (tpc.)

11     Ibid., to REB, 1 Aug. – draft letter; he has been awarded £1000 for two years; his supervisor will be Prof. Daryll Forde; proposes a scheme of allocation for his grant; notes terms and conditions (tpc.); see also 9/1/1 below

12     EEP to FS, 4 Aug. – approves her letter; does not mind how the budget is arranged so long as the £1000 is not exceeded (autogr.)

13     FS to REB, 10 Aug. – informs him of his award and gives conditions but does not lay out scheme of allocation (tpc.)

14     REB to FS, 19 Aug. – has booked a passage in the name of the Horniman Fund; on transfer of his award; will obtain a medical certificate (autogr.)

15     FS to REB, 22 Aug. – will transfer the money when he suggests; Prof. Daryll Forde advises him to book for Lagos early in the new year; he should send the account to her (tpc.)

16     Ibid., to DHFW, 10 Oct. – explains that REB is moving his bank account and wishes his grant to be paid when this is settled; describes how she has reduced his living allowance by £75 as he was awarded this much less than he had applied for; asks him to sign letter to Coutts & Co. (tpc.)

17     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 11 Oct. – on REB’s grant (tpc.)

18     FS to REB, 17 Oct. – gives details of his grant including proposed scheme for division to allow a higher proportion for the time he is in the field; understands he has booked his passage as Prof. Daryll Forde recommended; reminds him of conditions (tpc.)

19     Nicolas Malleson, 17 Oct. 1950 – REB is in good health (autogr.)

20     REB to FS, 21 Oct. – acknowledges arrangements made for the transfer of his grant; encloses certificate from doctor; will have necessary inoculations (autogr.)

21     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 24 Nov. – there has become more material available for REB than was thought in connection with his studies; has therefore advised him to delay his passage until spring (tp.)


22     REB to FS, 25 Feb. 1951 – acknowledges receipt of cheque for his equipment allowance (tp.)

23     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 26 Feb. – notes alterations in REB’s allowance (tpc.)

24     Elder Dempster Lines to FS, 3 Mar. – a passage has been booked for REB on 29 Mar. (tp.)

25     REB to FS, 1 Dec. – encloses statement for fees at University College; all his payments have arrived satisfactorily; is sending reports to Prof. Daryll Forde who will visit him shortly; expects to complete his research in the field in May 1952; enquires about arrangements for his return (autogr.); see also 9/1/4-5 below

26     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 27 Dec. – the total of REB’s University fees exceed what was allowed for; asks him how to proceed (tpc.)

27     Ibid., to REB, 27 Dec. – gives him details of how much travelling allowance he has remaining (tpc.)


28     REB to FS, 14 Mar. 1952 – asks for his travel grant to be paid in; he will leave Nigeria by cargo steamer at the end of May (tp.)

29     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 3 Apr. – asks for a report on REB for the Trustees meeting (tpc.)

30     Prof. Daryll Forde to FS, 4 Apr. – REB now wishes to postpone his departure to June as his work is progressing fast; saw him in Dec. and found he was making excellent progress (tp.); see also 10/1/2,5 below

31     Prof. Daryll Forde to WBF, 28 Nov. 1952 – REB returned in June; has been organising his field notes; has received a research grant from the International African Institute and will return to the field in Jan. 1953; assures Trustees that definitive studies can be expected from him (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/4, 3 Dec. 1952, f. 62 and 10/1/12, 3 Dec. 1951 below


32     REB, 22 Mar. 1961 – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.); see also 15/1/6; 17/1/7 below

4/     Elinor Russell MacHatton. The Lotuko people.

Two year award 1950-2. Supervisor EEP. Grant £1250


1     ERM, 1 Apr. 1950 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

2     Prof. Meyer Fortes to FS, 10 Apr. – reference (tp.)

3     Hon. Eleanor Plumer to FS, 12 Apr. – recommends ERM (tp.)

4     EEP to FS, 14 Apr. – reference (autogr.)

5     Ibid., to FS, 4 May – will act as ERM’s supervisor (tp.); see also Horniman minutes, 2 May 1950, f. 47

6     FS to EEP, 14 Sep. – asks whether ERM’s examination results are known and whether she has qualified for a Horniman Studentship (tpc.; autogr. note by EEP – degree will be formally awarded on 20 Oct.; considers she may start buying equipment)

7     Ibid., 23 Sep. – asks if she should now make an offer to ERM; comments on the difficulty of the new arrangement about making awards after examination results are known; unsuccessful candidates can be told nothing until this time; notes that the Trustees wished to find other help for R.B. Nunoo if he was unsuccessful (tpc.)

