Home Archives & Manuscripts Archive Contents Emslie Horniman Scholarship Fund A66 EMSLIE HORNIMAN ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND (A66 – 10 of 17)

4/     Colin Macmillan Turnbull. Bambuti Pygmies of the Ituri forest region.

1956-7. Supervisor EEP. Grant £1000. Publications Legends of the HaMbuti in JRAI VOL. 89, i; Fieldwork among the HaMbuti Pygmies, Belgian Congo in Man, 51, 1960


1     CMT to WBF, 8 Mar. 1956 – has been advised by the Institute of Social Anthropology, Oxford to apply for an application form in order to get a grant so he can write up and complete his researches (tp.)

2     Ibid., 14 Mar. – encloses his application form; will also be applying for a grant from the Goldsmiths Company (tp.)

3     CMT, 14 Mar. – application form. 4 pp. (tp.); see also 14/1/3 above

4     Ibid., [14 Mar.] – supplement to application form; gives details of the studies he has already undertaken; owns recording equipment which he will be able to use for further work. 2 leaves (tp.)

5     Revd A.C. Raby to MWS, 6 Apr. – considers CMT capable of greatness. 2 pp. (tp.)

6     Sir Lancelot Graham to [MWS], 8 Apr. – endorses his application. 3 pp. (autogr.); see also 14/1/8 above

7     EEP, 12 Apr. – warmly recommends him for a Studentship. 2 leaves (autogr.)

8     CMT to MWS, 3 May – has withdrawn his application to the Goldsmiths Company; wishes to remain at Oxford for a year to complete his study before embarking on more field work; asks for his form to be amended accordingly (tp.)

9     Beatrice Blackwood to WBF, 4 May – encloses an explanatory letter from CMT to T.K. Penniman (/10 below) (tp.)

10     CMT to T.K. Penniman, 4 May – outlines his future plans; reassures him that he will be writing up his pygmy material before starting on anything else. 2 leaves (tp.)

11     EEP to WBF, 18 June – CMT has been awarded distinction (tp.)

12     WBF to CMT, 21 June – he has been awarded a Studentship for two years; further arrangements can be discussed with EEP (tpc.); see also Horniman minutes HT/85/3, 5 June 1956, f. 77

13     CMT to WBF, [24 June] 1956 – thanks him for his letter; has written to MWS and EEP; is going to New York in three weeks to study manuscripts left by Patrick Putnam; will write again when he has something to offer for Man (autogr.)

14     Ibid., to MWS, 24 June – is pleased with his offer of a Studentship; worried about writing up his research within the two years; will be guided by EEP; mentions his work in New York; asks about payments of the grant (autogr.)

15     EEP to WBF, 25 June – is glad CMT has got an award; will arrange for him to write up his material before leaving Oxford (tp.)

16     CMT to MWS, [July] – has spoken to EEP about his programme; asks about money; would appreciate having some for his return trip from America (autogr.)

17     MWS to CMT, 12 July – is arranging to have a cheque drawn up as he requested (tpc.)

18     CMT to MWS, 13 July – is grateful for the advance; is looking forward to going through Patrick Putnam’s notes on pygmies; on arrangements for the rest of his grant payments; is in contact with T.K. Penniman and EEP about his work (tp.)

19     Ibid., to George Beresford-Stooke, 16 July – asks for a cheque to made for CMT as an advance from his grant; he is doing some preparatory work in New York (tpc.)

20     MWS to CMT, 23 July – encloses cheque; is making arrangements for the remaining payments (tpc.)

21     J.R. Turnbull to MWS, 25 July – the cheque arrived just after his son had sailed for New York; will pay it into his bank in Oxford (tp.)

22     CMT to MWS, 8 Sep. – has been going through Patrick Putnam’s papers which are very copious and disorganised; had to spend some time in hospital where Mrs Anne Putnam visited him every day and gave him some useful information; is copying as many of the notes as possible and will go through them in Oxford with his own material; will be working with Dr John Peristiany and T.K. Penniman; if he comes across anything of value will write an article for Man (tp.)