8     EEP to FS, 27 Sep. – thinks it best to wait until ERM has been awarded her degree before communicating with her; will need to ask permission of the Sudan Government for her to do research (tp.)

9     EEP to the Civil Secretary, Sudan Government, 28 Sep. – informs him that ERM is a Horniman student; asks permission for her to complete her studies in Sudan; asks if he could help fund her travel expenses (tp.)

10     ERM to FS, 14 Nov. – now that she has her degree asks if they could meet to discuss her equipment grant (autogr.); see also 8/1/14, 28 Nov. above

11     FS to ERM, 15 Dec. 1950 – she has been awarded £1250 for two years; on conditions; cannot discuss division of her grant as no permission has yet been received from the Sudan Government; this being the case she cannot yet purchase any equipment (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/80/1, 28 Nov. 1950, ff. 50-1 and 9/1/1 below


12     EEP to FS, 12 Jan. 1951 – encloses a letter [from Sudan Government]; agrees that ERM may change her research project to study the Latuka; will ask Trustees to pay for her equipment; has written to thank the Sudan Government for their offer of a flight; has asked the Civil Secretary to communicate with ERM about local arrangements (autogr.)

13     FS to DHFW, 15 Jan. – encloses letters from the Sudan Government and EEP; ERM wishes to purchase her equipment while the winter sales are still on; asks him to issue a cheque (tpc.)

14     ERM to FS, [Tuesday – 16 or 23 Jan.?- nd] – asks for her allowance to start in Feb.; will need to buy many clothes (tp.)

15     FS to EEP, 25 Jan. – returns letter; DHFW has given ERM a cheque for her equipment; the cut in her grant is more than made up by the generosity the Sudan Government; asks if it is all right for ERM to start drawing her grant in Feb. as she has requested (tpc.)


16     Ibid., to ERM, 26 Jan. – on payment of her grant; her field allowance has been increased due to payment of her fare by the Sudan Government; asks for medical certificate (tpc.)

17     ERM to FS, 7 [Apr.] – her flight has been arranged for 18 Apr.; asks for help with a letter for the Bank of England; will send a medical certificate; on financial arrangements; asks for the loan of a Lotuka grammar. 3 pp. (autogr.)

18     FS to ERM, 9 Apr. – has written to the bank; will see that University fees are paid; there is no copy of the book she requests in the Library; wishes her luck in the Sudan (tpc.)

19     FS to DHFW, 9 Apr. – details of ERM’s grant (tpc.)

20     P.S.S. Williams?, [Apr.] – doctor’s letter certifying that ERM is healthy (autogr.)

21     ERM to FS, 4 May 1951 – cannot remember whether she sent a medical certificate; has asked the doctor to forward another in case she did forget; has been held up by a rail strike; is now on a Nile Steamer; received much useful help in Khartoum; asks her to send something for a typhoid injection; she missed having it in England and the local injections are not considered safe (autogr.)

22     FS to EEP, 22 Nov. – asks for a report on ERM for the Trustees meeting (tpc.); see also 9/1/5 below

23     EEP to FS, 3 Dec. – has heard nothing from ERM; wrote to her to ask for a report; suggests waiting until after Christmas; if nothing satisfactory is heard by then will advise Trustees to take disciplinary action (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/1, 4 Dec. 1951, f. 56

24     Phyllis Puckle, Institute of Social Anthropology Oxford to FS, 7 Dec. – EEP has asked her to pass on the message that he has received a letter from ERM; she was delayed by difficulties but has almost completed her report; appears to be making good progress (tp.)

25     FS to EEP, 10 Dec. – the Trustees were concerned that nothing had been heard from ERM; they decided to take action at once; encloses an airmail letter (8/4/26 below) which they wished her to send; asks him to do it as she has no address (tpc.)

26     FS to ERM, 10 Dec. – it is most irregular of her not to have sent regular reports to her supervisor; her allowance will be withdrawn in Jan. 1952 unless a satisfactory report is received by 7 Jan. (tpc.)

27     EEP to FS, 29 Dec. – there is a letter from ERM explaining matters (autogr.)


28     Ibid., 17 Jan. 1952 – has received the first part of ERM’s report; she is working well after a late start (autogr.)

29     [ACB] to EEP, 3 Apr. – asks for report on ERM for Trustees meeting (tpc.)