23     Ibid., 18 Oct. – is back from New York; managed to go through all of Patrick Putnam’s folders; thinks there is some worth-while material; Dr J.G. Peristiany has suggested he writes something for publication by the International African Institute; asks what the Horniman Trustees would feel about this; hopes to arrange a meeting with her; on his payments; will be leaving for the Congo next July (tp.)

24     MWS to George Beresford-Stooke, 23 Oct. 1956 – on payments of CMT’s grant (tpc.)

25     CMT to Janet L.D. Anderson, 2 Nov. – on his second year payments; will send details of his passage after Christmas; asks if there are any Flemish speakers at the Institute who could help him with some articles (tp.)

26     MWS to CMT, 5 Nov. – the Trustees like to see students’ manuscripts; however they are often agree to publication by another body; suggests he sends in his completed manuscripts with a note; urges him to prepare something for Man (tpc.)

27     CMT to MWS, 18 Nov. – will soon be in London; hopes to meet (autogr.)

28     Janet L.D. Anderson, Secretary to the Officers, 21 Nov. – MWS is in bed with a cold; read her his letter over the telephone; hopes to see him on Monday (tpc.)

29     CMT to Janet L.D. Anderson, 22 Nov. – further attempts to arrange a meeting (tp., with autogr. notes by Miss Anderson)


30     CMT to MWS, 11 Jan. 1957 – is sorry they never managed to meet; hopes she is better; spent all last term going through the notes he collected in America; after Christmas visited Prof. Olbrechts in Brussels and had meetings with Meyussen, Maesen and Dr Boone; gave a lecture at the Musée du Congo Belge; Prof. Olbrechts wants him to give another before he leaves for his field work; he is ready to publish his monograph when he returns; on material for Man; his plans have been disrupted by the Suez crisis; has rearranged his route; wants to secure his passage right away; asks for his travel money now rather than when he originally suggested. 2 leaves (tp.)

31     MWS to CMT, 15 Jan. – is also sorry they never met; glad he had a successful time in Brussels; sends her regards to Prof. Olbrechts and his wife; asks for copies of any of his manuscripts for the Trustees; has arranged for his travel money (tpc.)

32     CMT to Janet L.D. Anderson, 11 Feb. – is grateful to have the cheque for his transport; will let her know details when finalised; has bought himself a motor bicycle and sidecar to travel from the Gold Coast to the Congo and back (tp.)

33     CMT to MWS, 7 May 1957 – is sailing from Marseilles on 8 Aug.; on transfer of his money; has almost completed his thesis; will submit sections for Man; has already offered an article to the JRAI; expects she saw an uncomplimentary article about him in Apr. Man by Father Paul Schebesta (Man vol. LVII, no. 72, Apr., p. 62); his reply ought to be in the June issue; [see Man Aug. 1957, no. 157, p. 128]; delighted that ‘battle has opened’ (tp.)

34     MWS to CMT, 10 May – glad he has submitted some articles; thought Father Paul Schebesta’s comments were in bad taste but reckons any publicity is good publicity; Janet L.D. Anderson is making arrangements for his payments (tpc.)

35     Beatrice Wyatt, Secretary International African Institute to WBF, 26 Aug. – thanks him for his letter on CMT’s application for a grant; will tell Prof. Daryll Forde what he has said about the Horniman grant; does not believe it will be sufficient (tp.; autogr. note by WBF to MWS, 29 Aug. – asks her to tell Prof. Forde that the Horniman should pay for CMT; says his interest is in music; does not want the International African Institute to get the ‘cream of the work’)

36     J. Peristiany to MWS, 20 Nov. – reports favourably on CMT (autogr.); see also Horniman minutes HT/86/2, 26 June 1957, f. 84

37     CMT to MWS, 25 Nov. – arrived in the Congo at the beginning of Oct.; has been very busy; has some information not collected by Patrick Putnam or Schebesta; will write it up for Man; asks for suggestions on form of articles (tp.)


38     Ibid., to Trustees, 24 Feb. 1959 – has been very busy trying to get things in order; has spent some time in the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and is almost better; recommends a check-up at the hospital for other Horniman students; completed his field work in Nov.; visited Father Paul Schebesta in Vienna on his way home; on his study; more works needs to be done urgently as the Belgian Government is going to attempt a settlement plan on the pygmies; is working on his thesis with Dr Rodney Needham as supervisor; will send material for Man; has made a collection for the Horniman Museum; in Sep. is taking up a post as Assistant Curator at the Natural History Museum in America. 2 leaves (tp.)

39     MWS to CMT, 9 Apr. – on arrangements for a meeting at which he could present a lecture on pygmy music; Patrick Saul is lending the necessary equipment (tpc.)

40     CMT to MWS, 11 Apr. 1959 – is sorry that at such short notice he will not be able to present the lecture; is in chaos due to moving house (tp.)


41     MWS to Trustees, [25 Sep.] – on publication grant for CMT; detachable reply slip (tp.); see also 17/1/4 below

*5/     Robert Leonard Wishlade

1957. studentship. Supervisor Dr Meinhard. Grant £400. Extended by £100, 22 July 1957. Total £500

see also Horniman minutes HT/85/3,/86/2,/86/3,/87/1, 5 June 1956, 26 June, 19 July 1957, 6 May 1958, ff. 77, 84, 87, 90

15/     Awards made in 1957. Chair Lord Raglan

1/     Trustees’ Business

1     Invitation to applications for Horniman Studentships 1957 (printed)

2     MWS to Trustees, 31 July – the Council of the Institute wishes for a full report of the activities of the Emslie Horniman Anthropological Scholarship Fund; suggests a grant to the Institute from the Fund for the compilation of such a report by the administrative staff; detachable form for reply as to whether Trustee agrees to making of grant (tpc., autogr. list of Trustees ticked for agreement, or comments)

3     Ibid., to Coutts & Co., 6 Aug. – lists Trustees for 1957-8 (tpc.)

4     Ibid., to Trustees, 22 Oct. – asks for opinions on whether money should be granted for the publication of A. Joan Metge’s paper recommended by Prof. R. Firth; also whether J.A.R. Blacking could have his grant commence in Feb. 1958 as he requests, and if he can have extra funds for recording equipment (tpc.)

5     Ibid., 22 Nov. – it has been agreed that money should be paid for the publication of A. Joan Metge’s article in Man; payments on J.A.R. Blacking’s grant should start in 1958; there was disagreement about his request for a further grant for equipment; has suggested he makes an application which can be discussed next spring (tpc.)

6     [MWS to Trustees], [nd] – Emslie Horniman Publications Fund; discusses points raised in connection with funding publications of Horniman students; if the suggested ruling is made retroactive Irawati Karvé, Judith Djamour, Barbara Ward, C.S. Belshaw, Eva Meyerowitz, J. Spillius, and R.E. Bradbury would come up for refund

The applications of Miss Jane Dickinson and James Walton were unsuccessful see HT/86/1, 1 May 1957, f. 41b

Applications from Miss Isabel Emmett, S.K. Karimi, J.M. Matthews, C.J. Sackur and Paul Spencer were unsuccessful; primary consideration given to R.G. Abrahams, J.A.W. Forge, Miss Susan Hubert, D.K. Sen, R.L. Wishlade and J.C. Woodburn; secondary consideration given to D.H.P. Maybury-Lewis and G.E.T. Wijeyewardene; consideration also to be given to Parkinson Bwalya Mwewa see HT/86/2,/86/3, 26 June, 19 July 1957, ff. 42b, 43b- 44b

2/     John Anthony Waldo Forge. Art and economics, social structure and religion in New Guinea.

1957-8. Grant £1450. Extended by £550. Total £2000. Publication – read paper at RAI, 2 Feb. 1961 ‘Abelam art and ritual’


1     JAWF, 26 Apr. 1957 – application form. 4 pp. (tp.)

2     Ibid., [26 Apr.] – outline of research project; has been in touch with Mr Julius and Prof. Bühler; has had help from Dr Phyllis Kaberry; if unable to go on field trip this year will continue to study museum material. 4 leaves (tp.)

3     Prof. Meyer Fortes to MWS, 1 July –reference (tp.)

4     MWS to JAWF, 22 July – the Trustees have awarded him a Studentship for one year (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/86/3, 19 July 1957, f. 87

5     Janet L.D. Anderson, Secretary to the Officers, to JAWF, 13 Sep. – MWS has arranged for him to meet Hugh Pitt (tpc.)