30     EEP to Trustees, 5 Apr. – reports that ERM is not a good correspondent; however is satisfied she is doing well; has heard from the Deputy-Governor of the Province where she is working (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/2, 22 Apr. 1952, f. 58 and 10/1/2,5, 22 Apr. 1952 below

31     ACB to J.P. Mills, 24 Apr. 1952 – encloses a letter to EEP for him to sign and send off; WBF says he may consider it as a draft and send it for re-typing if necessary; however Prof. Meyer Fortes and Prof. Schapera wish to have the report by next Tuesday (tp.)

32     J.P. Mills (Chairman of the Trustees) to EEP, 25 Apr. – at the last Trustees meeting the case of ERM was considered; it was not clear whether he had received a report from her; Trustees feel they ought to see it if there is one; it was decided to suspend her monthly payments beginning with May; if a report is received he, Prof. Meyer Fortes and Prof. Schapera will decide if it is satisfactory (tpc.)

33     EEP to J.P. Mills, 28 Apr. – has had two long private letters from ERM since the Trustees wrote to her in Dec.; considers she is working well; says he has been the supervisor of many students and does not think they should be made to write formal letters for the Trustees; the Trustees should accept the opinion of the supervisor; since his report is not considered satisfactory he resigns as her supervisor and as a Trustees of the Horniman Fund (tp.)

34     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 29 Apr. – no further payments are to be made to ERM until further notice (tpc.)

35     J.P. Mills to EEP, 1 May – acknowledges his letter of 28 Apr. which the Trustees have not yet seen; lists correspondence concerning ERM since 3 Dec. quoting his comments; ERM was given the benefit of the doubt in Jan. despite his suggestion that the Trustees should take action if nothing had been heard by Christmas; by Apr. there was still no report; the Trustees never meant to criticise his supervision; they were concerned about ERM’s extraordinary behaviour; a special Trustees meeting will be called; hopes he can attend; copies sent to Prof. Daryll Forde, Prof. Schapera and WBF. 2 leaves (tpc.)

36     EEP to J.P. Mills, 2 May – does not see the matter in the light he has presented; sets out his own views; he received a report from ERM in two parts after the Trustees wrote to her; he reported to the Trustees that she was working well; this report was not accepted so he resigned; believes the misunderstanding has arisen because ERM thought that her reports should be addressed to her supervisor and not the body of the Trustees; she probably also thought he was still President of the RAI and Chairman of the Horniman Trustees (tp.)

37     EEP to ERM, 28 May 1952 – the Trustees require a report of her progress by the end of July; they have twice threatened to stop her allowance; only his own intervention prevented this; has had to say that if she does not present a report he will not interfere again; they want to know when she is coming back and when she intends to writing up her research (tpc.)

38     WBF to EEP, 29 May – J.P. Mills says he has written to the bank and reinstated ERM’s allowances (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/3, 27 May 1952, f. 60 and 10/1/9, 27 May 1952 below

39     Godfrey Lienhardt c/o the Governor, Sudan to EEP, 23 June – has had a visit from ERM who has now returned to her village; there is no doubt that she is working satisfactorily; she supposed she had to submit a major report or would have sent more regular progress reports; considers her a first-class fieldworker (autogr.)

40     ERM to Trustees, 26 June – is at present preparing a report of her work over the last year; will post it before the end of the month; describes her proposed itinerary; hope to depart some time in Sep.; will stay at Oxford until her thesis is completed in June or July 1953; is able to finance herself after her Horniman grant runs out; apologises for the anxiety she has caused; lists the places she has visited over the last year; was too busy observing to feel ready to present a report; Dr Lienhardt then told her something less formal was required; is sorry she did not realise earlier; is pleased with the way her work has gone; hope her final production will convince them she has worked hard. 2 leaves (tp.)

41     EEP to J.P. Mills, 30 June – has heard from ERM who is preparing a report for the Trustees; encloses a letter from Dr Lienhardt (8/4/39 above) (tp.)

42     ACB to ERM, 7 July – assures her that her letter will be set before the Trustees as soon as possible; has told EEP (tpc.)

43     ERM to EEP, -July – full research report; invites criticisms before her return to England. 40 leaves (tp.)

44     EEP to ACB, 29 Nov. – ERM returned to England in Oct.; she is now working on her field material; hopes it will be published in the Journal; she has done excellent work; she can finance herself at Oxford (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/4, 3 Dec. 1952, f. 62 and 10/1/12, 3 Dec. 1952 below

45     EEP to ACB, 1 Dec. 1952– will not be able to make the Trustees meeting; encloses ERM’s report for the Trustees to see; J.P. Mills has seen and approved it (tp.)