6     Ibid., 16 Sep. – encloses cheque; another has been sent to Pitt & Scott Ltd for the deposit on his passage to Australia (tpc.)

7     J.A. Fraser Roberts, President to Whom it may concern, 7 Nov. – certifies that JAWF is a Horniman student; any help offered him would be appreciated (tpc.)


8     JAWF to MWS, 9 Feb. 1958 – progress report; asks for money to be sent as soon as possible; intends making an application for next years Horniman grant (tp.)

9     Joan Edwards, Administrative Secretary to JAWF, 11 Mar. – the transfer of money has been arranged and his subscription fees deducted as requested; confirms that Horniman applications must be in by 30 Apr. (tpc.)

10     JAWF to MWS, 28 Mar. – thanks her for attending to his financial affairs; encloses application form; travelling restrictions due to the polio epidemic have been lifted; it rains most of the time (tp.)

11     JAWF, [28 Mar.] – application for a Horniman Studentship (tp.)

12     Prof. R. Firth to MWS, 2 May – is willing to give a report on JAWF at the next Trustees’ meeting; has received two excellent reports from him; thinks it would be helpful to make him an extra grant to enable him to stay longer in the field as he has learnt the language and is in a position to do useful work (tp.)

13     Joan Edwards to JAWF, 16 May – the Trustees have agreed to an extension of his grant (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/87/1, 6 May 1958, f. 90

14     JAWF to MWS, 31 May – on financial arrangements (tp.)

15     MWS to JAWF, 2 July – apologises for the delay in answering; gives details of payments (tpc.)

16     JAWF to MWS, 31 July – has made arrangements for a cheaper alternative method of transport; feels that time and money are running out; assures her he will cope financially and is collecting valuable material (tp.)

17     Joan Edwards to JAWF, 18 Aug. – a further sum has been transferred to his bank (tpc.)


18     Prof. R. Firth to MWS, 4 Mar. 1959 – has heard from JAWF that Prof. Bühler has asked him to collect specimens for the Basel Museum and to accompany him on a trip; he is willing to pay JAWF’s expenses; has cabled JAWF with his approval of this; asks Trustees to ratify his action; regards him as an excellent student and this as a good opportunity; hopes to arrange further funds for him after his return (tp.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/88/1, 12 May 1959, f. 94

19     MWS to Trustees, 10 Mar. 1959 – conveys Prof. R. Firth’s news about JAWF; appends returnable form agreeing or disagreeing with delay in JAWF’s return from the field (tpc.)

Return slips from Sir George Beresford-Stooke, Adrian Digby, EEP, Dr A.E. Mourant, J. Fraser Roberts, Dr O.W. Samson, Miss Gertrude Caton Thompson and DHFW all agreeing with proposal not retained

20     MWS to Prof. R. Firth, 16 Mar. – the Trustees’ replies have confirmed that his action was validated (tpc.)

21     Ibid., to JAWF, 6 Nov. – gives details of payments into his account (tpc.)


22     JAWF to MWS, 23 Mar. 1960 – intends visiting Basle to study the museum collection at the end of Apr.; asks for the money reserved for this purpose to be paid (tp.)

23     Ibid., 26 Apr. – encloses an application for a further Horniman grant (tp.)

24     JAWF [to Trustees, 26 Apr.] – asks for a supplementary grant; field expenses were very high and he had to use some of his own money; photographic expenses have been heavy; some help towards this is coming from a grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation; analysis of the material is proceeding slowly; he needs support for an extra three or four months. 2 leaves (tp.)

25     MWS to JAWF, 15 June – is sorry that the Trustees cannot further extend his grant (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/89/1, 10 May 1960, f. 98 and 23/2/5; 26/6/3; 27/3/5.3,.10,.12-.15 below

3/     David Henry Peter Maybury-Lewis. Study of the social organisation of the Ge tribes of Central Brazil.

1957-9. Grant £1260


1     DHPM-L to MWS, 23 Apr. – encloses his application form and other documents (tp.)

2     Ibid., 23 Apr. 1957 – application form. 4 pp. (autogr.)

3     Ibid., [23 Apr.] – budget of estimated expenses. 2 leaves (tp.)

4     DHPM-L to MWS, [23 Apr.1957] – copy of letter of reference from Prof. Herbert Baldus, original written on 14 Aug. 1956 (tpc.)