46     ERM to WBF, [Dec.] – on paying her Fellowship subscription; was disturbed to hear that he said she had taken a lot of RAI Library books with her to the Sudan; she took three anthropological books which were her own (autogr.)

47     ACB to ERM, 30 Dec. – she was elected a Fellow on 6 June 1950; encloses a banker’s form for payment; thinks there must be a mistake about WBF asking for Library books; the only person who would have chased her about such things would be the Librarian (tpc.); see also 11/1/3, 14 May 1953 below

9/     Awards made in 1951. Chair Prof. E.E. Evans-Pritchard

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     Report for 1950-1, nd – two awards provisionally made before examination results obtained confirmed in autumn of 1950; awards made to R.E. Bradbury and Elinor MacHatton; reports also on D.P.M. Morton-Williams and H.A. Powell; new awards will again await examination results; on publication of Eva Meyerowitz’s book, Akan traditions of origin; on necessity of using caution in awarding Studentships; news of C.S. Belshaw, Audrey Butt, D.P.L. Dry, F.J.H. Huxley, Edna Payn, E.L. Peters and Barbara Ward. 2 pp. (tp.)

2     FS to EEP, 25 May – has written to A.T. Carey and the others; says that the Trustee have decided to support J. D. Freeman vis- à-vis the Colonial Office; has asked him to visit her when he arrives in England (tpc.)

3     Rotation of Trustees. CM/80/5. Lists present Trustees until Annual General Meeting on 26 June and those to retire (tp.) move to 9/1

4     FS to Prof. Daryll Forde, 22 Nov. – asks for report on R.E. Bradbury and for any news on D.P.M. Morton-Williams and H.A. Powell (tpc.)


5     Winston, Turnbull & Co., 19 Mar. 1952 – balance sheet and accounts as at 31 Dec. 1951. 3 leaves (tp.)

*2/     Unsuccessful Applications

List of applications in alphabetical order:

John Derek Freeman, Edward Torrence Sherwood, Yelagalawaddi Vedavyasacharya Surendranath, Margaret Elizabeth Armit, Eyo Bassey Ndem, Robert Patrick Barten Paine, Arthur Thomas Porter, Margaret Anne Cooper, Ronald Jonas Frankenberg, Philip Garigue, Alan Frederick Hatfull, Greta Maude James, Eva Maria Jourdan, Violaine Idelette Junod, Rachel Rhona Pinder, Valerie Bertha Semple, Michael Godfrey Swift see 12/2/1

3/     Alexander Timothy Carey

One year training award 1951-2. Training studentship. Supervisor E.R. Leach. Grant £320


1     ATC, 19 Mar. 1951 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

2     Ibid., [19 Mar.] – appendix A; proposed subject and region of study. 7 leaves (tp.)

3     Ibid., [19 Mar.] – appendix B; estimate of expenditure (tp.)

4     E.R. Leach to FS, 29 Mar. – reference. 2 leaves (tp.)

5     Otto L. Shaw to FS, 2 Apr. – recommends ATC (tp.)

6     D.M. Schneider, 3 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

7     FS to EEP, 15 May – encloses minutes of last Horniman meeting; presumes she can tell ATC that he has been successful and the other candidates that they have not; asks about ATC’s supervisor (tp.); see also 9/1/2, 25 May 1951 above

8     FS to ATC, 4 June – he has been awarded £320 for one year (tpc.)

9     ATC to FS, 6 June – thanks her for her letter; gives address of his bank (autogr.)

10     DHFW to Coutts & Co., 31 Aug. – on ATC’s grant (tpc.)

11     FS to ATC, 5 Sep. – arrangements have been made to transfer his grant; his supervisor is Dr E.R. Leach (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/1, 4 Dec. 1951, f. 56


12     [FS] to Dr E.R. Leach, 3 Apr. 1952 – asks for report on ATC for the Trustees meeting (tpc.)

13     Dr E.R. Leach to FS, 4 Apr. 1952 – ATC’s work has been satisfactory; he obtained a second class degree; had hoped to obtain funding from the Colonial Social Science Research Council; no support was forthcoming; he read widely while hoping to do field work; now is working with Prof. Schapera on a different area (tp.)

14     ACB to Dr E.R. Leach, 25 Nov. – WBF asks for a report on ATC for the Trustees meeting (tpc.)

15     Dr E.R. Leach to ACB, 27 Nov. – ATC’s Studentship terminated on 30 Sep.; he is no longer under his supervision; describes the work he has done over the last year; he still wishes to do some anthropological fieldwork (tp.); see also Horniman minutes HT/81/4, 3 Dec. 1952, f. 62 and 10/1/2,5,12 below

10/     1952. Chair J. Philip Mills

‘The Trustees report that no Studentships were awarded during the year under review. An examination of the amount allocated to students since 1945, and of the steadily and steeply rising cost of fieldwork caused the Trustees to decide to conserve their resources during 1952 and to examine the position again later in the year before making an announcement for 1953’ JRAI vol. 82, p. 94

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     DHFW to Trustees, nd – details financial position; recommends them not to commit money (HT/81/2)(tp.)

2     Draft of above, differently expressed (tpc.)

3     Report 1951-2. HT/81/2 – no Studentships awarded; increase in fieldwork expenses has caused the Trustees to conserve their resources; position to be re-examined later in the year; brief reports on R.E. Bradbury, A.T. Carey and Elinor MacHatton; on publication of Eva Meyerowitz’s books (tp.)

4     [ACB to Trustees, 1 Apr.?] – rotation of Trustees (tp.)

5     Ibid., to J. Philip Mills, 10 May – DHFW has asked her to confirm that he is lunching with the other officers and Ambrose Appelbe next Tuesday; WBF says Ivan Horniman will be away; wonders if the meeting should go on without him (tpc.)

6     Prof. Meyer Fortes to ACB, 2 Dec. – is sorry that he is unable to attend tomorrow’s meeting; briefly reports on D.P.L. Dry, F.J.H. Huxley and Edna Payn (autogr.)

7     DHFW to Trustees, 31 Dec. 1952 – note arising from meeting, HT/81/4; the financial position is better than suggested but not strong enough to warrant a reversal of their decision (tp.)


8     Winston, Turnbull & Co., 2 Mar. 1953 – balance sheet and accounts as at 31 Dec. 1952. 3 leaves (tp.)

11/     1953. Chair J. Philip Mills

‘The Trustees report that no Studentships were awarded during the session under review as they wished to continue to conserve their resources. They hope, however, to resume awards in 1954’ JRAI vol. 83, p. 105

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     Ivan Horniman, Martock, Somerset to WBF, 28 Apr. – now lives so far from London that is not seeking re-appointment as a Trustee (autogr.)

2     WBF to Ivan Horniman, 8 May – Council sorry to hear of his decision and hopes that he will reconsider; Emslie Horniman wanted a member of his family to be among the Trustee; asks if he can suggest someone; would value his support in ensuring that the original purpose of the Fund is kept to (tpc.)

3     Ibid., to ACB, 14 May – since no awards are to be made a Spring meeting is not thought necessary; the brief report included is to be added to the Annual Report; reports that it is hoped to resume awards in 1954; on Elinor MacHatton and Eva Meyerowitz’s book (tpc.)

4     Ivan Horniman to WBF, 16 May – cannot alter his decision; has not been able to persuade any member of his family to replace him (autogr.)

5     ACB to Prof. H.M. Gluckman, 9 June – he has been nominated to fill a vacancy among the Trustees of the Horniman Fund (tpc.)

6     Prof. H.M. Gluckman to WBF, 15 June – accepts nomination (tp.)

7     Neville Dyson-Hudson to WBF, 22 Nov. – enquires about the Horniman grant on the advice of Dr E.J. Lindgren; explains his current situation; has been encouraged to continue with anthropology by Prof. Fortes; Dr Peristiany thinks well of his work; wishes to study the Karamajong of Northern Uganda (tp.)


8     Winston, Turnbull & Co., [Mar.] 1954 – balance sheet and accounts as at 31 Dec. 1953. 3 leaves (tpc.)

12/     1954. Chair Prof. Raymond Firth

‘During the session the Trustees have announced their intention of making one or more awards for the academic year 1954-5, and a number of applications which have been received are being examined by the Trustees’ JRAI vol. 84, p. 168

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     WBF to Trustees, 19 Jan. – a meeting (HT/83/1) to discuss the resumption of awards is to be held on 18 Feb.; the meeting would have taken place in Dec. last year but had to be postponed due to staff changes in the office (tpc.)