5     G.E.S. Turner to MWS, 26 Apr. – recommends DHPM-L to the Trustees (tp.)

6     Miss Beatrice M. Blackwood to MWS, 27 Apr. – ibid. (tp.)

7     R.H. Parry to MWS, 27 Apr. – ibid.; also recommends his wife. 2 leaves (tp.)

8     J.H.M. Beattie to Trustees, 2 July – DHPM-L is a suitable candidate (tp.)

9     Rodney Needham to MWS, 3 July – ibid. (tp.)

10     DHPM-L to MWS, 6 July – is available for interview on 19 July; has been awarded a distinction at the Institute of Anthropology, Oxford; on some changes to the budget he submitted; needs to start his fieldwork before the end of 1957 or he will forfeit his Brazilian grant. 3 pp. (tp.)

11     MWS to DHPM-L, 9 July – he will have the opportunity to bring up any points he wishes to raise at his interview (tpc.)

12     Ibid., 22 July – he has been awarded a Studentship for two years; an extra sum has been granted for the purchase of technical equipment; money from the resale of this at the end of his Studentship is to be returned to the Fund; asks for details on the payment of the award which is due to start in Oct. (tpc.); see also Horniman Minutes, HT/86/3, 19 July 1957, f. 87

13     Janet L.D. Anderson, Secretary to the Officers to President, 24 July – MWS wishes to arrange a convenient time to discuss what equipment DHPM-L should buy (tpc.)

14     DHPM-L to Janet L.D. Anderson, 1 Aug. – sets out details of his expenses; asks for the first payment to be made as soon as possible as he is already having to make travel arrangements (tp.)

15     Ibid., to MWS, 21 Aug. – is concerned his first letter did not arrive (15/3/14 above); restates the contents (tp., autogr. note by Janet L.D. Anderson that she delayed replying as she hoped to be able to tell him his cheque had been sent; DHFW has only just returned it)

16     Janet L.D. Anderson to DHPM-L, 28 Aug. 1957 – apologises for any inconvenience; explains that signature of the cheque was delayed because of the holidays; MWS thinks Hugh Pitt may have been in touch with him about cameras and film; if not he should contact him before making a purchase; the money has gone to his bank in England; he will have to arrange transfer to Brazil (tpc.)

17     Ibid., 29 Aug. – MWS asks for a list of equipment he is purchasing with the extra grant (tpc.)

18     DHPM-L to Janet L.D. Anderson, 29 Aug. – assures her he has suffered no inconvenience; intends to sail at the end of Sep.; has not heard from Hugh Pitt; is making arrangements with his bank (autogr.)

19     Janet L.D. Anderson to Hugh Pitt, 2 Sep. – gives DHPM-L’s present address in Denmark; asks him to give him his advice on cameras and film (tpc.)

20     DHPM-L to MWS, 2 Sep. – is returning to England during the week; hopes to arrange a meeting to discuss what equipment he should purchase (autogr.)

21     ERLMI Sales & Service to the RAI, 30 Sep. – list of recording equipment (tp., marked ‘passed by the Executive Committee, 24 Oct.)

22     DHPM-L to MWS, 2 Oct. – is sorry he had to leave London without seeing her or giving her a list of his equipment; notes what he has bought with approximate costs; is in Denmark intending to sail on the first boat from Copenhagen to Brazil; gives his address in Brazil (autogr.)

23     Patrick Saul, British Institute of Recorded Sound to DHPM-L, 17 Oct. – on recording equipment (tpc.)

24     DHPM-L to MWS, 4 Nov. – has been delayed in Denmark as the boat they hoped to catch went direct to Argentina; gives full account for the equipment grant; asks for money as soon as possible as he needs to book return passages as early as he can; hopes now to sail on 14 Nov. (tp.)

25     MWS to Patrick Saul, 7 Nov. – encloses cheque for DHPM-L’s equipment (tpc.)

26     Patrick Saul to MWS, 14 Nov. – returns the cheque; DHPM-L had already paid; asks if he can experiment with copying phonograph cylinders which WBF mentioned; the Librarian is looking out for them (tp.)