2     D.A. Mustchin, accountant to DHFW, 17 Feb. – details of financial matters concerning the Fund (tpc.)

3     Draft announcement that British subjects are invited to apply for Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarships by 30 Apr. 1954, [Feb.] (autogr.)

4     WBF to Trustees, 4 Mar. – minutes of RAI Council meeting, (CM/83/6); agenda Item 7; rotation of Trustees; lists Trustees until 24 June 1954 (tp.)

5     Prof. H.M. Gluckman to WBF, 1 June – asks for meeting to select new students to coincide with the presentation of the Rivers medal as it costs him so much to travel to London (tp.)

6     WBF to Trustees, 15 June – preliminary notice of meeting (HT/83/2); the 24 June would suit Trustee from outside London; asks if this is acceptable (tpc.)

7     List of applications received – brief details of William Johnson Argyle, William George Brown, A.R.W. Crosse-Upcott, Neville Dyson-Hudson, Eric Gordon Firth, Darrell Hilton Henderson, Ioan Myrrdin Lewis, Barbara Edith Powrie, S.G. Pal, K.S. Ramakrishna Rao, Frank Williams Skinner, Phyllis Mary Taylor, Usman Shah Afridi, A. Vilakazi, Sybil Wolfram and Audrey Wipper (tpc.)

8     Studentships 1954 (HT/83/2) – full details of above. 11 pp. (tp.)

9     ACB to WBF, listing action to be taken before next meeting – interviews to be arranged; D.H. Henderson to be told to apply next year; invitation to Ivan Horniman; reports to be requested from supervisors; short list to be compiled; unsuccessful applicants to be informed (tpc., autogr.)

10     Action sheet (HT/83/2) – shorter list of 8 applications to be circulated; references to be taken up; next meeting; interviews; news of past students to be asked for; Ivan Horniman to be invited to informal meeting; list of the 8 applications (tpc.)

11     WBF to Prof. H.M. Gluckman, 16 July 1954 – is glad he hopes to be able to attend meeting of 22 July; the question of expenses is still at issue; Ivan Horniman has objected (tpc.)

12     EEP to WBF, 20 July – is sorry he will not be able to attend meeting; considers that I.M. Lewis is the best of the applicants; he may however be awarded a Colonial Social Science Research Council fellowship (tp.)

13     HJB to Prof. R. Firth, 22 July – owing to grave illness of a relation will not be able to attend meeting; I.M. Lewis is his first choice, G.W. Brown second and A. Vilakazi third; would favour two or possibly three awards being made (autogr.)

14     Shortlist with additional information (HT/83/3) – W.J. Argyle, application withdrawn; G.W. Brown, information from Mrs Douglas; A.R.W. Crosse-Upcott, information not received; I.M. Lewis, information from Sir Hector Hetherington, Dr J.C. Trevor and Dr Lienhardt; Barbara E. Powrie, information from E.R. Leach; U.S. Afridi, information from Prof. B.R. Williams and Dr W.A. Jenkins; Sybil Wolfram, application withdrawn. 3 leaves (tp.)

15     Additional information to shortlist (HT/83/3) – A. Vilakazi, opinion from Dr Barnes (tp.)

16     Additional information to shortlist circulated 19 July (HT/83/3) – A. Vilakazi, opinion from Dr Kuper (tp.)

17     WBF to Trustees not present at meeting of 22 July, 24 July – asked for their opinions on recommendations and whether a further meeting should be arranged (HT/83/3)(tpc.)

18     Ibid., 23 Oct. – there will be a meeting on 28 Oct. to discuss whether an award should be made to A.R.W. Crosse-Upcott (tpc.)

19     DHFW to Kimber Bull & Co., 28 Oct. – has been asked by the President to query bill for professional charges; asked TWH’s opinion on some investments; he replied over the telephone that it was in order; the Officers feel that no charge should have been made for this (tpc.)

20     John Kusel, Kimber Bull & Co. to DHFW, 29 Oct. 1954 – agrees to drop charge; hopes to arrange a meeting as suggested (tp.)

2/     Unsuccessful Applications

In alphabetical order:

U.S. Afridi, W.J. Argyle, Neville Dyson-Hudson, E.G. Firth, D.H. Henderson, F.W. Skinner, Phyllis M. Taylor, Trude Scarlett Trent, Audrey Wipper, Sybil Wolfram

1     List of unsuccessful applications for 1950, 1951 and 1954. 2 leaves (tp.) see also 8/2; 9/2 above