27     Miss Brownlee J. Kirkpatrick, Librarian to MWS, 22 Nov. 1957 – is having no luck tracing the cylinders for Patrick Saul (tp.)


28     DHPM-L to MWS, 21 July 1958 – gives a progress report; was held up for four months due to Customs’ refusal to allow his equipment into the country; was helped by the Foreign Ministry; more difficulties with transport to the field; has been without supplies or means of communication; abandonment of their village by the tribe they had come to study; near death of his small son; necessity for his wife to leave for Sao Paulo; difficulties this has meant for his relations with the tribe; on funds for return voyage; likely difficulties of taking equipment home; asks if the Trustees would sanction the sale of the items in Brazil; he would then refund to them the equipment grant; hopes to be back in Oxford in Jan. 1959. 2 leaves (tp.)

29     Joan Edwards, administrative Secretary to Mrs E.H. Maybury-Lewis, 5 Aug. – is sorry to hear of their misadventures; MWS is on holiday; on their request for money; will show MWS their letter on her return (tpc.)

30     Ibid., 18 Aug. – MWS has returned and has arranged a transfer of money; she says the equipment can be sold in Brazil (tpc.)

31     DHPM-L to Joan Edwards, 15 Oct. – is grateful for the funds which arrived just in time; the baby is better and he and his wife are back with him in the field; does not know if he will be able to visit the village as hoped; a refugee arrived from there wounded by arrows and reporting deaths from illness (tp.)


32     MWS to DHPM-L, 5 Feb. 1959 – supposes he will by now have heard from the Illustrate London News; reminds him to mention his Horniman grant in the piece he writes for them; Patrick Saul would be glad to make free copies of his tapes which would be deposited at the British Institute of Recorded Sound; he also offers help in editing; if he can let her know if discs of language and music can be made from his tapes will try to obtain necessary funds; asks him to present some colour transparencies to the Anthropology Club (tpc.)

33     DHPM-L to MWS, 24 Feb. 1958 – the Illustrated London News have agreed to contact him again later when his photographs have arrived from Denmark; will contact Patrick Saul; has not yet had a chance to listen to his tapes or view his slides; cannot manage the date she suggested to show them; asks the Horniman Trustees to allow him to defer repayment of equipment because of further difficulties with the Brazilian Government over honouring a cheque; hopes to meet her soon; will give news of his academic work; asks about a review he wrote for Man (tp.)

34     Joan Edwards to DHPM-L, 25 Feb. – MWS is in America; has told the Anthropology Club that the date proposed was inconvenient to him; suggests he writes to WBF about the review (tpc.)

35     MWS to DHPM-L, 10 Mar. – has made other arrangements for the Anthropology Club; will discuss his slides when he knows what he has; agrees to deferment of repayment (tpc.)

36     DHPM-L to MWS, 11 Apr. – encloses cheque for first instalment of his repayments on the tape-recorder; has written to Dr Nutels in Rio about the radio transmitter; all his family has been in hospital; he and the baby are now home (tp.)

37     Ibid., 27 July – encloses a further cheque; the radio transmitter has not yet been sold; asks if the Trustees would wish it to be shipped back to England for the use of other scholars (tp.)

38     MWS to DHPM-L, 29 July – the Trustees will be pleased to receive his cheques; they will understand if he has to sell the transmitter at a loss; that would be preferable to attempting to get it back (tpc.)


39     DHPM-L, 7 Feb. – replies to the Horniman questionnaire; see 17/1/5 (autogr.)

40     DHPM-L to MWS, 11 Feb. 1960 – on his subscription to the RAI; has been appointed to an instructorship in social anthropology at Harvard; his Horniman thesis will be submitted in May; once it is completed will prepare some of the material for publication (tp.)

41     MWS to DHPM-L, 23 Feb. – expresses interest in articles for the JRAI or Man; would not want chapters from his thesis; asks about his photographs; suggests an article on some aspect of his work not covered in the thesis for Man (tpc.)

42     DHPM-L to MWS, 10 Mar. 1960 – thanks her for her good wishes on his appointment; returns form requesting current details of one-time Horniman students; has not yet gone through his photographs; will look out for something to illustrate an article for Man as suggested (tp.) see also 24/9/11-12; 49/3/6
